첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 도권씨, 몬테네그로 고등법원의 인도 명령에 항소

Do Kwon Appeals Extradition Order of Montenegro High Court

도권씨, 몬테네그로 고등법원의 인도 명령에 항소

풀어 주다: 2023/12/07 10:04 읽다: 439


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65710e81f8b22a64822035b8

도권씨, 몬테네그로 고등법원의 인도 명령에 항소

  • Do Kwon’s contestation of the verdict was affirmed by the Montenegrin Court of Appeal.
  • The Montenegro Court of Appeals will again rule on the extradition.
  • 몬테네그로 항소법원은 범죄인 인도에 대해 다시 판결을 내릴 예정입니다.

The founder of Terraform Labs, Do Kwon, has recently appealed the extradition order made by the High Court of Podgorica in Montenegro. On December 6, Do Kwon’s contestation of the verdict was affirmed by the Montenegrin Court of Appeal.

Terraform Labs의 설립자인 권도권씨는 최근 몬테네그로 포드고리차 고등법원의 범죄인 인도 명령에 대해 항소했습니다. 12월 6일, 몬테네그로 항소법원에서는 판결에 대한 도권씨의 이의가 확정되었습니다.

Kwon stated:

권씨는 이렇게 말했다.

 “I do not accept the court’s decision to extradite me, so I do not submit to the court’s decision.”

“나는 법원의 인도 결정을 받아들이지 않기 때문에 법원의 결정에 따르지 않습니다.”

New Ruling Awaited

Moreover, the purpose of this appeal is to force the Montenegrin Court of Appeals to reconsider its judgment on extradition. Because of this, the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice is having a hard time deciding whether or not to return Do Kwon before the December 15 deadline.

This change in the law followed the original June 15 order by the Montenegrin court to extradite Do Kwon, which established a six-month detention term until December 15.

Furthermore, the press secretary of the Podgorica High Court, Marija Rakovic, said on December 1 that Do Kwon and others engaged in extradition proceedings have the ability to dispute court rulings, according to information received from the local news outlet Digital Asset.

또한 포드고리차 고등법원 대변인 마리야 라코비치(Marija Rakovic)는 12월 1일 지역 뉴스 매체인 디지털 에셋(Digital Asset)에서 입수한 정보에 따르면 인도 절차에 참여한 권도도와 다른 사람들이 법원 판결에 이의를 제기할 수 있다고 말했다.

The Montenegro Court of Appeals will again rule on the extradition after the appeal is lodged, Rakovic said. The locals think there’s little hope of changing the repatriation decision, but the legal procedure is still ongoing.

The extradition judgment was made around two weeks ago, and Do Kwon has appealed. In a news statement dated November 24, the High Court of Montenegro declared that Do Kwon’s extradition, which had been sought by both South Korea and the US, had been approved.

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