가격: $0.18964 -3.6261%
시장가치: 28.13B 0.9978%
회전율 (24h): 921.54M 0%
권세: 0.9978%
Price: $0.18964 -3.6261%
시장가치: 28.13B 0.9978%
회전율 (24h): 921.54M 0%
권세: 0.9978% 0.9978%
  • 가격: $0.18964 -3.6261%
  • 시장가치: 28.13B 0.9978%
  • 회전율 (24h): 921.54M 0%
  • 권세: 0.9978% 0.9978%
  • 가격: $0.18964 -3.6261%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > Elon Musk의 'Doge-1' 달 미션 출시가 다가옴에 따라 Dogecoin 가격 예측 – DOGE가 1달러를 달성할까요?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as Elon Musk’s ‘Doge-1’ Moon Mission Launch Approaches – Will DOGE Reach $1?

Elon Musk의 'Doge-1' 달 미션 출시가 다가옴에 따라 Dogecoin 가격 예측 – DOGE가 1달러를 달성할까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/30 22:00 읽다: 544


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65688d295be2622e11844a83

Elon Musk의 'Doge-1' 달 미션 출시가 다가옴에 따라 Dogecoin 가격 예측 – DOGE가 1달러를 달성할까요?

Source: Bing Image Creator

The Dogecoin price has dipped by 1% today, with its fall to $0.081625 coming as the cryptocurrency market as a whole has slipped by 0.5% in 24 hours.

Dogecoin 가격은 오늘 1% 하락했으며, 암호화폐 시장 전체가 24시간 동안 0.5% 하락함에 따라 가격은 0.081625달러로 하락했습니다.

Despite its drop, DOGE has posted a 7% gain in a week, helped along by the news that the ‘Doge-1’ satellite mission has received regulatory approval from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Funded entirely in dogecoin, the Doge-1 satellite will launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and will broadcast ads back to Earth, with its development helping to boost interest in Dogecoin.

전적으로 dogecoin으로 자금을 지원받는 Doge-1 위성은 SpaceX Falcon 9 로켓에서 발사될 예정이며, 개발이 Dogecoin에 대한 관심을 높이는 데 도움이 되도록 광고를 지구에 다시 방송할 것입니다.

And given that DOGE is now up by 16%, Doge-1’s progress could help the meme token rise even further in the coming months.

Dogecoin Price Prediction as Elon Musk’s ‘Doge-1’ Moon Mission Launch Approaches – Will DOGE Reach $1?

In contrast to some altcoins, DOGE’s indicators remain in a good position, suggesting that the meme token could make more gains quite soon.

일부 알트코인과 달리 DOGE의 지표는 좋은 위치에 유지되어 밈 토큰이 곧 더 많은 이익을 얻을 수 있음을 시사합니다.

Its RSI (purple) has risen to 60 today, signalling rising buying pressure and momentum.

Source: TradingView

출처: TradingView

At the same time, DOGE’s 30-day average (yellow) is still rising further above its 200-day (blue), again signalling that the coin remains in a bullish phase and is capable of rising further before losing momentum.

동시에 DOGE의 30일 평균(노란색)은 200일(파란색)보다 여전히 더 상승하고 있으며, 이는 다시 코인이 강세 단계에 있으며 모멘텀을 잃기 전에 더 상승할 수 있음을 나타냅니다.

What’s particularly encouraging is that DOGE’s support level has risen consistently over the past month or so, something which indicates that the token isn’t likely to suffer any major dips on its way to future rallies.

It’s also positive that DOGE’s 24-hour trading volume remains relatively high at $800 million, which contrasts very favorably with the $150 million levels it saw in September and early October.

DOGE의 24시간 거래량이 8억 달러로 상대적으로 높은 수준을 유지하고 있다는 점도 긍정적입니다. 이는 9월과 10월 초에 보인 1억 5천만 달러 수준과 매우 대조적입니다.

Such levels would suggest that whales remain interested in the token, with recent transfers showing that some large traders are still accumulating DOGE, sending it off exchanges.

이러한 수준은 고래가 토큰에 계속 관심을 갖고 있음을 시사하며, 최근 이체를 보면 일부 대규모 거래자가 여전히 DOGE를 축적하여 거래소로 보내고 있음을 알 수 있습니다.

113,140,662 #DOGE (9,143,670 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/9e1ucvnfLX

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) November 29, 2023

This all creates a positive context for the news regarding the Doge-1 satellite, which has moved closer to launching after receiving approval from the NTIA.

이 모든 것은 NTIA의 승인을 받은 후 발사가 가까워진 Doge-1 위성에 관한 뉴스에 대한 긍정적인 맥락을 만듭니다.

The only thing left in terms of regulations is for it to gain approval from Federal Communications Commission, at which point it will be legally permitted to launch.

And this launch could provide DOGE with some welcome extra publicity, helping to keep it in the public eye and potentially driving more investors towards it.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (@NTIAgov), a Department of Commerce (@CommerceGov) agency, approved DOGE-1 X-Band (0083-EX-CN-2022 on https://t.co/b6iEAYdTPV)

We have yet to get the FCC license grant which will address X-Band and S-Band $XI pic.twitter.com/YSJoyLclQk

우리는 아직 X-Band 및 S-Band $XI를 다루는 FCC 라이센스 부여를 받지 못했습니다. pic.twitter.com/YSJoyLclQk

— SΔMUΞL RΞIÐ (e/acc) (@SamuelReidGEC) November 28, 2023

Either way, the Dogecoin price is likely to rise along with the wider market, which could have a strong end-of-year rally, with investors expecting Bitcoin ETF approvals.

어느 쪽이든 Dogecoin 가격은 더 넓은 시장과 함께 상승할 가능성이 높으며, 투자자들은 비트코인 ​​ETF 승인을 기대하면서 연말 강한 상승세를 보일 수 있습니다.

Based on this, DOGE could reach $0.1 in the next few weeks.

이를 바탕으로 DOGE는 향후 몇 주 안에 $0.1에 도달할 수 있습니다.

Other Meme Tokens With High-Return Potential

The thing with DOGE, however, is that it remains too reliant on ‘external’ factors to push up its price, and lacks the fundamentals and utility possessed by certain other coins.

Yet there are alts and even a few meme tokens in the market right now that do boast greater utility, with a number of presale coins available that look set to have big rallies when they list.

그러나 현재 시장에는 더 큰 유용성을 자랑하는 대체 토큰과 심지어 몇 가지 밈 토큰이 있으며, 상장 시 큰 반등을 보일 것으로 보이는 사전 판매 코인이 많이 있습니다.

This includes Meme Kombat (MK), an ERC-20 cryptocurrency that has raised over $2.2 million in its increasingly successful presale.



We have passed $2.2 million raised in the $MK presale pic.twitter.com/rwla7Xxdz3

$MK 사전 판매에서 모금된 금액이 220만 달러를 넘었습니다. pic.twitter.com/rwla7Xxdz3

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) November 28, 2023

While Meme Kombat may look like yet another meme coin at first glance, it’s actually an online gambling platform that enables users to place bet on AI-generated battles between meme characters.

It will render such battles in real-time, providing users with an entertaining focus for the bets they can place with each other or with the platform itself.

이러한 전투를 실시간으로 렌더링하여 사용자에게 서로 또는 플랫폼 자체에 베팅할 수 있는 재미있는 초점을 제공합니다.

And as an Ethereum-based platform, the battles themselves will be processed transparently using blockchain, with the results for all to see.

Players will be able to place bets using the native MK token, which Meme Kombat will use to pay out any winnings.

플레이어는 Meme Kombat가 상금을 지불하는 데 사용할 기본 MK 토큰을 사용하여 베팅할 수 있습니다.

Holders of MK will also be able to stake the token, earning themselves a passive income in the process.

We have already paid out more than 1.2 million $MK since launching our staking dashboard

우리는 스테이킹 대시보드를 출시한 이후 이미 120만 달러 이상을 지불했습니다.

Do you have yours staked? pic.twitter.com/TircT2o49u

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) November 25, 2023

It’s fun and playful design is likely to attract a large and loyal following once it launches in the next few weeks, with investors able to join its presale by going to the Meme Kombat official website.

재미있고 유쾌한 디자인은 앞으로 몇 주 안에 출시되면 충성도 높은 대규모 추종자를 끌어들일 가능성이 높으며, 투자자는 Meme Kombat 공식 웹사이트를 방문하여 사전 판매에 참여할 수 있습니다.

1 MK token currently costs $0.214, but this will rise to $0.225 in only a few hours.

Visit Meme Kombat Now

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

면책 조항: 암호화폐는 위험도가 높은 자산 클래스입니다. 이 기사는 정보 제공의 목적으로 제공되며 투자 조언을 구성하지 않습니다. 모든 자본을 잃을 수 있습니다.

최근 뉴스


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