첫 장 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin MVRV가 1에 가까워졌습니다. DOGE 가격이 하락할까요?

Dogecoin MVRV Inches to 1: DOGE's Price to Drop?

Dogecoin MVRV가 1에 가까워졌습니다. DOGE 가격이 하락할까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/08/02 21:30 읽다: 524


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64ca54758ffc0635d4d77b9b

Dogecoin’s MVRV ratio has been on an uptrend for the last few weeks. From a low of 0.73 registered in mid-June, this ratio is on the verge of claiming 1. At press time, it flashed a value of 0.95. A rising MVRV indicates that the market cap is outpacing realized cap. During such phases, the motive to sell in the market picks up pace.

Dogecoin의 MVRV 비율은 지난 몇 주 동안 상승 추세를 보였습니다. 이 비율은 6월 중순에 최저치인 0.73에서 1을 목전에 두고 있다. 보도 당시에는 0.95로 급등했다. MVRV가 상승한다는 것은 시가총액이 실현총액을 초과하고 있음을 나타냅니다. 이러한 단계에서는 시장에서 판매하려는 동기가 더욱 높아집니다.

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In 2023, Dogecoin’s MVRV has sustained above 1 thrice. Two such instances were recorded in Q1, while one took place in Q2.

2023년에 Dogecoin의 MVRV는 1번 이상을 유지했습니다. 이러한 사례는 1분기에 두 번 기록되었고, 2분기에 한 번 발생했습니다.

  1. Jan. 21 to Feb. 9: Even though the market conditions were fairly bullish during the initial few months of 2023, Dogecoin’s price registered a downtrend when its MVRV hovered above 1. The price depreciated by 11.2% during this period.
  2. Feb. 16 to Feb. 21: After the first phase concluded and the sell-pressure cooled down, Dogecoin saw a momentary recovery on the price front. However, that did not last for long. When the ratio started hovering above 1 again, DOGE dropped by 7.9%.
  3. April 4 to April 20: DOGE noted its largest MVRV-triggered drawdown in April. With the MVRV revolving above 1 for more than 2 weeks, the asset’s value recorded a net drop of 25.5%.
  4. 4월 4일 ~ 4월 20일: DOGE는 4월에 MVRV로 인한 최대 하락폭을 기록했습니다. MVRV가 2주 이상 1을 상회하면서 자산가치는 25.5% 순하락했다.

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    또한 읽어 보세요: Shiba Inu: Elon Musk가 Shibarium 출시 이벤트에 참석할까요?

    Dogecoin Market Conditions

    So, if the ratio re-crosses 1, the market conditions will start becoming appealing to sellers. If the bearish pressure rises consequentially, there are high odds of DOGE following the footsteps of its past precedents. At press time, bears were seemingly in control of the market. Except for the 1-hour period, the sell orders eclipsed the buy orders. On the 6 and 12-hour timeframes, the sell side weighed more by over 55 million tokens. So, if this dominance increases, then DOGE might face strong corrections.

    Also Read: Shiba Inu Forecasted To Rise 300% & Reach $0.00003: Here’s When

    또한 읽어 보세요: 시바견은 300% 상승하고 $0.00003에 도달할 것으로 예상됩니다: 시기는 다음과 같습니다.

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    • Dogecoin
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