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Ancient DOGE Whale Awakens, Moving 5.3 Million Dogecoin


發布: 2023/10/29 04:32 閱讀: 688



Well-reputed crypto tracker Whale Alert, which traces down large cryptocurrency transactions, has detected a dormant address reactivated – it contains 5,392,984 Dogecoin, now worth $372,461.

著名的加密貨幣追蹤器 Whale Alert 可追蹤大型加密貨幣交易,它檢測到一個休眠地址已重新啟動——其中包含 5,392,984 個狗狗幣,現價值 372,461 美元。

Last time this wallet was active, according to the crypto tracking platform, was 9.8 years ago – 2013. This is the year when DOGE was launched to the market by its creators Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who made this meme coin as a side project and as a parody of the flagship cryptocurrency Bitcoin. BTC had been launched four years prior to that.

根據加密追蹤平台的數據,該錢包上次活躍是在9.8 年前,即2013 年。這一年,DOGE 由其創建者Birly Markus 和Jackson Palmer 推向市場,他們將這款Meme 幣作為副業項目並作為旗艦加密貨幣比特幣的模仿。比特幣早在四年前就已推出。

💤 A dormant address containing 5,392,984 #DOGE (372,461 USD) has just been activated after 9.8 years!https://t.co/XKqB6FhC3K

💤包含 5,392,984 #DOGE (372,461 USD) 的休眠位址在 9.8 年後剛啟動! https://t.co/XKqB6FhC3K

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 28, 2023

- 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 10 月 28 日

Billy Markus, when he registered on Twitter, also took an alias that mocks the mysterious Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. The DOGE co-founder started calling himself on Twitter Shibetoshi Nakamoto.

比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus)在 Twitter 上註冊時也使用了一個別名來嘲笑神秘的比特幣創造者中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)。這位 DOGE 聯合創始人開始在 Twitter 上自稱 Shibetoshi Nakamoto。

According to Whale Alert, slightly more than three hours ago, this awakened wallet transferred 392,000 DOGE to another blockchain address – that was a brand new wallet. This looks like the whale is distributing his millions of Dogecoin to different wallets.

根據Whale Alert報道,三個多小時前,這個被喚醒的錢包將392,000 DOGE轉移到另一個區塊鏈位址——那是一個全新的錢包。看起來鯨魚正在將他的數百萬狗狗幣分配到不同的錢包。

Earlier this week, between October 25 and October 26, the original meme coin DOGE experienced a substantial rise of 16.11%, jumping from $0.0649 to the $0.0753 level. DOGE, as well as other altcoins, followed the extensive 13% rise of Bitcoin as it regained the $34,100 level on October 24.

本週早些時候,即10月25日至10月26日期間,原模因幣DOGE大幅上漲16.11%,從0.0649美元躍升至0.0753美元水準。 DOGE 以及其他山寨幣跟隨比特幣大幅上漲 13%,於 10 月 24 日重返 34,100 美元的水平。

However, this momentum did not last long for Dogecoin. At the time of this writing, the meme coin is changing hands at $0.0682, having lost 9.35% since that jump on Thursday.

然而,狗狗幣的這種勢頭並沒有持續太久。截至撰寫本文時,Meme 幣的易手價格為 0.0682 美元,自周四的上漲以來已下跌 9.35%。

Earlier today, it was reported that an anonymous whale transferred a staggering 350,000,000 DOGE to the popular trading platform Robinhood, apparently, to sell this massive chunk of meme cryptocurrency.

今天早些時候,有報道稱,一位匿名鯨魚將驚人的 3.5 億 DOGE 轉移到了流行的交易平台 Robinhood,顯然是為了出售這一巨大的 meme 加密貨幣。

🚨 350,000,000 #DOGE (23,695,759 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/UBJlhPjEoh

🚨 350,000,000 #DOGE(23,695,759 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/UBJlhPjEoh

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) October 27, 2023

- 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 10 月 27 日


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