첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin: DOGE 2023년 12월 가격 예측

Dogecoin: December 2023 Price Prediction for DOGE

Dogecoin: DOGE 2023년 12월 가격 예측

풀어 주다: 2023/11/23 14:25 읽다: 600


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655eef0daa328b66d2dea2ef

Dogecoin is currently trading at the $0.076 level and is aiming to climb above the $0.08 mark this month. DOGE is up close to 2.5% in the day’s trade and spiked nearly 13% in the last 30 days. The meme currency is spiking in price on the heels of a space company Astrobotic which confirmed that it would send a physical replica of Dogecoin into space. Astrobotic will send Dogecoin to space on the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on December 12, 2023.

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또한 읽어 보세요: GTA 6의 사본당 70달러는 우리가 제공하는 가격에 비해 매우 낮다고 CEO는 말합니다.

The space mission is a community initiative and has been funded by the DOGE community since 2015. It embodies a collective effort from the DOGE community to make the meme coin reach space and beyond.

Dogecoin on the moon update. Exciting news for the Dogecoin community! Astrobotic plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on 12/23/2023. Funded by our community in 2015, this mission embodies collective effort!” tweeted the official page of Doge. Read here for more details about the mission.

“달의 Dogecoin 업데이트. Dogecoin 커뮤니티를 위한 흥미로운 소식입니다! Astrobotic은 2023년 12월 23일 ULA의 Vulcan Centaur Rocket을 통해 DHL Moonbox를 통해 실제 Dogecoin을 달에 보낼 계획입니다. 2015년에 우리 커뮤니티에서 자금을 지원받은 이 임무는 공동의 노력을 구현합니다!” Doge의 공식 페이지를 트윗했습니다. 임무에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 읽어보세요.

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Dogecoin: Price Prediction For DOGE December 2023

Dogecoin: 2023년 12월 DOGE 가격 예측

So will Dogecoin spike in price next month in December as a rocket will send a physical replica of the coin to space? In this article, we will highlight how or low DOGE could trade in the indices in December 2023.

Leading on-chain metrics and price prediction firm Changelly has painted a bearish picture for DOGE in December 2023. The meme coin has more chances of plummeting double digits next month and bleed in the charts, predicts the metrics.

선도적인 온체인 지표 및 가격 예측 회사인 Changelly는 2023년 12월 DOGE에 대한 약세 그림을 그렸습니다. 밈 코인은 다음 달에 두 자릿수로 급락하고 차트에서 출혈을 일으킬 가능성이 더 많아 지표를 예측합니다.

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According to the forecast, Dogecoin could fall to a low of $0.062 in December 2023. That’s a dip of nearly 17% from its current price of $0.076.

예측에 따르면 Dogecoin은 2023년 12월에 최저 $0.062까지 하락할 수 있습니다. 이는 현재 가격인 $0.076에서 거의 17% 하락한 것입니다.

Therefore, taking an entry position into DOGE now is considered risky and would have more chances of accumulating losses. It is advised to do thorough research before taking an entry position into the meme currency now.

At press time, DOGE was trading at $0.076 and is up 2.5% in the 24-hours day trade. Moreover, the leading meme coin is down close to 90% from its all-time high of $0.73, which it reached in May 2021.

보도 당시 DOGE는 0.076달러에 거래되었으며 하루 24시간 거래에서 2.5% 상승했습니다. 더욱이, 주요 밈 코인은 2021년 5월에 도달한 사상 최고치인 0.73달러에서 90% 가까이 하락했습니다.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-december-2023-price-prediction-for-doge-tbt71306.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-december-2023-price-prediction-for-doge-tbt71306.html

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