首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣橫財後 Netflix 導演向串流媒體巨頭尋求 1400 萬美元

Netflix Director Seeks $14 Million from Streaming Giant After Dogecoin Windfall

狗狗幣橫財後 Netflix 導演向串流媒體巨頭尋求 1400 萬美元

發布: 2023/11/24 07:01 閱讀: 321

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence News


Netflix’s sci-fi series “Conquest” has been embroiled in controversy as its director, Carl Erik Rinsch, reportedly diverted $4 million from the show’s budget to invest in Dogecoin, resulting in a $27 million windfall.

Netflix 的科幻影集《征服》陷入爭議,據報導該劇導演卡爾·埃里克·林什(Carl Erik Rinsch) 從該劇的預算中挪用了400 萬美元來投資狗狗幣,從而獲得了2700萬美元的意外之財。

Now, Rinsch is seeking an additional $14 million from Netflix, according to a confidential arbitration proceeding mentioned in a November 22 report by The New York Times.

根據《紐約時報》 11 月 22 日報告中提到的一項保密仲裁程序,Rinsch 正在向 Netflix 尋求額外的 1400 萬美元。

The behind-the-scenes drama of “Conquest” is outlined in The New York Times report, revealing that Netflix had allocated a substantial budget of $55 million for the series, but no episodes have been delivered as yet.

《紐約時報》的報導概述了《征服》的幕後故事,透露 Netflix 已為該劇撥出 5500 萬美元的巨額預算,但目前尚未交付任何劇集。

In March 2020, approximately 16 months after Netflix greenlit Rinsch’s concept and provided an initial budget of $44 million,

2020 年 3 月,即 Netflix 批准 Rinsch 的概念並提供 4,400 萬美元的初始預算約 16 個月後,

Rinsch requested additional funds. Netflix agreed to release $11 million on the condition that he completed the show.

林什請求額外資金。 Netflix 同意發放 1,100 萬美元,條件是他必須完成這部劇。

Financial records obtained by The New York Times disclosed that Rinsch used $10.5 million from the new funding to speculate in the stock market, experiencing significant losses of nearly $6 million in just a few weeks through options bets on pharmaceutical firms and the S&P 500.

《紐約時報》獲得的財務記錄顯示,林奇利用新融資中的1050 萬美元進行股市投機,透過押注製藥公司和標準普爾500 指數的期權,短短幾週內就遭受了近600 萬美元的巨額損失。

Left with slightly over $4 million, Rinsch transferred the remaining funds to the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken and invested heavily in Dogecoin.

剩下略高於 400 萬美元的 Rinsch 將剩餘資金轉移到加密貨幣交易所 Kraken,並大量投資於狗狗幣。

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When he cashed out in May 2021, he realized approximately $27 million in profits, as confirmed by an account statement obtained by the newspaper.

該報獲得的一份帳戶報表證實,當他於 2021 年 5 月套現時,他實現了約 2,700 萬美元的利潤。

Rinsch expressed his gratitude to cryptocurrency in a conversation with a Kraken representative, saying, “Thank you and god bless crypto.”

Rinsch 在與 Kraken 代表的對話中表達了他對加密貨幣的感激之情,他說:“謝謝你,上帝保佑加密貨幣。”

With his newfound wealth, Rinsch purportedly splurged on high-end furniture, designer clothing, an extravagant watch worth over $380,000, five Rolls Royces, and a Ferrari. A forensic accountant hired by Rinsch’s ex-wife for divorce proceedings provided this information.

據稱,Rinsch 憑藉新獲得的財富,揮霍購買了高端家具、名牌服裝、價值超過 38 萬美元的奢侈手錶、五輛勞斯萊斯和一輛法拉利。林什前妻為離婚訴訟聘請的法務會計師提供了這項資訊。

In response to his cryptocurrency adventures, Rinsch initiated a confidential arbitration proceeding against Netflix, alleging that the streaming service had breached its contract and owed him $14 million in damages.

為了回應他的加密貨幣冒險,Rinsch 對 Netflix 發起了保密仲裁程序,指控該串流媒體服務違反了合約並欠他 1400 萬美元的賠償金。

Netflix, however, has vehemently denied any financial obligations to Rinsch, characterizing his demands as extortion.

然而,Netflix 強烈否認對林許承擔任何財務義務,並將他的要求定性為敲詐勒索。

Rinsch initially argued that the lavish expenditures were related to “Conquest.” Later, in his case against Netflix, he asserted that the money was rightfully his, and he was entitled to an additional $14 million.

林什最初辯稱,這些奢侈開支與「征服」有關。後來,在起訴 Netflix 的案件中,他堅稱這筆錢理應屬於他,並且他有權獲得額外的 1,400 萬美元。

The case is currently pending a ruling, and an arbitrator heard arguments in November, with a decision expected in the near future.

該案目前正在等待裁決,仲裁員於 11 月聽取了辯論,預計將在不久的將來做出裁決。

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