가격: $0.17080 2.3851%
시장가치: 25.35B 0.9394%
회전율 (24h): 1.62B 0%
권세: 0.9394%
Price: $0.17080 2.3851%
시장가치: 25.35B 0.9394%
회전율 (24h): 1.62B 0%
권세: 0.9394% 0.9394%
  • 가격: $0.17080 2.3851%
  • 시장가치: 25.35B 0.9394%
  • 회전율 (24h): 1.62B 0%
  • 권세: 0.9394% 0.9394%
  • 가격: $0.17080 2.3851%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > Meme 코인은 어려움을 겪고 있으며 NuggetRush는 투자자의 관심을 끌고 있습니다.

Meme coins struggling, NuggetRush drawing investor attention

Meme 코인은 어려움을 겪고 있으며 NuggetRush는 투자자의 관심을 끌고 있습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/17 20:16 읽다: 978


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/652e497345e3443daa3c0737



– Major meme coins facing market turbulence due to fluctuating prices and regulatory concerns.

– NuggetRush (NUGX), a new contender, is emerging and spearheading changes in the meme coin industry.

– NuggetRush boasts innovative features such as NUGX staking and a play-to-earn (P2E) game.

– Community-driven growth is at the heart of NuggetRush’s potential.

– 커뮤니티 중심의 성장은 NuggetRush 잠재력의 핵심입니다.

As Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) grapple with market turbulence, NuggetRush (NUGX), a new contender, is emerging from the shadows.

The inevitable question resonating among crypto trend-watchers is now clear: Is it time for NuggetRush, a meme coin project, to shine and become a crypto to buy?

암호화폐 동향을 관찰하는 사람들 사이에서 떠오르는 피할 수 없는 질문은 이제 분명해졌습니다. 이제 밈 코인 프로젝트인 NuggetRush가 빛을 발하고 구매할 암호화폐가 될 때가 되었나요?

Navigating the storm: major meme coins struggle amid market volatility

Major meme coins have been tested by the volatile tides of the crypto market in recent months. To illustrate, Bitcoin (BTC) crashed by over 75%, bottoming up from around $16,000 in November 2022. 

The draw down harmed altcoins, and DOGE, SHIB, and others fell hard from 2021 peaks. Even PEPE, launched in late April and listed on Binance in early May 2023, is down by over 70%, highlighting the effects of the bear market.

하락은 알트코인에 피해를 입혔고 DOGE, SHIB 등은 2021년 최고점에서 크게 하락했습니다. 4월 말에 출시되어 2023년 5월 초 바이낸스에 상장된 PEPE조차 70% 이상 하락해 약세장의 영향을 부각시키고 있습니다.

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Due to fluctuating prices and regulatory concerns, especially from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), investors are now casting doubts on the value of once soaring top meme coins. 

Dogecoin is now accused of being stagnant in growth, only reliant on the whims of Elon Musk–whom the SEC is keen on gagging. This has forced developers to be innovative. NuggetRush, despite the noticeable seismic shifts in the space, is spearheading changes, and investors are taking note.

NuggetRush: rising in a turbulent market

NuggetRush: 격동하는 시장에서 상승

Amid the chaos and discouraging depression of the extended bear run, NuggetRush seeks to revitalize the struggling and volatile meme coin industry with features such as NUGX staking that rewards up to 20% APY. 

The project is also launching a play-to-earn (P2E) game and tokenomics where its governance token is set to be deflationary.

이 프로젝트는 또한 거버넌스 토큰이 디플레이션으로 설정된 P2E(Play-to-Earn) 게임과 토큰경제학을 출시하고 있습니다.

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The fast development of an active community and demand for NUGX in the ongoing presale can be attributed to the blend of new technology, community-driven development, and a vision that allows NFT, decentralized finance (defi), and gaming enthusiasts to explore and find value from what the team says is an “ecosystem of rewards.”

활발한 커뮤니티의 빠른 발전과 진행 중인 사전 판매에서 NUGX에 대한 수요는 신기술, 커뮤니티 중심 개발, NFT, 탈중앙화 금융(defi) 및 게임 매니아가 탐색하고 찾을 수 있도록 하는 비전의 혼합에 기인할 수 있습니다. 팀이 말하는 가치는 "보상 생태계"입니다.

NuggetRush: community-driven growth

Besides creating value, at the heart of NuggetRush’s ascent is its commitment to community-driven growth; similar to what’s powering the first crypto, Bitcoin.

Unlike legacy meme coin projects, NuggetRush places immense value on the active participation of NUGX holders. NuggetRush, via automated by SolidProof audited smart contracts, has a means where developers and supporters collaborate closely. 

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다음도 추천해 보세요: FTX 창립자 Sam Bankman-Fried의 평가판 9일차: 요약

In this way, the platform fosters transparency, trust, and collective ambition on Ethereum, a secure blockchain. The core team will also renounce its smart contracts, allowing the community to take over.

이러한 방식으로 플랫폼은 안전한 블록체인인 이더리움에 대한 투명성, 신뢰 및 집단적 야망을 조성합니다. 핵심 팀은 또한 스마트 계약을 포기하여 커뮤니티가 인수할 수 있도록 할 것입니다.

This synergy between creators and NUGX holders fuels the project’s development, nurturing a sense of ownership and pride among its community.

The potential of newcomers in crypto

암호화폐 분야 신규 이민자의 잠재력

The potential of newcomers like NuggetRush to redefine the crypto landscape, ushering in a new era of possibilities, has been an attraction for seasoned investors and newcomers alike.

As major meme coins struggle, the spotlight shifts towards these rising stars, unburdened by the limitations of tradition, bringing fresh ideas and novel approaches to the table.

In the face of adversity, the crypto community’s resilience evidently shines through. While Dogecoin—a top ten cryptocurrency– and Shiba Inu struggle to gain traction, the emergence of coins like NuggetRush underscores the industry’s ability to adapt and evolve.

역경 속에서도 암호화폐 커뮤니티의 회복력은 분명히 빛을 발합니다. 상위 10대 암호화폐인 Dogecoin과 Shiba Inu가 견인력을 얻기 위해 고군분투하는 동안 NuggetRush와 같은 코인의 출현은 업계의 적응과 진화 능력을 강조합니다.

Visit NuggetRush presale website

Read more: Pepe hype ends, NuggetRush aims to take over meme coin scene in 2023

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

공개: 이 콘텐츠는 제3자에 의해 제공됩니다. crypto.news는 이 페이지에 언급된 어떤 제품도 보증하지 않습니다. 사용자는 회사와 관련된 조치를 취하기 전에 스스로 조사해야 합니다.

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