첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 일론 머스크는 이 문서를 받은 후 전 오픈AI CEO에 대한 조사를 촉구했다.

Elon Musk Calls for OpenAI Ex-CEO Investigation After Receiving These Documents

일론 머스크는 이 문서를 받은 후 전 오픈AI CEO에 대한 조사를 촉구했다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/22 19:52 읽다: 882


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/655de058fd8dfc703f979133

일론 머스크는 이 문서를 받은 후 전 오픈AI CEO에 대한 조사를 촉구했다.

Tech mogul, Tesla CEO and owner of X app, as well as several other innovative companies, Elon Musk has had his attention caught by a letter about OpenAI that he had just received.

기술 거물이자 Tesla CEO이자 X 앱 소유주 및 기타 여러 혁신적인 기업의 소유주인 Elon Musk는 방금 받은 OpenAI에 대한 편지로 관심을 끌었습니다.

Musk did not mention who exactly the sender of this letter was but he stated that he believes this case is “worth investigating”. The link shared by Musk shows the “404 error”, however, screenshots of the letter were shared by a commentator under Musk’s tweet.

This letter about OpenAI was just sent to me. These seem like concerns worth investigating.https://t.co/hnAepyfLE6

OpenAI에 관한 이 편지가 방금 나에게 전송되었습니다. 이는 조사해볼 가치가 있는 우려사항인 것 같습니다.https://t.co/hnAepyfLE6

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 21, 2023

Elon Musk shares OpenAI former employees’ letter

The screenshots of the letter from “Concerned Former OpenAI Employees”. The authors of the letter who preferred to stay anonymous, claimed that a large amount of the company’s staffers were pushed out in 2018, when OpenAI transitioned to the “for-profit” model from a “non-profit” one.

“걱정되는 전 OpenAI 직원”이 보낸 편지의 스크린샷. 익명을 선호한 서한의 작성자는 OpenAI가 "비영리" 모델에서 "영리" 모델로 전환한 2018년에 회사 직원 중 상당수가 쫓겨났다고 주장했습니다.

The letter was addressed to the board of directors of OpenAI, calling for them to investigate these actions of the former CEO Sam Altman and president Greg Brockman. At present, both have left OpenAI but negotiations are underway with the board for them to come back.

Sharing these because the link now gives a 404 - thanks @pitdesi for them! pic.twitter.com/82hgVqPgrf

이제 링크가 404를 제공하므로 이를 공유합니다. @pitdesi에게 감사드립니다! pic.twitter.com/82hgVqPgrf

— Ajay Juneja (@ajayjuneja) November 22, 2023

The letter particularly claims that the attrition of OpenAI staff during the aforementioned transition period for a new operational model was 50% 0 between January 2018 and July 2020; they gave this as a proof of the company ousting a lot of employees and terminating contracts with them.

이 서한은 특히 앞서 언급한 새로운 운영 모델의 전환 기간 동안 OpenAI 직원의 감원이 2018년 1월부터 2020년 7월 사이에 50% 0이었다고 주장합니다. 회사가 많은 직원을 해고하고 계약을 해지했다는 증거로 이것을 제시했습니다.

The letter also claims that the “concerned former employees” witnessed “a disturbing pattern of deceit and manipulation by Sam Altman and Greg Brockman driven by their insatiable pursuit of achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).” “Their methods, however, raised serious doubts about their true intentions and the extent to which they generally prioritize the benefit of all humanity,” the letter further states.

Elon Musk gets a mention

Those employees, who dared to raise their concerns while seeing this, were silenced ot pushed out, the authors of the letter openly state. And this constant and systematic silencing created an atmosphere of “fear and intimidation, effectively stifling any meaningful discussion about the ethical implications of OpenAI’s work”.

Another quote here and here’s where Elon Musk mentioned: “Sam’s discreet, yet routine exploitation of OpenAI’s non-profit resources to advance his personal goals, particularly motivated by his grudge against Elon following their falling out.”

Musk contributed a substantial amount of funds as a cofouder of OpenAI in 2015 when it was still a non-profit but then the Tesla CEO left since he did not like the idea of OpenAI plans to begin working for profit. Later, Microsoft picked interest in OpenAI and invested in it heavily several times.

머스크는 2015년 OpenAI가 아직 비영리였던 당시 OpenAI의 공동 창업자로서 상당한 자금을 기부했지만 Tesla CEO는 OpenAI가 이익을 위해 일할 계획이 마음에 들지 않아 떠났습니다. 나중에 Microsoft는 OpenAI에 관심을 갖고 여러 차례 막대한 투자를 했습니다.

Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus left a comment under Musk’s tweet, supporting his suggestion of having this case investigated, adding that “that gist was very unconvincing”, stating that he did not quite trust the contents of the anonymous letter.

there should be an investigation but if i’m being honest, that gist was very unconvincing

조사가 있어야 하는데 솔직히 말해서 그 내용이 너무 설득력이 없었어요

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) November 21, 2023

Other members of the crypto community also supported Musk, stating that AI in general must be supervised.

암호화폐 커뮤니티의 다른 구성원들도 머스크를 지지하며 AI 전반을 감독해야 한다고 말했습니다.

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