첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 암호화폐 시장 분석: Shiba Inu(SHIB) 및 Dogecoin(DOGE) 가격은 주요 저항 수준에서 매도 압력을 받은 후 하락합니다

Crypto Market Analysis: Shiba Inu (SHIB) And Dogecoin (DOGE) Prices Decline Following Selling Pressure At Key Resistance

암호화폐 시장 분석: Shiba Inu(SHIB) 및 Dogecoin(DOGE) 가격은 주요 저항 수준에서 매도 압력을 받은 후 하락합니다

풀어 주다: 2023/10/03 04:07 읽다: 319

원저자:CoinPedia News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651b0fa5f5c82c09fa870b47

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포스트 암호화폐 시장 분석: 시바견(SHIB) 및 도지코인(DOGE) 가격은 주요 저항에서 판매 압력에 따라 하락 Coinpedia Fintech News에 처음 등장

Recently, BTC’s price encountered resistance at $28.5K, taking a dip towards the pivotal $28K mark. Similarly, the meme coin sector is experiencing challenges. Top meme coins, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are currently experiencing slight declines near their resistance points as sellers find opportunities from price spikes. 

Sellers Prepare For A Downward Correction

판매자는 하향 조정을 준비합니다.

Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have showcased strong performance. With traders turning their attention to meme coins after Bitcoin’s surge past $28K, the market’s trading volume has notably increased. However, the buying pressure was short-lived as data from Coinglass indicates that Dogecoin saw long positions worth $400K being liquidated, while SHIB experienced a $35K long-liquidation. This implies that investors are cashing in on the gains from the recent upswing. 

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis

In recent hours, Dogecoin’s price movement has become bearish as it failed to surge above the level of $0.065. As a result, sellers opened short positions, and the DOGE price is now on a downward correction, hovering around the EMA20 trend line. As of writing, DOGE price trades at $0.0626, surging over 1.09% in the last 24 hours. 

최근 몇 시간 동안 Dogecoin의 가격 움직임은 $0.065 수준 이상으로 급등하지 못하면서 하락세를 보였습니다. 결과적으로 판매자는 매도 포지션을 오픈했으며 DOGE 가격은 현재 EMA20 추세선을 중심으로 하락 조정을 받고 있습니다. 글을 쓰는 시점에서 DOGE 가격은 $0.0626에 거래되어 지난 24시간 동안 1.09% 이상 급등했습니다.

The 20-day EMA stands at $0.062 and appears to be leveling off, while the RSI has declined and hovers just above the midpoint, signifying an equilibrium between buyers and sellers. A strong rebound by buyers above the 20-day EMA could mark the beginning of a renewed momentum, with the DOGE price possibly targeting the immediate resistance of $0.065 and then aiming for $0.07.

Conversely, to counter this upward trajectory, bears would need to pull the price below $0.059 quickly. If they succeed, the meme coin might descend to the next significant support level at $0.055.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Analysis

시바견(SHIB) 가격 분석

SHIB price witnessed robust purchases today as the price reached a high of $0.0000076. However, bears soon made their entry to plunge the meme coin. As a result, the SHIB price declined below the 23.6% Fib channel and reached the bottom of EMA100 to initiate a minor rebound. This suggests that buyers are capitalizing on price dips. Currently, SHIB price is trading at $0.00000742, surging over 0.55% from yesterday’s rate. 

The extended wicks on the candlesticks indicate bearish selling around the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement mark of $0.0000076. However, on the bullish side, the price is holding above the immediate support level. 

캔들스틱의 확장된 심지는 38.2% 피보나치 되돌림인 $0.0000076 부근의 약세 매도를 나타냅니다. 그러나 낙관적인 측면에서는 가격이 즉각적인 지지 수준 이상을 유지하고 있습니다.

For a further upward trajectory, buyers need to send the price beyond the crucial price level of $0.0000078, paving the way for a potential retest of the resistance at $0.0000085. 

The RSI level has declined from its overbought region, and it currently holds momentum above the midline at 50, suggesting a rebound for the SHIB price. If SHIB’s price declines and fails to rebound from $0.0000071, it will trigger an intense bearish rally, touching the ground at $0.0000064. 

RSI 수준은 과매수 영역에서 하락했으며 현재는 50으로 중간선 위에서 모멘텀을 유지하고 있어 SHIB 가격 반등을 시사하고 있습니다. SHIB의 가격이 하락하고 $0.0000071에서 반등하지 못하면 강렬한 약세 랠리가 시작되어 $0.0000064에 닿게 됩니다.

주요 주제

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