첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Jim Cramer는 혼합된 시장 신호 속에서 비트코인에 투자하라고 조언합니다.

Jim Cramer Recommends Investing in Bitcoin Amidst Mixed Market Signals

Jim Cramer는 혼합된 시장 신호 속에서 비트코인에 투자하라고 조언합니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/24 07:01 읽다: 924


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655fc903b7a78318a22adb85

Jim Cramer는 혼합된 시장 신호 속에서 비트코인에 투자하라고 조언합니다.

  • Often the market begins moving in the opposite direction of his predictions.
  • 종종 시장은 그의 예측과 반대 방향으로 움직이기 시작합니다.

  • Bitcoin and Jim Cramer’s protracted spat looks to have been in mediation for some time.

Jim Cramer, a well-known TV personality and financial expert, is known for making bold market predictions. Whenever Jim Cramer makes a forecast on the future of cryptocurrencies or stocks, a phenomenon known as “Cramer’s curse” typically occurs, as per the community.

Often the market begins moving in the opposite direction of his predictions, prompting some investors to take the other tack.

종종 시장은 그의 예측과 반대 방향으로 움직이기 시작하여 일부 투자자는 다른 방향을 택하게 됩니다.

Recently, Jim Cramer, host of the stock market analysis show Mad Money, has recommended cryptocurrency investments, namely Bitcoin, on the show. Bitcoin’s price saw slight increases today, suggesting that Cramer’s comments caused a stir in the larger cryptocurrency markets.

So Far Bitcoin Stable

지금까지 비트코인 ​​안정

Bitcoin and Jim Cramer’s protracted spat looks to have been in mediation for some time. Cramer apparently advised his audience to liquidate their Bitcoin holdings in October of this year, given the state of the market at the time.

Cramer said in the statement that the current market circumstances show that it is a good time to get out of the crypto industry. Recent comments, however, seem to run counter to his established worldview.

크레이머는 성명에서 현재 시장 상황을 보면 지금이 암호화폐 산업에서 벗어나기에 좋은 시기라는 것을 보여준다고 말했다. 그러나 최근 발언은 그의 기존 세계관에 어긋나는 것 같다.

Moreover, in Cramer’s most recent edition of CNBC Lightning Round, he indicated that one should acquire Bitcoin if they genuinely like it. Jim said that this was his way of thinking from the beginning, and that he liked it for a time. This mental framework was crucial to his financial success as per Jim.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $37,260, up 0.59% in the last 24 hours as per data from CoinMarketCap. The crypto market has been quite stable despite the recent Binance and U.S authorities settlement.

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