첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Netflix 이사는 Dogecoin 횡재 후 스트리밍 거대 기업으로부터 1,400만 달러를 요구합니다

Netflix Director Seeks $14 Million from Streaming Giant After Dogecoin Windfall

Netflix 이사는 Dogecoin 횡재 후 스트리밍 거대 기업으로부터 1,400만 달러를 요구합니다

풀어 주다: 2023/11/24 07:01 읽다: 321

원저자:Crypto Intelligence News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655f98f61b990a051781b2bf

Netflix’s sci-fi series “Conquest” has been embroiled in controversy as its director, Carl Erik Rinsch, reportedly diverted $4 million from the show’s budget to invest in Dogecoin, resulting in a $27 million windfall.

넷플릭스의 공상과학 시리즈 '컨퀘스트'의 감독인 칼 에릭 린쉬(Carl Erik Rinsch)가 프로그램 예산에서 400만 달러를 도지코인에 투자하여 2,700만 달러의 횡재를 가져왔다는 보도가 나오면서 논란에 휩싸였습니다.

Now, Rinsch is seeking an additional $14 million from Netflix, according to a confidential arbitration proceeding mentioned in a November 22 report by The New York Times.

The New York Times의 11월 22일 보고서에 언급된 기밀 중재 절차에 따르면, 이제 Rinsch는 Netflix로부터 추가로 1,400만 달러를 요구하고 있습니다.

The behind-the-scenes drama of “Conquest” is outlined in The New York Times report, revealing that Netflix had allocated a substantial budget of $55 million for the series, but no episodes have been delivered as yet.

In March 2020, approximately 16 months after Netflix greenlit Rinsch’s concept and provided an initial budget of $44 million,

Netflix가 Rinsch의 컨셉을 승인한 지 약 16개월 후인 2020년 3월에 초기 예산 4,400만 달러를 제공했습니다.

Rinsch requested additional funds. Netflix agreed to release $11 million on the condition that he completed the show.

Financial records obtained by The New York Times disclosed that Rinsch used $10.5 million from the new funding to speculate in the stock market, experiencing significant losses of nearly $6 million in just a few weeks through options bets on pharmaceutical firms and the S&P 500.

The New York Times가 입수한 재무 기록에 따르면 Rinsch는 새로운 자금 중 1,050만 달러를 주식 시장 투기에 사용했으며, 제약 회사와 S&P 500에 대한 옵션 베팅을 통해 단 몇 주 만에 거의 600만 달러에 가까운 상당한 손실을 입었습니다.

Left with slightly over $4 million, Rinsch transferred the remaining funds to the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken and invested heavily in Dogecoin.

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더 읽어보기: FTC는 AI 오용에 대한 조사를 간소화하기 위해 과감한 조치를 취합니다.

When he cashed out in May 2021, he realized approximately $27 million in profits, as confirmed by an account statement obtained by the newspaper.

신문이 입수한 계좌 명세서에 따르면 그는 2021년 5월 현금을 인출했을 때 약 2,700만 달러의 수익을 실현했습니다.

Rinsch expressed his gratitude to cryptocurrency in a conversation with a Kraken representative, saying, “Thank you and god bless crypto.”

With his newfound wealth, Rinsch purportedly splurged on high-end furniture, designer clothing, an extravagant watch worth over $380,000, five Rolls Royces, and a Ferrari. A forensic accountant hired by Rinsch’s ex-wife for divorce proceedings provided this information.

In response to his cryptocurrency adventures, Rinsch initiated a confidential arbitration proceeding against Netflix, alleging that the streaming service had breached its contract and owed him $14 million in damages.

암호화폐 모험에 대응하여 Rinsch는 스트리밍 서비스가 계약을 위반했으며 그에게 1,400만 달러의 손해 배상금을 지불해야 한다고 주장하면서 Netflix를 상대로 비밀 중재 절차를 시작했습니다.

Netflix, however, has vehemently denied any financial obligations to Rinsch, characterizing his demands as extortion.

Rinsch initially argued that the lavish expenditures were related to “Conquest.” Later, in his case against Netflix, he asserted that the money was rightfully his, and he was entitled to an additional $14 million.

The case is currently pending a ruling, and an arbitrator heard arguments in November, with a decision expected in the near future.

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