첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > X 플랫폼은 2024년에 종합 금융 서비스를 달성할 것입니다. Dogecoin과 Borroe Finance가 상승할까요?

Platform X To Implement Full Financial Service By 2024 – Will Dogecoin & BorroeFinance Rise?

X 플랫폼은 2024년에 종합 금융 서비스를 달성할 것입니다. Dogecoin과 Borroe Finance가 상승할까요?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/04 12:00 읽다: 332

원저자:News BTC

원본 소스:https://www.newsbtc.com/press-releases/platform-x-to-implement-full-financial-service-by-2024-will-dogecoin-borroefinance-rise/

X 플랫폼은 2024년에 종합 금융 서비스를 달성할 것입니다. Dogecoin과 Borroe Finance가 상승할까요?

X (formerly Twitter) is arguably the biggest social media platform right now. Its Billionaire owner, Elon Musk, recently revealed plans to turn X into a full-scale financial services app. While Dogecoin ($DOGE) investors hope the token is included as a means of payment, analysts are already looking at the impact of the decision on the crypto market.

X(이전의 Twitter)는 틀림없이 현재 가장 큰 소셜 미디어 플랫폼입니다. 억만장자 소유주인 Elon Musk는 최근 X를 본격적인 금융 서비스 앱으로 전환할 계획을 밝혔습니다. Dogecoin($DOGE) 투자자들은 토큰이 지불 수단으로 포함되기를 희망하지만 분석가들은 이미 이 결정이 암호화폐 시장에 미치는 영향을 조사하고 있습니다.

Here’s how platform X might affect Dogecoin ($DOGE) and BorroeFinance ($ROE) in the next few months.

플랫폼 X가 향후 몇 달 동안 Dogecoin($DOGE) 및 BorroeFinance($ROE)에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지는 다음과 같습니다.


>>지금 $ROE 토큰을 구매하세요

Elon Musk Says “You Won’t Need a Bank Account”

Elon Musk는 "은행 계좌가 필요하지 않습니다"라고 말합니다.

X owner Elon Musk recently revealed his plan to add full-stack financial services to the social media platform. The popular tech founder revealed this while speaking to his employees in an online meeting.

Elon Musk also added that X is in the process of obtaining the remaining licenses required to operate as a full financial body in the next few months.

Elon Musk는 또한 X가 향후 몇 달 안에 완전한 금융 기관으로 운영하는 데 필요한 나머지 라이선스를 획득하는 과정에 있다고 덧붙였습니다.

During the meeting, Elon expressly said, “If it involves money, it will be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like sending $20 to my friend. I’m talking about you won’t need a bank account.

This isn’t Elon’s first rodeo in the finance sector. The eccentric Musk built and sold PayPal in the early 2000s, and investors are waiting to see what he’ll achieve with X.

이것은 금융 부문에서 Elon의 첫 번째 로데오가 아닙니다. 괴짜 머스크는 2000년대 초반에 PayPal을 구축하고 판매했으며, 투자자들은 그가 X를 통해 무엇을 달성할지 기다리고 있습니다.

$DOGE Investors Optimistic About New X Revelation

$DOGE 투자자들은 새로운 X 계시에 대해 낙관적입니다

Shortly after the X news broke, Dogecoin investors renewed hope that Dogecoin ($DOGE) will become a means of payment on X. If X decided to incorporate crypto payments, Dogecoin ($DOGE) will likely be included due to the founder’s love for the meme coin. This move can potentially make Dogecoin ($DOGE) the best crypto investment in 2024.

While Dogecoin investors are waiting on Elon Musk, founders are staying frugal. Billy Markus, Dogecoin’s co-founder, recently decided not to buy a $2 million house in California, stating that the housing market may crash soon.

Dogecoin 투자자들이 Elon Musk를 기다리는 동안 창업자들은 검소함을 유지하고 있습니다. Dogecoin의 공동 창업자인 Billy Markus는 최근 주택 시장이 곧 붕괴될 수 있다고 말하면서 캘리포니아에서 200만 달러 규모의 주택을 구입하지 않기로 결정했습니다.

Meanwhile, $DOGE gained 13.97% in the crypto market in late October. $DOGE traded for $0.06108 on October 22. A week later, $DOGE surged and sold for $0.06959. If Elon Musk eventually decides to incorporate $DOGE into X, analysts say the token may surpass its all-time high and trade for $1 in 2024.

Investors Anticipate Massive $ROE Surge in Early 2024

New DeFi projects and web3 businesses often have difficulty meeting their short-term liquidity obligations, and BorroeFinance aims to solve this problem. BorroeFinance ($ROE) is an AI-powered fundraising platform that allows web3 participants to raise instant cash by selling future digital earnings.

새로운 DeFi 프로젝트와 web3 비즈니스는 단기 유동성 의무를 충족하는 데 어려움을 겪는 경우가 많으며 BorroeFinance는 이 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. BorroeFinance($ROE)는 web3 참가자가 미래의 디지털 수익을 판매하여 즉시 현금을 모을 수 있는 AI 기반 모금 플랫폼입니다.


>>지금 $ROE 토큰을 구매하세요

On BorroeFinance ($ROE), web3 participants can mint their future subscriptions, invoices, royalties, and other verifiable digital income into trending NFTs and sell them to supportive communities at discounted prices.

BorroeFinance($ROE)에서 web3 참가자는 향후 구독, 청구서, 로열티 및 기타 검증 가능한 디지털 소득을 인기 있는 NFT로 만들어 지원 커뮤니티에 할인된 가격으로 판매할 수 있습니다.

BorroeFinance ($ROE) is now selling for $0.015, and that price will surge to $0.040 after all presale stages conclude. According to analysts, this price movement will deliver a 167% ROI to early BorroeFinance ($ROE) investors. In addition, experts say $ROE may trade for $0.100 by June 2024 if the token sees speedy market adoption.

Learn more about BorroeFinance ($ROE) here:

여기에서 BorroeFinance($ROE)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요:

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