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Dogecoin-Powered ‘Doge-1’ Mission to the Moon Nears Liftoff with Regulatory Nod


發布: 2023/11/29 22:11 閱讀: 232




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  • The Doge-1 mission, underpinned by Dogecoin funding, edges closer to a moon orbit with recent regulatory approval.
  • 在狗狗幣資助的支持下,Doge-1 任務最近獲得監管機構的批准,距離月球軌道更近了一步。

  • NTIA’s sanction paves the way for the final FCC license, a crucial step for the space endeavor.
  • NTIA 的製裁為最終獲得 FCC 許可鋪平了道路,這是太空事業的關鍵一步。

  • “An exciting development in cryptocurrency’s role in space exploration,” says Samuel Reid, CEO of Geometric Energy Corporation.
  • Geometric Energy Corporation 執行長 Samuel Reid 表示:“加密貨幣在太空探索中的作用取得了令人興奮的發展。”

With its latest regulatory approval, Doge-1, a Dogecoin (DOGE) funded space mission, takes a giant leap towards a moon orbit, marking a groundbreaking moment in both cryptocurrency and space exploration.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 資助的太空任務 Doge-1 獲得最新監管批准,向月球軌道邁出了一大步,標誌著加密貨幣和太空探索的突破性時刻。

Regulatory Approval Fuels Doge-1’s Moon Mission

監管機構的批准為 Doge-1 的月球任務提供了動力



The Doge-1 mission, a pioneering endeavor funded entirely by Dogecoin (DOGE), is inching closer to reality with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) recent approval. This critical milestone leads up to the anticipated Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license, setting the stage for an unprecedented space journey. Doge-1, a cube satellite, is set to orbit the moon, offering a live video feed back to Earth, a first of its kind initiative by Geometric Energy Corporation, a leading name in space technology.

Doge-1 任務是一項完全由狗狗幣 (DOGE) 資助的開創性工作,隨著國家電信和資訊管理局 (NTIA) 最近的批准,它正一步步接近現實。這一重要的里程碑導致了預期的聯邦通訊委員會 (FCC) 許可,為前所未有的太空之旅奠定了基礎。 Doge-1 是一顆立方體衛星,將繞月球運行,向地球提供即時視訊回饋,這是太空技術領先企業幾何能源公司 (Geometric Energy Corporation) 的首個此類舉措。

From Cryptocurrency to Lunar Orbit: The Doge-1 Journey

從加密貨幣到月球軌道:Doge-1 之旅

Announced in May 2021, the Doge-1 satellite represents a unique collaboration between cryptocurrency and space technology. Funded entirely by Dogecoin, it symbolizes the increasing influence of digital currencies in sectors beyond finance. The satellite, slated for a launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, embodies the evolving synergy between cutting-edge technology and innovative funding methods. “The NTIA approval is a pivotal step towards our ambitious moon mission,” stated Samuel Reid, CEO of Geometric Energy Corporation, highlighting the project’s significance in a recent statement.

Doge-1 衛星於 2021 年 5 月宣布,代表了加密貨幣和太空技術之間的獨特合作。它完全由狗狗幣資助,象徵數位貨幣在金融以外的影響力日益增強。這顆衛星計畫由 SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭發射,體現了尖端技術和創新融資方法之間不斷發展的協同作用。 Geometric Energy Corporation 執行長 Samuel Reid 表示:「NTIA 的批准是我們實現雄心勃勃的月球任務的關鍵一步。」他在最近的聲明中強調了該項目的重要性。

A New Era of Space Advertising: The DOGE-1 Satellite

太空廣告新時代:DOGE-1 衛星

DOGE-1’s mission extends beyond mere space exploration; it ventures into the realm of space advertising. The satellite will feature a miniature screen, showcasing advertisements, logos, and images. These will be broadcast back to Earth, heralding a new era of extraterrestrial advertising. This initiative marks DOGE-1 as the first satellite launch completely financed through a cryptocurrency, in this case, DOGE tokens.

DOGE-1 的使命不僅僅是太空探索;它涉足太空廣告領域。該衛星將配備一個微型螢幕,展示廣告、標誌和圖像。這些內容將被轉播回地球,預示著外星廣告的新時代的到來。這項舉措標誌著 DOGE-1 成為首次完全透過加密貨幣(在本例中為 DOGE 代幣)資助的衛星發射。

Delays and Rescheduling: The Path to Launch


Originally announced by SpaceX founder Elon Musk in 2021 as part of a rideshare with Intuitive Machines and NASA, the DOGE-1 launch has faced its share of postponements. Intuitive Machines’ launch provider, SpaceX, delayed the mission from its initial 2022 schedule to January 2024. These adjustments reflect the complexities and challenges inherent in space missions, underscoring the need for meticulous planning and coordination.

DOGE-1 最初由 SpaceX 創始人 Elon Musk 於 2021 年宣布,作為與 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 共享出行的一部分,但 DOGE-1 的發射已面臨延遲。 Intuitive Machines 的發射提供者 SpaceX 將這項任務從最初的 2022 年計畫推遲到 2024 年 1 月。這些調整反映了太空任務固有的複雜性和挑戰,強調了細緻規劃和協調的必要性。

Broader Implications: Dogecoin’s Growing Space Ambitions


The DOGE-1 mission is not alone in its celestial aspirations. Another Dogecoin-related mission is on the horizon, with Dogecoin developers recently revealing plans for a physical Dogecoin token to be sent to the moon. Partnered with Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic, this mission, scheduled for December 23, carries 21 payloads, including contributions from governments, companies, universities, and NASA’s CLPS initiative. These ventures signal a growing trend of cryptocurrencies intersecting with space exploration, expanding the boundaries of both sectors.

DOGE-1 任務並不是唯一擁有這一天國願望的任務。另一項與狗狗幣相關的任務即將到來,狗狗幣開發商最近透露了將實體狗狗幣代幣發送到月球的計劃。這項任務定於 12 月 23 日與總部位於匹茲堡的 Astrobotic 合作,攜帶 21 個有效載荷,其中包括來自政府、公司、大學和 NASA CLPS 計劃的貢獻。這些企業標誌著加密貨幣與太空探索交叉的成長趨勢,擴大了這兩個領域的邊界。



The progression of the Doge-1 mission, buoyed by its latest regulatory approval, exemplifies the dynamic interplay between cryptocurrency and space technology. As this mission moves closer to its historic launch, it not only marks a milestone for Dogecoin but also heralds a new chapter in space exploration and commercialization. With the world’s eyes set on the lunar orbit, Doge-1 is poised to be more than a mission; it’s a testament to the innovative spirit of the digital age.

在最新監管批准的推動下,Doge-1 任務的進展反映了加密貨幣和太空技術之間的動態相互作用。隨著這項任務越來越接近其歷史性的發射,它不僅標誌著狗狗幣的一個里程碑,也預示著太空探索和商業化的新篇章。隨著全世界的目光都集中在月球軌道上,Doge-1 的任務不僅僅是一項任務;這是數位時代創新精神的證明。

The post Dogecoin-Powered ‘Doge-1’ Mission to the Moon Nears Liftoff with Regulatory Nod appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

由狗狗幣驅動的「Doge-1」月球任務即將升空並獲得監管批准,該任務首先出現在 COINOTAG NEWS 上。

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