첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin Millionaire의 300만 달러 수익이 50,000달러로 하락

Dogecoin Millionaire's $3 Million Haul Drops to $50K

Dogecoin Millionaire의 300만 달러 수익이 50,000달러로 하락

풀어 주다: 2023/08/24 14:30 읽다: 471


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64e6f68a89cce15e3eb6a10e

Glauber Contessoto, known as ‘SlumDOGE Millionaire,’ decided to jump on the Dogecoin bandwagon following Elon Musk’s active promotion of the asset on Twitter in 2020. He went on to take out all his savings and use his credit card to invest $250,000 in the meme coin. This investment saw his holdings surge to $3 million at a certain juncture.

Contessoto chose to retain his holdings without selling them. Presently, Dogecoin has plummeted by more than 90% from its peak value of $0.73 in May 2021. Therefore, Contessoto has seen the value of his holdings dwindle to as low as $50,000.

Contessoto는 보유 자산을 매각하지 않고 그대로 유지하기로 결정했습니다. 현재 Dogecoin은 2021년 5월의 최고 가치 $0.73에서 90% 이상 급락했습니다. 따라서 Contessoto는 그의 보유 자산 가치가 $50,000까지 감소하는 것을 목격했습니다.

Contessoto posted the above-mentioned tweet, highlighting his angst. Shortly after, responses from the cryptocurrency community started flooding in. Many individuals advised him to liquidate his holdings. However, he responded by stating,

“If that was the case I would’ve sold long before I hit the first $1 Million lol”

Also Read: Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Binance Among Popular Hashtags on Crypto TikTok

또한 읽어 보세요: 암호화폐 TikTok의 인기 해시태그 중 Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Binance

Dogecoin investors drown in losses

Dogecoin 투자자들은 손실을 입었습니다.

Time and again, the community exhibited confidence in DOGE reaching the dollar mark, yet its upward momentum was consistently hindered. The most recent attempt was anticipated to materialize yesterday after Elon Musk’s tweet mentioning X [previously Twitter] as a “Doge friendly place.” Although this announcement briefly offered a sense of respite, it couldn’t maintain its impact for an extended period of time.

At press time, DOGE was being traded at $0.063873, displaying a daily increase of 2.2%. It’s important to highlight that the meme coin experienced a decline of 16.5% over the course of the past 30 days. Amidst this, about 55% of the asset’s holders were enduring a loss, while only 41% of them were bagging profits.

보도 당시 DOGE는 일일 2.2% 상승한 $0.063873에 거래되고 있었습니다. 지난 30일 동안 밈 코인이 16.5% 하락했다는 점을 강조하는 것이 중요합니다. 이 가운데 자산 보유자의 약 55%가 손실을 감수하고 있었고, 그 중 41%만이 이익을 챙기고 있었습니다.

Furthermore, the ongoing pattern is expected to endure due to the prevalence of bearish sentiment surpassing bullish sentiment in the DOGE market. According to IntoTheBlock, bullish addresses signify those that have acquired over 1% of the trading volume within the past 24 hours. Conversely, bearish addresses denote those that have sold over 1% of the trading volume within the same 24-hour timeframe.

또한, DOGE 시장에서는 강세 정서를 압도하는 약세 정서가 만연해 지속적인 패턴이 지속될 것으로 예상됩니다. IntoTheBlock에 따르면 강세 주소는 지난 24시간 동안 거래량의 1% 이상을 획득한 주소를 의미합니다. 반대로, 약세 주소는 동일한 24시간 내에 거래량의 1% 이상을 판매한 주소를 나타냅니다.

Also Read: Dogecoin: Elon Musk Says X is a Doge Friendly Place

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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