첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin은 GROK 매도 속에서 문샷을 추진하고 있는데 Meme Kombat Earth가 새롭고 진정한 밈 토큰 챔피언인가요?

Dogecoin Pumps On Moon Plan As GROK Dumps, So Is Meme Kombat Earth’s New, True Meme Coin Champion?

Dogecoin은 GROK 매도 속에서 문샷을 추진하고 있는데 Meme Kombat Earth가 새롭고 진정한 밈 토큰 챔피언인가요?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/22 08:02 읽다: 465


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655d4224a769403e892a202c

The Dogecoin price is up 17% to $0.089 in a community-inspired surge, while new coin GROK hit a $200 million valuation before it was brought low by scam accusations and Meme Kombat raises $1.8 million, as meme coins strut their stuff.

Dogecoin 가격은 커뮤니티에서 영감을 받은 급증으로 17% 상승한 $0.089이며, 새로운 코인 GROK는 사기 혐의로 가격이 낮아지기 전에 2억 달러의 가치를 기록했으며 Meme Kombat는 밈 코인이 뽐내면서 180만 달러를 모금했습니다.

A plan by the Dogecoin community to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon has caught the imagination of the cryptoverse, after an X post announced the rocket launch date.

실제 Dogecoin을 달에 보내려는 Dogecoin 커뮤니티의 계획은 X 게시물이 로켓 발사 날짜를 발표한 후 암호화폐 세계의 상상력을 사로잡았습니다.

Space company Astrobotic has been booked to blast the physical coin to the moon on December 23 in a clever marketing gimmick.

The Dogecoin community has paid for a capsule in the DHL MoonBox service provided by Astrobotic. A Vulcan Centaur heavy-lift rocket built by the United Launch Alliance will take the coin to the moon.

According to the X post, the physical coin moonshot was funded by the Dogecoin community way back in 2015.

X 포스트에 따르면, 물리적 코인 문샷은 2015년에 Dogecoin 커뮤니티에서 자금을 지원받았습니다.

Meme Kombat More Likely To Get To The Moon Than Dogecoin – Buy $MK At Lowest Price Today 

Whether the countdown to launch day will be enough to sustain a rally as Christmas approaches is anyone’s guess. However, the play on the popular “to the moon” skit that is crypto shorthand for a hoped-for parabolic price run, is doing the trick for now.

출시일까지의 카운트다운이 크리스마스가 다가옴에 따라 랠리를 지속하기에 충분할지는 누구나 추측할 수 있습니다. 그러나 현재로서는 희망적인 포물선 가격 상승에 대한 암호 화폐 약어인 인기 있는 "to the Moon" 촌극이 그 트릭을 수행하고 있습니다.

Meme coins are all about virality and the secret sauce that catches the wave is a highly subjective phenomenon. 

Nevertheless, there might be surer ways to grab the limelight by offering real utility and by targeting the communities of the various competing top meme coins – that’s what Meme Kombat does with its battling and betting platform in which meme characters compete and users wager.

그럼에도 불구하고 실제 유틸리티를 제공하고 다양한 경쟁 상위 밈 코인의 커뮤니티를 타겟팅함으로써 각광을 받을 수 있는 더 확실한 방법이 있을 수 있습니다. 이것이 바로 Meme Kombat가 밈 캐릭터가 경쟁하고 사용자가 베팅하는 전투 및 베팅 플랫폼을 통해 수행하는 작업입니다.

$MK is currently priced at $0.205, but will be rising 4.39% to $0.214 in Stage 4 of the presale, which starts in five days’ time on November 23. However, the current stage of the presale is likely to sell out before then, so potential buyers will need to move fast to get the lowest available price. 

The continuing success of Dogecoin, and others like Shiba Inu, is a testament to the staying power of meme coins but Meme Kombat may have just bottled a sure-fire route to meme coin virality.

Crypto YouTube analysts are impressed with what they see from Meme Kombat, with one presale specialist positing 10x returns for early investors into the project.

암호화폐 YouTube 분석가는 Meme Kombat에서 본 내용에 깊은 인상을 받았으며, 한 사전 판매 전문가는 프로젝트 초기 투자자에게 10배의 수익을 기대했습니다.

Is GROK Just A Crock? Get Higher Returns With Utility-Rich Meme Kombat

GROK는 단지 사기꾼일 뿐인가? 유틸리티가 풍부한 Meme Kombat로 더 높은 수익을 얻으세요

Elsewhere in meme coin land, new cryptocurrency GROK has been in the news.

GROK is named after the soon-to-be-launched Elon Musk AI chatbot. The chatbot is apparently undergoing rigorous testing and will only be available to premium users of X, formerly Twitter. 

Grok AI’s unique selling point seems to be that it will be irreverent and sarcastic; a chatbot with a personality if you will. 

Grok AI의 독특한 판매 포인트는 불경스럽고 냉소적이라는 점인 것 같습니다. 당신이 원한다면 개성을 지닌 챗봇.

At least a part of the chatbot’s language model training has been on Twitter big data, which may help to provide it with an edge for trending events and developments, although that comes with the concomitant danger of regurgitating misinformation and disinformation.

But none of that is a concern of the creators of the GROK meme coin. The coin flew out of the door at launch, powering to a market capitalization of $200 million within days. GROK reached an all-time high of $0.01662 and is today priced at $0.0086.

그러나 그 어느 것도 GROK 밈 코인 제작자의 관심사가 아닙니다. 이 코인은 출시와 동시에 밖으로 날아가서 며칠 만에 시가총액이 2억 달러에 이르렀습니다. GROK는 사상 최고치인 $0.01662에 도달했으며 현재 가격은 $0.0086입니다.

Crypto sleuth zachxbt stuck a spanner in the works when he published what he said was evidence purporting to show that the project was in fact a scam. 

The X post of November 13 had an immediate impact, sending the price of GROK into a tailspin as it lost 70% of its value.

Zachxbt says an X account used by the alleged scammer had been updated numerous times as the developer cycled through the creation of multiple failed coins, including one called ANDY and another with the ticker GROKER20. 

Zachxbt는 사기꾼으로 추정되는 X 계정이 개발자가 ANDY라는 코인과 GROKER20이라는 이름의 코인을 포함하여 여러 개의 실패한 코인을 생성하는 과정을 거치면서 여러 번 업데이트되었다고 밝혔습니다.

As zachxbt observed in his X post that punctured the price run-up, there will be holders (and new buyers) that won’t care about his findings. That has indeed turned out to be the case, because far from crashing to zero the price has stabilized after its sell-off and is still trending on popular DEX trading site DEXTools, with a market cap of $64 million.

Attempts to right the ship seem to have worked for the devs behind GROK with a token burn to boost the price helping to allay fears.

Meme Kombat Is Doxxed, Unlike Most Meme Coins

Meme Kombat은 대부분의 Meme 코인과 달리 Doxxed되었습니다.

Still, those traders who take due diligence seriously and are less cavalier with their capital exposure might do well to steer clear of GROK and check out a doxxed project like Meme Kombat.

It has already been mentioned that Meme Kombat is a meme coin with real utility, targeting gaming and betting, which are perhaps the two biggest growth sectors in crypto. 

Also, making it attractive to traders and investors, especially in light of the shenanigans at GROK, Meme Kombat is a doxxed project, so it has a team you can trust.

또한 특히 GROK의 헛소리를 고려하면 거래자와 투자자에게 매력적으로 보이는 Meme Kombat는 신상 털기 프로젝트이므로 신뢰할 수 있는 팀이 있습니다.

Meme Kombat project leader Matt Whiteman is also the chief operations officer of NFT analytics startup North Technologies B.V, based in the Netherlands.

Meme Kombat Offers Cheap, Efficient Staking And Gaming

$MK dynamic staking seamlessly blends on-chain and off-chain transactions on its unique platform. Users only pay network fees when they stake and unstake their $MK while claiming rewards takes place off-chain, incurring no fees. 

$MK 동적 스테이킹은 고유한 플랫폼에서 온체인 및 오프체인 거래를 원활하게 혼합합니다. 사용자는 $MK를 스테이킹하거나 언스테이크할 때만 네트워크 수수료를 지불하며, 보상은 오프체인에서 발생하므로 수수료가 발생하지 않습니다.

Stakers can see all their interactions with the staking platform, such as deposits and claims, logged in real-time.

The staking system will also be integrated with the on-chain game contracts, meaning you will be able to play the games with staked tokens. 

스테이킹 시스템은 온체인 게임 계약과도 통합됩니다. 즉, 스테이킹된 토큰으로 게임을 플레이할 수 있습니다.

So far 6.51 million $MK has been staked, earning an APY of 605%. Total rewards of $MK 557,380 have been earned to date for the 1876 active stakers.

지금까지 651만 $MK가 스테이킹되었으며, APY는 605%입니다. 현재까지 1876명의 활성 스테이커에 대해 총 $MK 557,380의 보상이 획득되었습니다.

Such is the popularity of the service that 59% of all sold tokens have been staked.

판매된 전체 토큰의 59%가 스테이킹될 정도로 서비스의 인기가 높습니다.

You can keep up with developments at Meme Kombat on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

X(이전의 Twitter) 및 Telegram의 Meme Kombat에서 개발 상황을 따라갈 수 있습니다.

Meme Kombat Joins Top Meme Coins And Boldly Marches Into The Future Of Crypto Gaming And Gambling

Meme Kombat’s Season 1 will be available after the presale is sold out and the project launched. There are 11 meme characters you can battle with Season 1: Milady, Baby Doge, Doge, Floki, Kishu, Mong, Pepe, Pepe2, Shiba, Sponge and Wojak.

Meme Kombat의 시즌 1은 사전 판매가 매진되고 프로젝트가 시작된 후에 이용 가능합니다. 시즌 1에서 싸울 수 있는 밈 캐릭터는 Milady, Baby Doge, Doge, Floki, Kishu, Mong, Pepe, Pepe2, Shiba, Sponge 및 Wojak입니다.

Players bet on the meme characters and are rewarded with $MK tokens if they back the winners.

It is believed that Season 2 meme characters will be out just before Season 1 wraps up.

시즌 2 밈 캐릭터는 시즌 1이 끝나기 직전에 나올 것으로 예상됩니다.

On the gaming side blockchain technology assures there’s verifiable randomness and the trust and security of its crypto architecture is perfectly suited for gambling. 

It is also good to know that Meme Kombat’s smart contract has been security audited. No major issues have been detected.

Meme Kombat의 스마트 계약이 보안 감사를 받았다는 사실도 알아두면 좋습니다. 큰 문제는 발견되지 않았습니다.

As far as the tokenomics goes, 50% of the total token supply is being sold in the presale, 30% for staking and battler rewards, 10% for community rewards, and 10% for decentralized exchange liquidity. The total token supply of $MK is 120,000,000.

Dogecoin and GROK have their upsides and downsides but with Meme Kombat it could all be cream. Say hello to the king of meme coins by making your $MK purchase today for an arena seat on the future of crypto gaming and gambling, with a meme character twist.

Dogecoin과 GROK에는 장점과 단점이 있지만 Meme Kombat를 사용하면 모든 것이 중요해질 수 있습니다. 오늘 $MK를 구매하여 밈 캐릭터 트위스트와 함께 암호화폐 게임 및 도박의 미래에 대한 경기장 좌석을 구매하여 밈 코인의 왕에게 인사하세요.

Buy Meme Kombat here. 

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-pumps-on-moon-plan-as-grok-dumps-so-is-meme-kombat-earth-s-new-true-meme-coin-champion-tbt71155.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-pumps-on-moon-plan-as-grok-dumps-so-is-meme-kombat-earth-s-new-true-meme-coin-champion-tbt71155. HTML

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