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ChatGPT’s Top Picks For Big Gains Before 2023 Ends: Tron (TRX), Dogecoin (DOGE), Everlodge (ELDG)

ChatGPT 在 2023 年結束前大幅上漲的首選:Tron (TRX)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Everlodge (ELDG)

發布: 2023/11/29 22:17 閱讀: 930



ChatGPT 在 2023 年結束前大幅上漲的首選:Tron (TRX)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Everlodge (ELDG)

Buying cryptocurrencies has become mainstream thanks to the potential for remarkable gains. Among the countless choices, specific tokens are potential game-changers for traders. ChatGPT has identified three picks – Tron (TRX), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Everlodge (ELDG) – each presenting its unique case for significant growth before 2023 ends.

由於具有巨大收益的潛力,購買加密貨幣已成為主流。在無數的選擇中,特定的代幣對於交易者來說是潛在的遊戲規則改變者。 ChatGPT 確定了三個選擇:Tron (TRX)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Everlodge (ELDG),每個選擇都展示了其在 2023 年底之前實現顯著增長的獨特案例。

Tron (TRX): A Promising Hold

Tron (TRX):一個充滿希望的持有者

According to ChatGPT, the big blockchain platform Tron (TRX) has steadily gained traction in 2023. The Tron price has increased 92% in the past year, from $0.053 to $0.1018.

據 ChatGPT 稱,大型區塊鏈平台 Tron (TRX) 在 2023 年穩步增長。Tron 價格在過去一年上漲了 92%,從 0.053 美元上漲至 0.1018 美元。

During that time, it has claimed the position of the second-largest L1 blockchain. Its TVL has witnessed an impressive ascent. It has surged from $ 4.1B to $ 7.9B between January and October 2023, a growth rate of 21.6%, according to CoinGecko data. This commendable trajectory indicates Tron’s expanding ecosystem and increasing user engagement.

在此期間,它已經佔據了第二大L1區塊鏈的地位。其 TVL 出現了令人印象深刻的上升。根據 CoinGecko 數據,2023 年 1 月至 10 月期間,它從 $4.1B 飆升至 $7.9B,成長率為 21.6%。這值得稱讚的軌跡顯示波場生態系統不斷擴大,使用者參與度不斷提高。

Trading comfortably above its 100 and 200-day EMAs, Tron exhibits favorable technical indicators. Industry experts are optimistic about TRX in their Tron price predictions. They foresee a potential rise to $0.11 by December 2023, making it a good token for potential gains.

Tron 的交易價格輕鬆高於 100 日和 200 日均線,展現出良好的技術指標。行業專家在 Tron 價格預測中對 TRX 持樂觀態度。他們預計到 2023 年 12 月可能會上漲至 0.11 美元,這使其成為潛在收益的良好代幣。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Beyond Meme Hype

狗狗幣(DOGE):超越 Meme 炒作

While it may have started as a lighthearted coin, Dogecoin (DOGE) has gained substantial momentum – reaching $0.74 in 2021.

雖然狗狗幣 (DOGE) 最初可能是一種輕鬆的代幣,但它已經獲得了巨大的發展勢頭——在 2021 年達到 0.74 美元。

Recently, IntoTheBlock reported a significant milestone for Dogecoin, crossing the threshold of over 5M addresses with a balance. Moreover, a notable surge in Dogecoin’s user activity has occurred, as evidenced by the record-breaking 168,000 active addresses recorded on November 27.

最近,IntoTheBlock 報告了狗狗幣的一個重要里程碑,其餘額突破了超過 500 萬個地址的門檻。此外,狗狗幣的用戶活動顯著激增,11 月 27 日記錄的活躍地址破紀錄的 168,000 個就證明了這一點。

The Dogecoin price has exhibited consistent positive movements, showing a performance of 63% of the last 30 days marked as green. ChatGPT states these impressive metrics and increased user involvement have made for a bullish Dogecoin price prediction. Analysts forecast Dogecoin to hit a price of $0.0880 by the end of 2023.

狗狗幣價格表現出持續的正面趨勢,過去 30 天中有 63% 的表現標記為綠色。 ChatGPT 表示,這些令人印象深刻的指標和用戶參與度的增加使得狗狗幣價格預測看漲。分析師預測,到 2023 年底,狗狗幣的價格將達到 0.0880 美元。

Everlodge (ELDG): Riding the Real Estate Wave

Everlodge (ELDG):駕馭房地產浪潮

According to Statista, the real estate market value will reach $729T by 2028. ChatGPT believes that Everlodge (ELDG) will revolutionize this flourishing industry by creating a one-of-a-kind property marketplace on the blockchain.

據 Statista 稱,到 2028 年,房地產市場價值將達到 729T 美元。ChatGPT 相信 Everlodge (ELDG) 將透過在區塊鏈上創建一個獨一無二的房地產市場來徹底改變這一蓬勃發展的行業。

On this marketplace, anyone may become a fractional owner of a luxurious property starting at just $100. This is possible since Everlodge will digitize and mint high-end assets like villas into NFT and then fractionalize them. As the real-world property gains value, so will the NFTs, which means that the passive income capabilities on Everlodge will be immense.

在這個市場上,任何人都可以成為豪華房產的部分所有者,起價僅為 100 美元。這是可能的,因為 Everlodge 會將別墅等高端資產數位化並鑄造成 NFT,然後對其進行細分。隨著現實世界的房產增值,NFT 也會增值,這意味著 Everlodge 的被動收入能力將是巨大的。

The appeal of becoming a fractional owner and an impressive 150% ROI for early buyers has triggered an Everlodge presale frenzy. Currently, at stage seven, the ELDG token is priced at only $0.025.

成為部分業主的吸引力以及早期買家令人印象深刻的 150% 投資回報率引發了 Everlodge 的預售狂潮。目前,在第七階段,ELDG 代幣的價格僅為 0.025 美元。

Although Everlodge’s core focus is its marketplace, the project’s whitepaper reveals three additional components:

儘管 Everlodge 的核心重點是其市場,但該項目的白皮書揭示了三個額外的組成部分:

  • Lending: Co-owners of marketplace-listed properties can use their property-backed NFTs as collateral to access short to medium-term loans.
  • 貸款:市場上列出的房產的共同所有者可以使用其房產支持的 NFT 作為抵押品來獲得中短期貸款。

  • Rewards Club: You can enjoy complimentary nightly stays, unlocking the potential for resale and generating passive income.
  • 獎勵俱樂部:您可以享受免費的每晚住宿,釋放轉售潛力並產生被動收入。

  • Launchpad: A platform that will allow property developers to raise money from the community while giving them early access.
  • Launchpad:一個平台,讓房地產開發商可以從社區籌集資金,同時讓他們儘早進入。

ChatGPT states all these features could make Everlodge a fan-favorite among millions of real estate enthusiasts. Because of this, experts project the ELDG value to rise to $0.038 before its presale ends and grow by 30x on its launch day. ELDG presents an excellent opportunity to purchase a potential crypto star during its early stages.

ChatGPT 表示,所有這些功能將使 Everlodge 成為數百萬房地產愛好者的最愛。因此,專家預計 ELDG 的價值在預售結束前將升至 0.038 美元,並在發布當天增加 30 倍。 ELDG 提供了在早期階段購買潛在加密明星的絕佳機會。

Visit Everlodge


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免責聲明:本文是新聞稿。 COINTURK NEWS 對本文提及的任何產品或服務相關的任何損壞或損失不承擔任何責任。 COINTURK NEWS建議讀者仔細研究文章中提到的公司。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/chatgpts-top-picks-for-big-gains-before-2023-ends-tron-trx-dogecoin-doge-everlodge-eldg/



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