首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币在 GROK 抛售之际推动登月计划,那么 Meme Kombat Earth 是新的、真正的 Meme 代币冠军吗?

Dogecoin Pumps On Moon Plan As GROK Dumps, So Is Meme Kombat Earth’s New, True Meme Coin Champion?

狗狗币在 GROK 抛售之际推动登月计划,那么 Meme Kombat Earth 是新的、真正的 Meme 代币冠军吗?

发布: 2023/11/22 08:02 阅读: 465



The Dogecoin price is up 17% to $0.089 in a community-inspired surge, while new coin GROK hit a $200 million valuation before it was brought low by scam accusations and Meme Kombat raises $1.8 million, as meme coins strut their stuff.

在社区推动下,狗狗币的价格上涨了 17%,达到 0.089 美元,而新币 GROK 的估值在因诈骗指控而下跌之前达到了 2 亿美元,Meme Kombat 筹集了 180 万美元,因为 meme 币大肆宣传。

A plan by the Dogecoin community to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon has caught the imagination of the cryptoverse, after an X post announced the rocket launch date.

在 X 帖子宣布火箭发射日期后,狗狗币社区将实物狗狗币发送到月球的计划引起了加密世界的想象力。

Space company Astrobotic has been booked to blast the physical coin to the moon on December 23 in a clever marketing gimmick.

太空公司 Astrobotic 已预定于 12 月 23 日将实体硬币发射到月球,这是一个巧妙的营销噱头。

The Dogecoin community has paid for a capsule in the DHL MoonBox service provided by Astrobotic. A Vulcan Centaur heavy-lift rocket built by the United Launch Alliance will take the coin to the moon.

狗狗币社区已在 Astrobotic 提供的 DHL MoonBox 服务中支付了胶囊费用。由联合发射联盟建造的火神半人马重型火箭将把这枚硬币送上月球。

According to the X post, the physical coin moonshot was funded by the Dogecoin community way back in 2015.

据 X 帖子称,实体币登月计划早在 2015 年就由狗狗币社区资助。

Meme Kombat More Likely To Get To The Moon Than Dogecoin – Buy $MK At Lowest Price Today 

Meme Kombat 比狗狗币更有可能登上月球 – 立即以最低价格购买 $MK

Whether the countdown to launch day will be enough to sustain a rally as Christmas approaches is anyone’s guess. However, the play on the popular “to the moon” skit that is crypto shorthand for a hoped-for parabolic price run, is doing the trick for now.


Meme coins are all about virality and the secret sauce that catches the wave is a highly subjective phenomenon. 


Nevertheless, there might be surer ways to grab the limelight by offering real utility and by targeting the communities of the various competing top meme coins – that’s what Meme Kombat does with its battling and betting platform in which meme characters compete and users wager.

然而,可能有更可靠的方法来吸引人们的注意,通过提供真正的实用性并瞄准各种竞争性顶级模因硬币的社区——这就是 Meme Kombat 的战斗和投注平台所做的,模因角色在其中竞争和用户下注。

$MK is currently priced at $0.205, but will be rising 4.39% to $0.214 in Stage 4 of the presale, which starts in five days’ time on November 23. However, the current stage of the presale is likely to sell out before then, so potential buyers will need to move fast to get the lowest available price. 

$MK 目前售价为 0.205 美元,但在 11 月 23 日五天后开始的预售第四阶段将上涨 4.39% 至 0.214 美元。然而,当前阶段的预售很可能在此之前售完,因此,潜在买家需要快速行动才能获得最低的可用价格。

The continuing success of Dogecoin, and others like Shiba Inu, is a testament to the staying power of meme coins but Meme Kombat may have just bottled a sure-fire route to meme coin virality.

狗狗币和柴犬等其他货币的持续成功证明了模因币的持久力,但 Meme Kombat 可能刚刚为模因币病毒式传播开辟了一条必经之路。

Crypto YouTube analysts are impressed with what they see from Meme Kombat, with one presale specialist positing 10x returns for early investors into the project.

Crypto YouTube 分析师对 Meme Kombat 的表现印象深刻,一位预售专家预计该项目的早期投资者可以获得 10 倍的回报。

Is GROK Just A Crock? Get Higher Returns With Utility-Rich Meme Kombat

GROK 只是一个陶罐吗?通过实用丰富的 Meme Kombat 获得更高的回报

Elsewhere in meme coin land, new cryptocurrency GROK has been in the news.

在模因币领域的其他地方,新的加密货币 GROK 也出现在新闻中。

GROK is named after the soon-to-be-launched Elon Musk AI chatbot. The chatbot is apparently undergoing rigorous testing and will only be available to premium users of X, formerly Twitter. 

GROK 是以即将推出的 Elon Musk AI 聊天机器人命名的。该聊天机器人显然正在接受严格的测试,并且仅适用于 X(以前称为 Twitter)的高级用户。

Grok AI’s unique selling point seems to be that it will be irreverent and sarcastic; a chatbot with a personality if you will. 

Grok AI 的独特卖点似乎是它会不敬和讽刺;如果你愿意的话,一个有个性的聊天机器人。

At least a part of the chatbot’s language model training has been on Twitter big data, which may help to provide it with an edge for trending events and developments, although that comes with the concomitant danger of regurgitating misinformation and disinformation.

聊天机器人的语言模型训练至少有一部分是在 Twitter 大数据上进行的,这可能有助于为其提供趋势事件和发展的优势,尽管这也伴随着重复错误信息和虚假信息的危险。

But none of that is a concern of the creators of the GROK meme coin. The coin flew out of the door at launch, powering to a market capitalization of $200 million within days. GROK reached an all-time high of $0.01662 and is today priced at $0.0086.

但 GROK Meme 币的创造者并不关心这些。该代币一经推出就一炮而红,几天之内市值就达到了 2 亿美元。 GROK 达到 0.01662 美元的历史新高,今天的价格为 0.0086 美元。

Crypto sleuth zachxbt stuck a spanner in the works when he published what he said was evidence purporting to show that the project was in fact a scam. 

加密货币侦探 zachxbt 发表了他所说的证据,声称该项目实际上是一个骗局,这给他的工作带来了麻烦。

The X post of November 13 had an immediate impact, sending the price of GROK into a tailspin as it lost 70% of its value.

11 月 13 日的 X 帖子产生了立竿见影的影响,导致 GROK 的价格陷入混乱,损失了 70% 的价值。

Zachxbt says an X account used by the alleged scammer had been updated numerous times as the developer cycled through the creation of multiple failed coins, including one called ANDY and another with the ticker GROKER20. 

Zachxbt 表示,涉嫌诈骗者使用的 X 帐户已被更新多次,因为开发人员循环创建了多个失败的代币,其中包括一个名为 ANDY 的代币和另一个代号为 GROKER20 的代币。

As zachxbt observed in his X post that punctured the price run-up, there will be holders (and new buyers) that won’t care about his findings. That has indeed turned out to be the case, because far from crashing to zero the price has stabilized after its sell-off and is still trending on popular DEX trading site DEXTools, with a market cap of $64 million.

正如 zachxbt 在他的 X 帖子中观察到的那样,该帖子刺破了价格的上涨,会有持有人(和新买家)不关心他的发现。事实确实如此,因为价格远未跌至零,在抛售后已趋于稳定,并且仍在流行的 DEX 交易网站 DEXTools 上保持趋势,市值为 6400 万美元。

Attempts to right the ship seem to have worked for the devs behind GROK with a token burn to boost the price helping to allay fears.

GROK 背后的开发者似乎通过烧毁代币来抬高价格,从而缓解了人们的担忧。

Meme Kombat Is Doxxed, Unlike Most Meme Coins

Meme Kombat 已被人肉搜索,与大多数 Meme 币不同

Still, those traders who take due diligence seriously and are less cavalier with their capital exposure might do well to steer clear of GROK and check out a doxxed project like Meme Kombat.

尽管如此,那些认真对待尽职调查并且对自己的资本敞口不那么漫不经心的交易者最好避开 GROK,并检查像 Meme Kombat 这样的人肉搜索项目。

It has already been mentioned that Meme Kombat is a meme coin with real utility, targeting gaming and betting, which are perhaps the two biggest growth sectors in crypto. 

前面已经提到,Meme Kombat 是一种具有真正实用性的 Meme 币,针对游戏和博彩,这可能是加密货币中增长最快的两个领域。

Also, making it attractive to traders and investors, especially in light of the shenanigans at GROK, Meme Kombat is a doxxed project, so it has a team you can trust.

此外,它对交易者和投资者也很有吸引力,特别是考虑到 GROK 的恶作剧,Meme Kombat 是一个人肉搜索项目,因此它拥有一个值得信赖的团队。

Meme Kombat project leader Matt Whiteman is also the chief operations officer of NFT analytics startup North Technologies B.V, based in the Netherlands.

Meme Kombat 项目负责人 Matt Whiteman 也是荷兰 NFT 分析初创公司 North Technologies B.V 的首席运营官。

Meme Kombat Offers Cheap, Efficient Staking And Gaming

Meme Kombat 提供廉价、高效的质押和游戏

$MK dynamic staking seamlessly blends on-chain and off-chain transactions on its unique platform. Users only pay network fees when they stake and unstake their $MK while claiming rewards takes place off-chain, incurring no fees. 

$MK 动态质押在其独特的平台上无缝地融合了链上和链下交易。用户只需在质押和解除质押 $MK 时支付网络费用,同时声称奖励发生在链外,不产生任何费用。

Stakers can see all their interactions with the staking platform, such as deposits and claims, logged in real-time.


The staking system will also be integrated with the on-chain game contracts, meaning you will be able to play the games with staked tokens. 


So far 6.51 million $MK has been staked, earning an APY of 605%. Total rewards of $MK 557,380 have been earned to date for the 1876 active stakers.

到目前为止,已质押 651 万美元,年化收益率为 605%。迄今为止,1876 名活跃质押者已获得 557,380 美元的总奖励。

Such is the popularity of the service that 59% of all sold tokens have been staked.

该服务非常受欢迎,所有已售代币中有 59% 已被质押。

You can keep up with developments at Meme Kombat on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

您可以在 X(以前称为 Twitter)和 Telegram 上的 Meme Kombat 上了解最新动态。

Meme Kombat Joins Top Meme Coins And Boldly Marches Into The Future Of Crypto Gaming And Gambling

Meme Kombat 加入顶级 Meme 币行列,大胆进军加密货币游戏和赌博的未来

Meme Kombat’s Season 1 will be available after the presale is sold out and the project launched. There are 11 meme characters you can battle with Season 1: Milady, Baby Doge, Doge, Floki, Kishu, Mong, Pepe, Pepe2, Shiba, Sponge and Wojak.

Meme Kombat 的第 1 季将在预售售完并项目启动后推出。您可以在第 1 季中与 11 个模因角色战斗:Milady、Baby Doge、Doge、Floki、Kishu、Mong、Pepe、Pepe2、Shiba、Sponge 和 Wojak。

Players bet on the meme characters and are rewarded with $MK tokens if they back the winners.

玩家对模因角色下注,如果支持获胜者,他们将获得 $MK 代币奖励。

It is believed that Season 2 meme characters will be out just before Season 1 wraps up.


On the gaming side blockchain technology assures there’s verifiable randomness and the trust and security of its crypto architecture is perfectly suited for gambling. 


It is also good to know that Meme Kombat’s smart contract has been security audited. No major issues have been detected.

值得高兴的是,Meme Kombat 的智能合约已经过安全审核。尚未发现重大问题。

As far as the tokenomics goes, 50% of the total token supply is being sold in the presale, 30% for staking and battler rewards, 10% for community rewards, and 10% for decentralized exchange liquidity. The total token supply of $MK is 120,000,000.

就代币经济学而言,代币供应总量的 50% 在预售中出售,30% 用于质押和战斗者奖励,10% 用于社区奖励,10% 用于去中心化交易所流动性。 $MK 的代币供应总量为 120,000,000 个。

Dogecoin and GROK have their upsides and downsides but with Meme Kombat it could all be cream. Say hello to the king of meme coins by making your $MK purchase today for an arena seat on the future of crypto gaming and gambling, with a meme character twist.

Dogecoin 和 GROK 都有其优点和缺点,但有了 Meme Kombat,一切都可能是奶油色的。立即购买 MK 美元,向 Meme 币之王问好,以获得加密货币游戏和赌博未来的舞台席位,并带有 Meme 角色。

Buy Meme Kombat here. 

在这里购买 Meme Kombat。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-pumps-on-moon-plan-as-grok-dumps-so-is-meme-kombat-earth-s-new-true-meme-coin-champion-tbt71155.html

来源:https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-pumps-on-moon-plan-as-grok-dumps-so-is-meme-kombat-earth-s-new-true-meme-coin-champion-tbt71155。 html


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