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Meme coins struggling, NuggetRush drawing investor attention

Meme 币举步维艰,NuggetRush 吸引投资者关注

发布: 2023/10/17 20:16 阅读: 978





– Major meme coins facing market turbulence due to fluctuating prices and regulatory concerns.

– 由于价格波动和监管问题,主要模因币面临市场动荡。

– NuggetRush (NUGX), a new contender, is emerging and spearheading changes in the meme coin industry.

– NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一个新的竞争者,正在兴起并引领模因币行业的变革。

– NuggetRush boasts innovative features such as NUGX staking and a play-to-earn (P2E) game.

– NuggetRush 拥有创新功能,例如 NUGX 质押和边玩边赚钱 (P2E) 游戏。

– Community-driven growth is at the heart of NuggetRush’s potential.

– 社区驱动的增长是 NuggetRush 潜力的核心。

As Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) grapple with market turbulence, NuggetRush (NUGX), a new contender, is emerging from the shadows.

在狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 努力应对市场动荡之际,新的竞争者 NuggetRush (NUGX) 正在从阴影中崛起。

The inevitable question resonating among crypto trend-watchers is now clear: Is it time for NuggetRush, a meme coin project, to shine and become a crypto to buy?


Navigating the storm: major meme coins struggle amid market volatility


Major meme coins have been tested by the volatile tides of the crypto market in recent months. To illustrate, Bitcoin (BTC) crashed by over 75%, bottoming up from around $16,000 in November 2022. 

近几个月来,主要的模因币已经受到了加密货币市场波动的考验。举例来说,比特币 (BTC) 暴跌超过 75%,从 2022 年 11 月的 16,000 美元左右触底。

The draw down harmed altcoins, and DOGE, SHIB, and others fell hard from 2021 peaks. Even PEPE, launched in late April and listed on Binance in early May 2023, is down by over 70%, highlighting the effects of the bear market.

此次下跌对山寨币造成了损害,DOGE、SHIB 和其他货币从 2021 年的峰值大幅下跌。就连 4 月下旬推出、2023 年 5 月上旬在币安上市的 PEPE 也下跌了 70% 以上,凸显了熊市的影响。

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Due to fluctuating prices and regulatory concerns, especially from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), investors are now casting doubts on the value of once soaring top meme coins. 


Dogecoin is now accused of being stagnant in growth, only reliant on the whims of Elon Musk–whom the SEC is keen on gagging. This has forced developers to be innovative. NuggetRush, despite the noticeable seismic shifts in the space, is spearheading changes, and investors are taking note.

狗狗币现在被指责增长停滞,只依赖埃隆·马斯克的突发奇想——美国证券交易委员会热衷于堵住他的嘴。这迫使开发商必须创新。尽管该领域发生了明显的地震变化,NuggetRush 仍在引领变革,投资者正在关注这一点。

NuggetRush: rising in a turbulent market


Amid the chaos and discouraging depression of the extended bear run, NuggetRush seeks to revitalize the struggling and volatile meme coin industry with features such as NUGX staking that rewards up to 20% APY. 

在长期熊市的混乱和令人沮丧的萧条中,NuggetRush 寻求通过 NUGX 质押等功能重振陷入困境且不稳定的模因币行业,奖励高达 20% APY。

The project is also launching a play-to-earn (P2E) game and tokenomics where its governance token is set to be deflationary.


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The fast development of an active community and demand for NUGX in the ongoing presale can be attributed to the blend of new technology, community-driven development, and a vision that allows NFT, decentralized finance (defi), and gaming enthusiasts to explore and find value from what the team says is an “ecosystem of rewards.”

活跃社区的快速发展以及正在进行的预售中对 NUGX 的需求可归因于新技术、社区驱动的开发以及允许 NFT、去中心化金融 (defi) 和游戏爱好者探索和发现的愿景的融合团队所说的“奖励生态系统”的价值。

NuggetRush: community-driven growth


Besides creating value, at the heart of NuggetRush’s ascent is its commitment to community-driven growth; similar to what’s powering the first crypto, Bitcoin.

除了创造价值之外,NuggetRush 崛起的核心是其对社区驱动增长的承诺;类似于第一个加密货币比特币的动力。

Unlike legacy meme coin projects, NuggetRush places immense value on the active participation of NUGX holders. NuggetRush, via automated by SolidProof audited smart contracts, has a means where developers and supporters collaborate closely. 

与传统 meme 币项目不同,NuggetRush 非常重视 NUGX 持有者的积极参与。 NuggetRush 通过由 SolidProof 审核的自动化智能合约,提供了一种让开发人员和支持者密切合作的方式。

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In this way, the platform fosters transparency, trust, and collective ambition on Ethereum, a secure blockchain. The core team will also renounce its smart contracts, allowing the community to take over.


This synergy between creators and NUGX holders fuels the project’s development, nurturing a sense of ownership and pride among its community.

创作者和 NUGX 持有者之间的这种协同作用推动了项目的发展,在社区中培养了主人翁意识和自豪感。

The potential of newcomers in crypto


The potential of newcomers like NuggetRush to redefine the crypto landscape, ushering in a new era of possibilities, has been an attraction for seasoned investors and newcomers alike.

像 NuggetRush 这样的新来者具有重新定义加密货币格局、开创充满可能性的新时代的潜力,这对经验丰富的投资者和新来者都具有吸引力。

As major meme coins struggle, the spotlight shifts towards these rising stars, unburdened by the limitations of tradition, bringing fresh ideas and novel approaches to the table.


In the face of adversity, the crypto community’s resilience evidently shines through. While Dogecoin—a top ten cryptocurrency– and Shiba Inu struggle to gain traction, the emergence of coins like NuggetRush underscores the industry’s ability to adapt and evolve.

面对逆境,加密社区的韧性显然表现得淋漓尽致。虽然狗狗币(排名前十的加密货币)和柴犬难以获得关注,但像 NuggetRush 这样的代币的出现凸显了该行业的适应和发展能力。

Visit NuggetRush presale website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

Read more: Pepe hype ends, NuggetRush aims to take over meme coin scene in 2023

阅读更多:Pepe 炒作结束,NuggetRush 计划在 2023 年接管 meme 硬币场景

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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