首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納爾多因幣安促銷面臨訴訟

Cristiano Ronaldo Faces Lawsuit Over Binance Promotion


發布: 2023/11/29 22:17 閱讀: 886




  • Ronaldo is accused of encouraging and taking part in the sale of unregistered securities.
  • 羅納多被指控鼓勵和參與未註冊證券的銷售。

  • In mid-2022, Binance and Ronaldo began a multi-year collaboration.
  • 2022 年年中,幣安和 C 羅開始了多年合作。

The world-renowned footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is embroiled in a class action lawsuit that claims he caused investor losses via promotion of the crypto exchange Binance. Ronaldo is accused of encouraging and taking part in the sale of unregistered securities on the Binance exchange in a complaint that was filed in a Florida District Court on November 27th.

世界著名足球運動員克里斯蒂亞諾·羅納爾多 (Cristiano Ronaldo) 捲入集體訴訟,指控他透過推廣加密貨幣交易所幣安 (Binance) 造成投資者損失。在 11 月 27 日向佛羅裡達州地方法院提起的訴訟中,羅納多被指控鼓勵並參與在幣安交易所出售未註冊的證券。

In mid-2022, Binance and Ronaldo began a multi-year collaboration to market a number of Ronaldo’s NFTs, with three of the star’s collections associated with Binance. Signups for Ronaldo’s NFTs allegedly increased the likelihood that users would use Binance for other reasons, including as investing in what the lawsuit describes as unregistered securities.

2022 年中期,幣安和 Ronaldo 開始了一項多年合作,以行銷 Ronaldo 的一些 NFT,其中該明星的三個收藏品與 Binance 相關。據稱,註冊羅納多的 NFT 增加了用戶出於其他原因使用幣安的可能性,包括投資訴訟中所描述的未註冊證券。

Seeking Damages and Attorney Expenses


Moreover, according to the lawsuit, Ronaldo’s 850 million social media followers were instrumental in Binance’s meteoric rise to fame. Also, they claim that the NFT sales he did were “incredibly successful” in drawing attention to the exchange; in the week after the sale, searches for Binance increased by 500%.

此外,根據訴訟,羅納多的 8.5 億社交媒體粉絲對幣安的迅速崛起發揮了重要作用。此外,他們還聲稱,他​​所做的 NFT 銷售在吸引人們對交易所的關注方面「非常成功」;發售後一周,幣安的搜尋量增加了 500%。

As per the complaint, Ronaldo knew or should have known that Binance was offering unregistered crypto assets because of his extensive knowledge of investing and his ability to hire outside consultants.


Furthermore, Ronaldo was accused of failing to disclose money received for endorsing cryptocurrencies, as stated in the lawsuit, which relies on United States SEC regulations. Gordon Lewis, Mikey Vongdara, and Michael Sizemore are the class action plaintiffs suing for damages and attorney expenses.

此外,正如訴訟中所述,羅納多被指控未能披露因支持加密貨幣而收到的資金,該訴訟依賴美國證券交易委員會的規定。戈登·劉易斯 (Gordon Lewis)、米奇·馮達拉 (Mikey Vongdara) 和邁克爾·塞茲摩爾 (Michael Sizemore) 是集體訴訟原告,要求賠償損失和律師費。

The SEC has also filed a lawsuit against Binance. Moreover, Binance is allegedly under investigation by the SEC into allegations of client money misappropriation and unregistered securities sales, among other accusations.

美國證券交易委員會也對幣安提起訴訟。此外,據稱幣安正在接受 SEC 調查,涉及挪用客戶資金和未經註冊的證券銷售等指控。

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