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Dogecoin Co-founder Takes a Jab at Bitcoin Maxis' Marketing Style


リリース: 2023/08/12 23:00 読む: 654



Bitcoin Maxis downplays other cryptos

Bitcoin Maxis は他の暗号通貨を軽視する

Attempting to describe how these Bitcoiners parade the leading cryptocurrency, Marcus cited a statement where a BTC maxi was promoting the token and inviting others to join what he referred to as a “mentally ill group of insecure losers.”




Bitcoin maxis or maximalists are pro-BTC enthusiasts who believe that the token is superior to any other asset in the highly diversified crypto ecosystem. 


They move about with a better-than-thou attitude towards other tokens, referring to them as ‘s-coins’. A clear example is Max Keiser who once asked the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to suspend the activities of major crypto exchanges which he tagged as casinos. 


In addition, Keiser categorized all altcoins as securities just as the SEC Chair Gary Gensler has always done. Just before Judge Analisa Torres ruled that XRP is not security back in July, the BTC supporter declared that XRP was earmarked for death and as such, it is Gensler’s job to take it out. 

さらに、カイザー氏は、ゲーリー・ゲンスラーSEC委員長が常にそうしてきたのと同じように、すべてのアルトコインを有価証券として分類しました。 7月にアナリサ・トーレス判事がXRPは有価証券ではないとの判決を下す直前に、BTC支持者はXRPは死に備えられており、それを取り出すのがゲンスラーの仕事だと宣言した。

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The SEC seems to have listened to such narratives about cryptocurrencies as the agency has been busy cracking down on the top tokens in the nascent industry.


Dogecoin co-founder refutes claims BTC is the Future


Markedly, the DOGE co-founder’s statement was a comment to a video posted by one crypto Twitter member named Udi Wertheimer. 

注目すべきことに、DOGE共同創設者の声明は、Udi Wertheimerという名前の仮想通貨Twitterメンバーの1人が投稿したビデオに対するコメントであった。

In the short clip, BTC maximalist Robert Breedlove was seen interviewing Jason Lowery who kept on singing the praises of Bitcoin. Lowery stated that BTC is not a coin, rather, he referred to it as the future of warfare, the future of security as well as the future of people who intend to safeguard their data.

短いクリップでは、ビットコインのマキシマリストであるロバート・ブリードラブ氏が、ビットコインを称賛し続けたジェイソン・ロウリー氏にインタビューしているのが見られた。ローリー氏は、BTC はコインではなく、むしろ戦争の未来、安全保障の未来、そしてデータを保護しようとする人々の未来であると述べました。

The feedback or comment from the Dogecoin co-founder is a clear indication that he disagrees with the content of the clip, a move that aligns with the perception of innovation bordering on other tokens and protocols in the industry.

Dogecoin の共同創設者からのフィードバックやコメントは、彼がクリップの内容に同意していないことを明確に示しており、これは業界の他のトークンやプロトコルに隣接するイノベーションに対する認識と一致しています。




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