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Ancient DOGE Whale Awakens, Moving 5.3 Million Dogecoin


发布: 2023/10/29 04:32 阅读: 688



Well-reputed crypto tracker Whale Alert, which traces down large cryptocurrency transactions, has detected a dormant address reactivated – it contains 5,392,984 Dogecoin, now worth $372,461.

著名的加密货币追踪器 Whale Alert 可追踪大型加密货币交易,它检测到一个休眠地址已重新激活——其中包含 5,392,984 个狗狗币,现价值 372,461 美元。

Last time this wallet was active, according to the crypto tracking platform, was 9.8 years ago – 2013. This is the year when DOGE was launched to the market by its creators Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who made this meme coin as a side project and as a parody of the flagship cryptocurrency Bitcoin. BTC had been launched four years prior to that.

根据加密跟踪平台的数据,该钱包上次活跃是在 9.8 年前,即 2013 年。这一年,DOGE 由其创始人 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 推向市场,他们将这款 meme 币作为副业项目并作为旗舰加密货币比特币的模仿。比特币早在四年前就已推出。

💤 A dormant address containing 5,392,984 #DOGE (372,461 USD) has just been activated after 9.8 years!https://t.co/XKqB6FhC3K

💤 包含 5,392,984 #DOGE (372,461 USD) 的休眠地址在 9.8 年后刚刚被激活!https://t.co/XKqB6FhC3K

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 28, 2023

- 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 10 月 28 日

Billy Markus, when he registered on Twitter, also took an alias that mocks the mysterious Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. The DOGE co-founder started calling himself on Twitter Shibetoshi Nakamoto.

比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)在 Twitter 上注册时也使用了一个别名来嘲笑神秘的比特币创造者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)。这位 DOGE 联合创始人开始在 Twitter 上自称 Shibetoshi Nakamoto。

According to Whale Alert, slightly more than three hours ago, this awakened wallet transferred 392,000 DOGE to another blockchain address – that was a brand new wallet. This looks like the whale is distributing his millions of Dogecoin to different wallets.

据Whale Alert报道,三个多小时前,这个被唤醒的钱包将392,000 DOGE转移到另一个区块链地址——那是一个全新的钱包。看起来鲸鱼正在将他的数百万狗狗币分配到不同的钱包中。

Earlier this week, between October 25 and October 26, the original meme coin DOGE experienced a substantial rise of 16.11%, jumping from $0.0649 to the $0.0753 level. DOGE, as well as other altcoins, followed the extensive 13% rise of Bitcoin as it regained the $34,100 level on October 24.

本周早些时候,即10月25日至10月26日期间,原模因币DOGE大幅上涨16.11%,从0.0649美元跃升至0.0753美元水平。 DOGE 以及其他山寨币跟随比特币大幅上涨 13%,于 10 月 24 日重回 34,100 美元的水平。

However, this momentum did not last long for Dogecoin. At the time of this writing, the meme coin is changing hands at $0.0682, having lost 9.35% since that jump on Thursday.

然而,狗狗币的这种势头并没有持续多久。截至撰写本文时,Meme 币的易手价格为 0.0682 美元,自周四的上涨以来已下跌 9.35%。

Earlier today, it was reported that an anonymous whale transferred a staggering 350,000,000 DOGE to the popular trading platform Robinhood, apparently, to sell this massive chunk of meme cryptocurrency.

今天早些时候,有报道称,一位匿名鲸鱼将惊人的 3.5 亿 DOGE 转移到了流行的交易平台 Robinhood,显然是为了出售这一巨大的 meme 加密货币。

🚨 350,000,000 #DOGE (23,695,759 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/UBJlhPjEoh

🚨 350,000,000 #DOGE(23,695,759 美元)从未知钱包转移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/UBJlhPjEoh

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 27, 2023

- 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 10 月 27 日


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