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Elon Musk Calls for OpenAI Ex-CEO Investigation After Receiving These Documents

伊隆馬斯克在收到這些文件後呼籲對 OpenAI 前執行長進行調查

發布: 2023/11/22 19:52 閱讀: 882



伊隆馬斯克在收到這些文件後呼籲對 OpenAI 前執行長進行調查

Tech mogul, Tesla CEO and owner of X app, as well as several other innovative companies, Elon Musk has had his attention caught by a letter about OpenAI that he had just received.

作為科技大亨、特斯拉執行長、X app 所有者以及其他幾家創新公司的 Elon Musk 剛剛收到的一封有關 OpenAI 的信引起了他的注意。

Musk did not mention who exactly the sender of this letter was but he stated that he believes this case is “worth investigating”. The link shared by Musk shows the “404 error”, however, screenshots of the letter were shared by a commentator under Musk’s tweet.


This letter about OpenAI was just sent to me. These seem like concerns worth investigating.https://t.co/hnAepyfLE6

這封關於 OpenAI 的信剛剛寄給我。這些似乎值得調查。https://t.co/hnAepyfLE6

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 21, 2023

— 伊隆馬斯克 (@elonmusk) 2023 年 11 月 21 日

Elon Musk shares OpenAI former employees’ letter

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 分享 OpenAI 前員工的信

The screenshots of the letter from “Concerned Former OpenAI Employees”. The authors of the letter who preferred to stay anonymous, claimed that a large amount of the company’s staffers were pushed out in 2018, when OpenAI transitioned to the “for-profit” model from a “non-profit” one.

「關心的 OpenAI 前員工」信件截圖。這封信的作者不願透露姓名,他們聲稱,2018年OpenAI從「非營利」模式轉向「營利」模式時,公司大量員工被解僱。

The letter was addressed to the board of directors of OpenAI, calling for them to investigate these actions of the former CEO Sam Altman and president Greg Brockman. At present, both have left OpenAI but negotiations are underway with the board for them to come back.

這封信是寫給 OpenAI 董事會的,呼籲他們調查前執行長 Sam Altman 和總裁 Greg Brockman 的這些行為。目前,兩人都已離開 OpenAI,但正在與董事會進行談判以讓他們回歸。

Sharing these because the link now gives a 404 - thanks @pitdesi for them! pic.twitter.com/82hgVqPgrf

分享這些是因為連結現在給了 404 - 感謝@pitdesi! pic.twitter.com/82hgVqPgrf

— Ajay Juneja (@ajayjuneja) November 22, 2023

- Ajay Juneja (@ajayjuneja) 2023 年 11 月 22 日

The letter particularly claims that the attrition of OpenAI staff during the aforementioned transition period for a new operational model was 50% 0 between January 2018 and July 2020; they gave this as a proof of the company ousting a lot of employees and terminating contracts with them.


The letter also claims that the “concerned former employees” witnessed “a disturbing pattern of deceit and manipulation by Sam Altman and Greg Brockman driven by their insatiable pursuit of achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).” “Their methods, however, raised serious doubts about their true intentions and the extent to which they generally prioritize the benefit of all humanity,” the letter further states.

信中還聲稱,「有關前員工」目睹了「山姆·奧爾特曼和格雷格·布羅克曼對實現通用人工智慧(AGI)的永不滿足的追求所驅動的令人不安的欺騙和操縱模式。” 「然而,他們的方法讓人嚴重懷疑他們的真正意圖以及他們普遍優先考慮全人類利益的程度,」信中進一步指出。

Elon Musk gets a mention


Those employees, who dared to raise their concerns while seeing this, were silenced ot pushed out, the authors of the letter openly state. And this constant and systematic silencing created an atmosphere of “fear and intimidation, effectively stifling any meaningful discussion about the ethical implications of OpenAI’s work”.

這封信的作者公開表示,那些看到這一情況而敢於提出擔憂的員工被噤聲,甚至被趕了出去。這種持續、系統性的沉默營造了一種「恐懼和恐嚇的氛圍,有效地扼殺了任何有關 OpenAI 工作的道德影響的有意義的討論」。

Another quote here and here’s where Elon Musk mentioned: “Sam’s discreet, yet routine exploitation of OpenAI’s non-profit resources to advance his personal goals, particularly motivated by his grudge against Elon following their falling out.”

這裡和這裡的另一句話是伊隆馬斯克提到的:「山姆謹慎而例行地利用OpenAI 的非營利資源來推進他的個人目標,尤其是在他們鬧翻後他對埃隆的怨恨。”

Musk contributed a substantial amount of funds as a cofouder of OpenAI in 2015 when it was still a non-profit but then the Tesla CEO left since he did not like the idea of OpenAI plans to begin working for profit. Later, Microsoft picked interest in OpenAI and invested in it heavily several times.

2015 年,馬斯克作為 OpenAI 的聯合創始人貢獻了大量資金,當時 OpenAI 還是一家非營利組織,但後來這位特斯拉執行長離開了,因為他不喜歡 OpenAI 計劃開始盈利的想法。後來,微軟對OpenAI產生了興趣,並多次對其進行了大量投資。

Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus left a comment under Musk’s tweet, supporting his suggestion of having this case investigated, adding that “that gist was very unconvincing”, stating that he did not quite trust the contents of the anonymous letter.


there should be an investigation but if i’m being honest, that gist was very unconvincing


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) November 21, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 11 月 21 日

Other members of the crypto community also supported Musk, stating that AI in general must be supervised.



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