첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 공동 창립자는 Bitcoin Maxis의 마케팅 스타일을 비난합니다.

Dogecoin Co-founder Takes a Jab at Bitcoin Maxis' Marketing Style

Dogecoin 공동 창립자는 Bitcoin Maxis의 마케팅 스타일을 비난합니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/08/12 23:00 읽다: 654


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64d79c11026edc11d3892408

Bitcoin Maxis downplays other cryptos

Attempting to describe how these Bitcoiners parade the leading cryptocurrency, Marcus cited a statement where a BTC maxi was promoting the token and inviting others to join what he referred to as a “mentally ill group of insecure losers.”

Marcus는 비트코인 ​​사용자들이 어떻게 선도적인 암호화폐를 행진하는지 설명하려고 시도하면서 BTC 맥시가 토큰을 홍보하고 다른 사람들을 "정신적으로 아픈 불안한 패배자 그룹"에 합류하도록 초대하는 성명을 인용했습니다.


Bitcoin maxis or maximalists are pro-BTC enthusiasts who believe that the token is superior to any other asset in the highly diversified crypto ecosystem. 

비트코인 맥시스(Bitcoin maxis) 또는 맥시멀리스트는 토큰이 매우 다양한 암호화폐 생태계의 다른 어떤 자산보다 우수하다고 믿는 BTC 지지자입니다.

They move about with a better-than-thou attitude towards other tokens, referring to them as ‘s-coins’. A clear example is Max Keiser who once asked the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to suspend the activities of major crypto exchanges which he tagged as casinos. 

In addition, Keiser categorized all altcoins as securities just as the SEC Chair Gary Gensler has always done. Just before Judge Analisa Torres ruled that XRP is not security back in July, the BTC supporter declared that XRP was earmarked for death and as such, it is Gensler’s job to take it out. 

또한 Keizer는 SEC 의장 Gary Gensler가 항상 그랬던 것처럼 모든 알트코인을 증권으로 분류했습니다. 지난 7월 Analisa Torres 판사가 XRP가 보안이 아니라고 판결하기 직전에 BTC 지지자는 XRP가 소멸될 예정이므로 XRP를 제거하는 것이 Gensler의 임무라고 선언했습니다.

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Dogecoin co-founder refutes claims BTC is the Future

Dogecoin 공동 창립자는 BTC가 미래라는 주장을 반박합니다.

Markedly, the DOGE co-founder’s statement was a comment to a video posted by one crypto Twitter member named Udi Wertheimer. 

In the short clip, BTC maximalist Robert Breedlove was seen interviewing Jason Lowery who kept on singing the praises of Bitcoin. Lowery stated that BTC is not a coin, rather, he referred to it as the future of warfare, the future of security as well as the future of people who intend to safeguard their data.

The feedback or comment from the Dogecoin co-founder is a clear indication that he disagrees with the content of the clip, a move that aligns with the perception of innovation bordering on other tokens and protocols in the industry.

Dogecoin 공동 창립자의 피드백이나 의견은 그가 클립의 내용에 동의하지 않는다는 분명한 표시이며, 이는 업계의 다른 토큰 및 프로토콜과 관련된 혁신에 대한 인식과 일치합니다.

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