첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 개발자들은 마무리하고 미래를 내다봅니다.

Dogecoin Developer Puts an End and Looks Ahead to the Future

Dogecoin 개발자들은 마무리하고 미래를 내다봅니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/29 08:31 읽다: 211


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/653d9bcd79ebd13381ba5896

The sudden activation of a wallet address that has been unused for nearly 10 years and holds investments in Dogecoin (DOGE) has raised questions about the future of Doge among investors.

10년 가까이 사용하지 않고 도지코인(DOGE)에 투자금을 보관하고 있던 지갑 주소가 갑자기 활성화되면서 투자자들 사이에서는 도지의 미래에 대한 의문이 제기됐다.

The Dogecoin Wallet Address Belongs to a Whale

According to data obtained by Whale Alert, the inactive address had a total value of 5,392,984 DOGE, which is worth 372,461 at the time of writing. On-chain data revealed that the activation occurred through a transfer where 392,000 tokens were sent to another unknown DOGE address by the wallet.

The reactivation of dormant DOGE addresses has become quite common recently. As previously reported by Coingape, a similar DOGE reactivation was recorded in June, but this time the reappeared wallet contained slightly over 2 million DOGE units.

Considering the age of the wallet, this address where the transaction took place indicates that its owner was one of the first buyers of the memecoin. The 5,392,984 DOGE contained in the wallet, created by Billy Markus in 2013, were acquired at a relatively lower price compared to the current trading price of $0.06899.

지갑의 연식을 고려하면 거래가 발생한 이 주소는 지갑 소유자가 밈코인의 최초 구매자 중 한 명임을 나타냅니다. Billy Markus가 2013년에 생성한 지갑에 담긴 5,392,984 DOGE는 현재 거래 가격 $0.06899에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 가격에 획득되었습니다.

Since its inception, DOGE has offered significant investment returns to its investors and, according to CoinMarketCap data, DOGE has increased by 80,614% from its all-time low (ATL) value of $0.00008547 obtained nearly 8 years ago. As this active DOGE address was obtained before the mentioned time period, the gains are likely to be much higher.

Another point indicated by this reawakening is the emergence of community members’ concerns. It may suggest that coin holders have ended their HODLing behavior and a potential sell-off may occur soon.

Visible Whale Movements

눈에 보이는 고래의 움직임

Dogecoin has recently followed the rise of Bitcoin, with increased investor interest due to rumors of the imminent approval of a Bitcoin spot ETF. In addition to the market sensitivity, noticeable whale movements have also occurred in DOGE recently.

Dogecoin은 최근 비트코인 ​​현물 ETF 승인이 임박했다는 소문으로 인해 투자자들의 관심이 높아지면서 비트코인의 부상을 따라갔습니다. 시장 민감성과 더불어 최근 DOGE에서도 눈에 띄는 고래 움직임이 나타났습니다.

These movements continue to assist individual investors who accumulate to increase the volatility of Dogecoin’s price, regardless of market sensitivity.

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoin-developer-puts-an-end-and-looks-ahead-to-the-future/

계속 읽기: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoin-developer-puts-an-end-and-looks-ahead-to-the-future/

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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