첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Bullish Golden Cross가 등장함에 따라 Dogecoin (DOGE) 수백만 명이 움직입니다.

Millions of Dogecoin (DOGE) Shifted as Bullish Golden Cross Appears

Bullish Golden Cross가 등장함에 따라 Dogecoin (DOGE) 수백만 명이 움직입니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/22 20:37 읽다: 957


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655df1ecfd8dfc703f979147

Bullish Golden Cross가 등장함에 따라 Dogecoin (DOGE) 수백만 명이 움직입니다.

Crypto data tracker Whale Alert reports a significant amount of Dogecoin has moved in the last 24 hours.

암호화폐 데이터 추적기인 Whale Alert는 지난 24시간 동안 상당한 양의 Dogecoin이 이동했다고 보고했습니다.

Whale Alert reports that over 631.3 million Dogecoins were moved in three separate transactions. First, 92,313,653 DOGE worth $6,812,612 were shifted from Robinhood to an unknown wallet. Second, a large amount of DOGE worth $35,261,581 was moved from an unknown wallet to Bittrex. Third, an unknown wallet deposited 70,087,832 DOGE worth $5,202,986 to Robinhood.

🚨 92,313,653 #DOGE (6,812,612 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/e0NM0w5mGP

🚨 92,313,653 #DOGE (6,812,612 USD)가 #Robinhood에서 알 수 없는 지갑으로 이체되었습니다https://t.co/e0NM0w5mGP

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) November 21, 2023

Dogecoin has confirmed a bullish crossover on its daily chart, with the moving average (MA) 50 rising above the MA 200 — a golden cross — notably the first such occurrence since a year ago.

The last time a golden cross appeared on the Dogecoin daily chart was in November 2022. In March, a death cross formed, which was quickly followed by a rise to highs of $0.104 before the bears took over.

Dogecoin 일일 차트에 마지막으로 골든 크로스가 나타난 것은 2022년 11월이었습니다. 3월에 데드 크로스가 형성되었고, 이어 하락세가 이어지기 전에 빠르게 0.104달러의 최고치까지 상승했습니다.

The last "golden cross" to show on the Dogecoin daily chart was in November 2022, making this latest one the first of the year 2023. In March, a death cross formed, which was quickly followed by a rise to highs of $0.104 before the bears took over.

At the time of writing, Dogecoin was down 3.41% in the last 24 hours to $0.074, despite the appearance of a golden cross on its chart.

That said, traders should pay close attention to the market trend so as not to get trapped on the wrong side of the market. Some consider moving average crossovers to be lagging indicators since they might occur when the market is already overbought or oversold and due for a correction or comeback.

즉, 거래자는 시장의 잘못된 쪽에 갇히지 않도록 시장 추세에 세심한 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 일부 사람들은 시장이 이미 과매수 또는 과매도 상태이고 조정 또는 반등이 예정된 경우에 발생할 수 있기 때문에 이동 평균 교차를 후행 지표로 간주합니다.

On-chain analytics firm IntoTheBlock notes that there has been a significant increase in active Dogecoin addresses, growing by 87.1% since early November. The active Dogecoin address count rose from 48,470 on Nov. 1 to 90,690 by Nov. 20. The spike in address activity might be seen as a positive for Dogecoin.

In another positive development, Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic wants to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox on Dec. 23, 2023, using ULA's Vulcan Centaur Rocket.

또 다른 긍정적인 발전으로 피츠버그에 본사를 둔 Astrobotic은 ULA의 Vulcan Centaur Rocket을 사용하여 2023년 12월 23일 DHL Moonbox를 통해 실제 Dogecoin을 달에 보내고 싶어합니다.

주요 주제

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
    스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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