첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 고대 DOGE 고래가 깨어나서 530만 개의 Dogecoin을 전송했습니다.

Ancient DOGE Whale Awakens, Moving 5.3 Million Dogecoin

고대 DOGE 고래가 깨어나서 530만 개의 Dogecoin을 전송했습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/29 04:32 읽다: 688


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/653d5b385820e06ff9b06a69

Well-reputed crypto tracker Whale Alert, which traces down large cryptocurrency transactions, has detected a dormant address reactivated – it contains 5,392,984 Dogecoin, now worth $372,461.

대규모 암호화폐 거래를 추적하는 유명한 암호화폐 추적기인 Whale Alert가 다시 활성화된 휴면 주소를 감지했습니다. 여기에는 현재 372,461달러 가치가 있는 5,392,984개의 Dogecoin이 포함되어 있습니다.

Last time this wallet was active, according to the crypto tracking platform, was 9.8 years ago – 2013. This is the year when DOGE was launched to the market by its creators Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who made this meme coin as a side project and as a parody of the flagship cryptocurrency Bitcoin. BTC had been launched four years prior to that.

💤 A dormant address containing 5,392,984 #DOGE (372,461 USD) has just been activated after 9.8 years!https://t.co/XKqB6FhC3K

💤 5,392,984개의 #DOGE(372,461 USD)가 포함된 휴면 주소가 9.8년 만에 활성화되었습니다!https://t.co/XKqB6FhC3K

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 28, 2023

Billy Markus, when he registered on Twitter, also took an alias that mocks the mysterious Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. The DOGE co-founder started calling himself on Twitter Shibetoshi Nakamoto.

Billy Markus도 트위터에 등록할 때 신비한 비트코인 ​​창시자 Satoshi Nakamoto를 조롱하는 가명을 사용했습니다. DOGE 공동 창업자는 트위터에서 자신을 나카모토 시베토시(Shibetoshi Nakamoto)라고 부르기 시작했습니다.

According to Whale Alert, slightly more than three hours ago, this awakened wallet transferred 392,000 DOGE to another blockchain address – that was a brand new wallet. This looks like the whale is distributing his millions of Dogecoin to different wallets.

Earlier this week, between October 25 and October 26, the original meme coin DOGE experienced a substantial rise of 16.11%, jumping from $0.0649 to the $0.0753 level. DOGE, as well as other altcoins, followed the extensive 13% rise of Bitcoin as it regained the $34,100 level on October 24.

이번 주 초, 10월 25일부터 10월 26일 사이에 오리지널 밈 코인 DOGE는 0.0649달러에서 0.0753달러 수준으로 16.11%의 상당한 상승을 경험했습니다. DOGE와 다른 알트코인은 비트코인이 10월 24일 34,100달러 수준을 회복하면서 13%의 광범위한 상승세를 보였습니다.

However, this momentum did not last long for Dogecoin. At the time of this writing, the meme coin is changing hands at $0.0682, having lost 9.35% since that jump on Thursday.

Earlier today, it was reported that an anonymous whale transferred a staggering 350,000,000 DOGE to the popular trading platform Robinhood, apparently, to sell this massive chunk of meme cryptocurrency.

오늘 초, 익명의 고래가 이 엄청난 양의 밈 암호화폐를 판매하기 위해 인기 있는 거래 플랫폼인 Robinhood에 무려 3억 5천만 개의 DOGE를 이체한 것으로 보고되었습니다.

🚨 350,000,000 #DOGE (23,695,759 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/UBJlhPjEoh

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 27, 2023

— 고래 경보(@whale_alert) 2023년 10월 27일

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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