첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 도지코인(DOGE)이 상승할까요? DOGE 가격 동향 예측

Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Rise? Predictions for DOGE Price Direction

도지코인(DOGE)이 상승할까요? DOGE 가격 동향 예측

풀어 주다: 2023/10/19 02:15 읽다: 611


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65301034d04cda30cc5ee3d1

The king of meme coins had lost the support level of $0.06 with the recent BTC drop. And it went deeper. Holding meme coins for the long term is much riskier for investors. Levels that Dogecoin (DOGE) investors should also worry about are approaching. So, what is the current situation? Will investors see a recovery after the excessive selling?

밈 코인의 왕은 최근 BTC 하락으로 0.06달러의 지원 수준을 잃었습니다. 그리고 그것은 더 깊어졌습니다. 밈 코인을 장기간 보유하는 것은 투자자들에게 훨씬 더 위험합니다. 도지코인(DOGE) 투자자들도 걱정해야 할 수준이 다가오고 있습니다. 그렇다면 현재 상황은 어떠한가? 과잉매도 이후 투자자들은 회복세를 보일 것인가?

Dogecoin (DOGE)


The DOGE price has been melting due to miner sales. We saw that the support at $0.06 was lost with the relaxation of the support on the futures side. On the daily chart, the DOGE price traded above the $0.06 horizontal support area since June. The DOGE price also followed a decreasing resistance trend line. When these come together, a descending triangle, which is considered a bearish formation, is formed.

채굴기 판매로 인해 DOGE 가격이 녹고 있습니다. 우리는 선물 측의 지지가 완화됨에 따라 $0.06의 지지가 손실되는 것을 확인했습니다. 일일 차트에서 DOGE 가격은 6월 이후 $0.06 수평 지지 영역 위에서 거래되었습니다. DOGE 가격도 감소하는 저항 추세선을 따랐습니다. 이것이 합쳐지면 약세 형성으로 간주되는 하강 삼각형이 형성됩니다.

On October 9, the Dogecoin price lost its support zone. Now, the DOGE price is trading within the horizontal area and the decreasing resistance trend line. The critical support level had remained intact for 85 days before the breakdown.

DOGE Price Predictions

The direction is still uncertain on the daily chart. To see a reversal in the trend and a recovery in the DOGE price, two things are needed. Firstly, we need to see a close above the decreasing resistance trend line. Secondly, it will be confirmed by the RSI rising above the neutral zone again.

If these two important thresholds are surpassed, the DOGE price can target the $0.07 resistance above $0.06. This means an approximate 20% price increase. A price analysis shared by EfloudTheSurfer also suggests a similar view.

이 두 가지 중요한 기준점을 초과하면 DOGE 가격은 $0.06 이상의 $0.07 저항을 목표로 할 수 있습니다. 이는 약 20%의 가격 인상을 의미합니다. EfloudTheSurfer가 공유한 가격 분석도 비슷한 견해를 제시합니다.

The Fibonacci retracement theory suggests that after a significant drop, a deeper bottom could be formed before a recovery. The most suitable level for a potential bottom could be $0.048. Accordingly, the DOGE price forecast indicates that the next support level can be tested unless there are closures above $0.06.

At the time of writing, DOGE is at $0.0586, and for bulls to regain support, BTC needs to make closures above $28,500 to support altcoins. However, BTC is currently at $28,350. Apart from the surprise crypto purchase in Tesla’s balance sheet in the evening, there doesn’t seem to be a short-term trigger that could push the price up.

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/will-dogecoin-doge-rise-predictions-for-doge-price-direction/

계속 읽기: https://en.coin-turk.com/will-dogecoin-doge-rise-predictions-for-doge-price-direction/

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