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Dogecoin’s Breakout Potential: Unveiling the Path to $0.072

Dogecoin의 돌파 가능성: $0.072까지의 길 찾기

풀어 주다: 2023/10/03 04:07 읽다: 252

원저자:Crypto News Land

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651b16afcbd79276b0d824b9

  • Dogecoin shows breakout potential with an ascending triangle pattern.
  • Traders eye a move above $0.0450, creating a potential buying opportunity.
  • 거래자들은 $0.0450 이상의 움직임을 주목하여 잠재적인 구매 기회를 창출합니다.

  • Successful pattern validation could push DOGE toward $0.07195, but failure at $0.06450 may lead to $0.05835 support.
  • 패턴 검증에 성공하면 DOGE가 $0.07195로 올라갈 수 있지만, $0.06450에서 실패하면 $0.05835 지원이 발생할 수 있습니다.

Dogecoin (DOGE) has been in a consolidation phase for the past three weeks, but there are exciting signs that it might be on the verge of a breakout. The cryptocurrency market has been closely watching DOGE’s movements, and here’s a detailed analysis of its potential breakout scenario.

One of the most promising aspects of DOGE’s current chart is forming an ascending triangle pattern. Over the past few days, DOGE has consistently printed higher lows, creating this bullish pattern. 

DOGE의 현재 차트에서 가장 유망한 측면 중 하나는 상승 삼각형 패턴을 형성하는 것입니다. 지난 며칠 동안 DOGE는 지속적으로 더 높은 저점을 인쇄하여 이러한 강세 패턴을 만들었습니다.

Source: TradingView

If this pattern is confirmed, it could pave the way for DOGE to breach the next significant resistance level at $0.0450 within 24 to 48 hours. This presents an enticing buying opportunity for traders looking to capitalize on potential gains.

이 패턴이 확인되면 DOGE가 24~48시간 내에 $0.0450의 다음 중요한 저항 수준을 돌파할 수 있는 길을 열 수 있습니다. 이는 잠재적 이익을 활용하려는 거래자에게 매력적인 구매 기회를 제공합니다.

Furthermore, if DOGE breaks above $0.0450, it could set the stage for a further upward trajectory. Over the next seven days, DOGE might aim for the next major barrier at $0.07195. This level has been on the radar of many investors and could serve as a significant target for those riding the bullish wave.

However, keeping a close eye on the $0.06450 level in the coming 48 hours is essential. If DOGE fails to close a daily candle above this mark, it may experience a setback and drop to the $0.05835 support level. Traders should be cautious and watch for price action around this critical level to gauge the cryptocurrency’s short-term performance.

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