첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 크리스티아누 호날두, 바이낸스 프로모션으로 소송에 직면

Cristiano Ronaldo Faces Lawsuit Over Binance Promotion

크리스티아누 호날두, 바이낸스 프로모션으로 소송에 직면

풀어 주다: 2023/11/29 22:17 읽다: 886


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65672a1387b82a55e2880fbf

크리스티아누 호날두, 바이낸스 프로모션으로 소송에 직면

  • Ronaldo is accused of encouraging and taking part in the sale of unregistered securities.
  • 호날두는 미등록 증권 판매를 장려하고 이에 참여한 혐의로 기소됐다.

  • In mid-2022, Binance and Ronaldo began a multi-year collaboration.
  • 2022년 중반, 바이낸스와 호날두는 다년간의 협력을 시작했습니다.

The world-renowned footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is embroiled in a class action lawsuit that claims he caused investor losses via promotion of the crypto exchange Binance. Ronaldo is accused of encouraging and taking part in the sale of unregistered securities on the Binance exchange in a complaint that was filed in a Florida District Court on November 27th.

In mid-2022, Binance and Ronaldo began a multi-year collaboration to market a number of Ronaldo’s NFTs, with three of the star’s collections associated with Binance. Signups for Ronaldo’s NFTs allegedly increased the likelihood that users would use Binance for other reasons, including as investing in what the lawsuit describes as unregistered securities.

2022년 중반, 바이낸스와 호날두는 바이낸스와 관련된 스타 컬렉션 중 3개를 포함하여 다수의 호날두 NFT를 마케팅하기 위해 다년간의 협력을 시작했습니다. 호날두의 NFT에 가입하면 사용자가 소송에서 미등록 증권으로 설명하는 것에 투자하는 것을 포함하여 다른 이유로 바이낸스를 사용할 가능성이 높아진 것으로 알려졌습니다.

Seeking Damages and Attorney Expenses

Moreover, according to the lawsuit, Ronaldo’s 850 million social media followers were instrumental in Binance’s meteoric rise to fame. Also, they claim that the NFT sales he did were “incredibly successful” in drawing attention to the exchange; in the week after the sale, searches for Binance increased by 500%.

As per the complaint, Ronaldo knew or should have known that Binance was offering unregistered crypto assets because of his extensive knowledge of investing and his ability to hire outside consultants.

Furthermore, Ronaldo was accused of failing to disclose money received for endorsing cryptocurrencies, as stated in the lawsuit, which relies on United States SEC regulations. Gordon Lewis, Mikey Vongdara, and Michael Sizemore are the class action plaintiffs suing for damages and attorney expenses.

게다가 호날두는 미국 SEC 규정에 따른 소송에 명시된 바와 같이 암호화폐 승인을 위해 받은 돈을 공개하지 않은 혐의로 기소됐다. Gordon Lewis, Mikey Vongdara 및 Michael Sizemore는 손해 배상 및 변호사 비용을 청구하는 집단 소송 원고입니다.

The SEC has also filed a lawsuit against Binance. Moreover, Binance is allegedly under investigation by the SEC into allegations of client money misappropriation and unregistered securities sales, among other accusations.

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