首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 Elon Musk 的「Doge-1」月球任務發射臨近,狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 會達到 1 美元嗎?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as Elon Musk’s ‘Doge-1’ Moon Mission Launch Approaches – Will DOGE Reach $1?

隨著 Elon Musk 的「Doge-1」月球任務發射臨近,狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 會達到 1 美元嗎?

發布: 2023/11/30 22:00 閱讀: 544



隨著 Elon Musk 的「Doge-1」月球任務發射臨近,狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 會達到 1 美元嗎?

Source: Bing Image Creator

來源:Bing Image Creator

The Dogecoin price has dipped by 1% today, with its fall to $0.081625 coming as the cryptocurrency market as a whole has slipped by 0.5% in 24 hours.

狗狗幣價格今日下跌 1%,跌至 0.081625 美元,而整個加密貨幣市場在 24 小時內下跌了 0.5%。

Despite its drop, DOGE has posted a 7% gain in a week, helped along by the news that the ‘Doge-1’ satellite mission has received regulatory approval from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

儘管下跌,DOGE 在一周內上漲了 7%,這得益於「Doge-1」衛星任務已獲得國家電信和資訊管理局監管批准的消息。

Funded entirely in dogecoin, the Doge-1 satellite will launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and will broadcast ads back to Earth, with its development helping to boost interest in Dogecoin.

Doge-1 衛星完全由狗狗幣資助,將由 SpaceX Falcon 9 火箭發射,並向地球廣播廣告,其開發有助於提高人們對狗狗幣的興趣。

And given that DOGE is now up by 16%, Doge-1’s progress could help the meme token rise even further in the coming months.

鑑於 DOGE 目前上漲了 16%,Doge-1 的進展可能有助於 meme 代幣在未來幾個月進一步上漲。

Dogecoin Price Prediction as Elon Musk’s ‘Doge-1’ Moon Mission Launch Approaches – Will DOGE Reach $1?

隨著 Elon Musk 的「Doge-1」月球任務發射臨近,狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 會達到 1 美元嗎?

In contrast to some altcoins, DOGE’s indicators remain in a good position, suggesting that the meme token could make more gains quite soon.

與一些山寨幣相比,DOGE 的指標仍處於良好位置,這表明 meme 代幣可能很快就會獲得更多收益。

Its RSI (purple) has risen to 60 today, signalling rising buying pressure and momentum.

其 RSI(紫色)今天已升至 60,表明購買壓力和動力不斷上升。

Source: TradingView


At the same time, DOGE’s 30-day average (yellow) is still rising further above its 200-day (blue), again signalling that the coin remains in a bullish phase and is capable of rising further before losing momentum.

同時,DOGE 的 30 日均線(黃色)仍進一步升至 200 日均線(藍色)之上,再次表明該代幣仍處於看漲階段,並且有能力在失去動力之前進一步上漲。

What’s particularly encouraging is that DOGE’s support level has risen consistently over the past month or so, something which indicates that the token isn’t likely to suffer any major dips on its way to future rallies.

特別令人鼓舞的是,DOGE 的支持水準在過去一個月左右持續上升,這表明該代幣在未來的反彈過程中不太可能出現任何大幅下跌。

It’s also positive that DOGE’s 24-hour trading volume remains relatively high at $800 million, which contrasts very favorably with the $150 million levels it saw in September and early October.

同樣積極的是,DOGE 的 24 小時交易量仍然相對較高,達到 8 億美元,這與 9 月和 10 月初的 1.5 億美元水平形成鮮明對比。

Such levels would suggest that whales remain interested in the token, with recent transfers showing that some large traders are still accumulating DOGE, sending it off exchanges.

這樣的水平表明鯨魚仍然對該代幣感興趣,最近的轉移表明一些大型交易者仍在累積 DOGE,並將其從交易所中剔除。

113,140,662 #DOGE (9,143,670 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/9e1ucvnfLX

113,140,​​662 #DOGE(9,143,670 美元)從 #Robinhood 轉移到未知錢包https://t.co/9e1ucvnfLX

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) November 29, 2023

- 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 11 月 29 日

This all creates a positive context for the news regarding the Doge-1 satellite, which has moved closer to launching after receiving approval from the NTIA.

這一切都為 Doge-1 衛星的消息創造了積極的背景,該衛星在獲得 NTIA 批准後距離發射又近了一步。

The only thing left in terms of regulations is for it to gain approval from Federal Communications Commission, at which point it will be legally permitted to launch.


And this launch could provide DOGE with some welcome extra publicity, helping to keep it in the public eye and potentially driving more investors towards it.

此次推出可以為 DOGE 提供一些受歡迎的額外宣傳,有助於使其保持在公眾視野中,並有可能吸引更多投資者對其進行投資。

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (@NTIAgov), a Department of Commerce (@CommerceGov) agency, approved DOGE-1 X-Band (0083-EX-CN-2022 on https://t.co/b6iEAYdTPV)

美國商務部 (@CommerceGov) 機構國家電信與資訊管理局 (@NTIAgov) 批准了 DOGE-1 X 頻段(0083-EX-CN-2022,https://t.co/b6iEAYdTPV)

We have yet to get the FCC license grant which will address X-Band and S-Band $XI pic.twitter.com/YSJoyLclQk

我們尚未獲得 FCC 許可,該許可將解決 X 頻段和 S 頻段 $XI pic.twitter.com/YSJoyLclQk

— SΔMUΞL RΞIÐ (e/acc) (@SamuelReidGEC) November 28, 2023

— SΔMUΞL RΞIÐ (e/acc) (@SamuelReidGEC) 2023 年 11 月 28 日

Either way, the Dogecoin price is likely to rise along with the wider market, which could have a strong end-of-year rally, with investors expecting Bitcoin ETF approvals.

不管怎樣,狗狗幣的價格可能會隨著更廣泛的市場而上漲,年底可能會出現強勁的反彈,投資者預計比特幣 ETF 會獲得批准。

Based on this, DOGE could reach $0.1 in the next few weeks.

據此,DOGE 可能在未來幾週內達到 0.1 美元。

Other Meme Tokens With High-Return Potential

其他具有高回報潛力的 Meme 代幣

The thing with DOGE, however, is that it remains too reliant on ‘external’ factors to push up its price, and lacks the fundamentals and utility possessed by certain other coins.

然而,DOGE 的問題在於,它仍然過於依賴「外部」因素來推高其價格,並且缺乏某些其他代幣所擁有的基本面和實用性。

Yet there are alts and even a few meme tokens in the market right now that do boast greater utility, with a number of presale coins available that look set to have big rallies when they list.


This includes Meme Kombat (MK), an ERC-20 cryptocurrency that has raised over $2.2 million in its increasingly successful presale.

其中包括 Meme Kombat (MK),一種 ERC-20 加密貨幣,在其日益成功的預售中籌集了超過 220 萬美元。



We have passed $2.2 million raised in the $MK presale pic.twitter.com/rwla7Xxdz3

我們在 $MK 預售中籌集的資金已超過 220 萬美元 pic.twitter.com/rwla7Xxdz3

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) November 28, 2023

- Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) 2023 年 11 月 28 日

While Meme Kombat may look like yet another meme coin at first glance, it’s actually an online gambling platform that enables users to place bet on AI-generated battles between meme characters.

雖然 Meme Kombat 乍看之下可能像是另一種 meme 硬幣,但它實際上是一個線上賭博平台,使用戶可以對 AI 生成的 meme 角色之間的戰鬥進行投注。

It will render such battles in real-time, providing users with an entertaining focus for the bets they can place with each other or with the platform itself.


And as an Ethereum-based platform, the battles themselves will be processed transparently using blockchain, with the results for all to see.


Players will be able to place bets using the native MK token, which Meme Kombat will use to pay out any winnings.

玩家將能夠使用原生 MK 代幣進行投注,Meme Kombat 將使用該代幣來支付任何獎金。

Holders of MK will also be able to stake the token, earning themselves a passive income in the process.

MK 持有者還可以質押該代幣,並在此過程中為自己賺取被動收入。

We have already paid out more than 1.2 million $MK since launching our staking dashboard

自從推出我們的質押儀表板以來,我們已經支付了超過 120 萬美元 MK

Do you have yours staked? pic.twitter.com/TircT2o49u

你有你的嗎? pic.twitter.com/TircT2o49u

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) November 25, 2023

- Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) 2023 年 11 月 25 日

It’s fun and playful design is likely to attract a large and loyal following once it launches in the next few weeks, with investors able to join its presale by going to the Meme Kombat official website.

一旦在接下來的幾週內推出,它的有趣和俏皮的設計可能會吸引大量忠實的追隨者,投資者可以透過造訪 Meme Kombat 官方網站來參加其預售。

1 MK token currently costs $0.214, but this will rise to $0.225 in only a few hours.

1 個 MK 代幣目前的價格為 0.214 美元,但幾個小時後就會升至 0.225 美元。

Visit Meme Kombat Now

立即造訪 Meme Kombat

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.



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