首页 > 资讯新闻 > X平台将于2024年实现全面金融服务——Dogecoin和BorroeFinance会崛起吗?

Platform X To Implement Full Financial Service By 2024 – Will Dogecoin & BorroeFinance Rise?


发布: 2023/11/04 12:00 阅读: 332

原文作者:News BTC



X (formerly Twitter) is arguably the biggest social media platform right now. Its Billionaire owner, Elon Musk, recently revealed plans to turn X into a full-scale financial services app. While Dogecoin ($DOGE) investors hope the token is included as a means of payment, analysts are already looking at the impact of the decision on the crypto market.

X(以前的 Twitter)可以说是目前最大的社交媒体平台。其亿万富翁所有者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近透露,计划将 X 转变为全面的金融服务应用程序。虽然狗狗币 ($DOGE) 投资者希望将代币作为一种支付手段,但分析师已经在关注这一决定对加密货币市场的影响。

Here’s how platform X might affect Dogecoin ($DOGE) and BorroeFinance ($ROE) in the next few months.

以下是 X 平台在未来几个月可能对狗狗币 ($DOGE) 和 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 产生的影响。


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Elon Musk Says “You Won’t Need a Bank Account”


X owner Elon Musk recently revealed his plan to add full-stack financial services to the social media platform. The popular tech founder revealed this while speaking to his employees in an online meeting.

X 所有者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近透露了他计划在社交媒体平台上添加全栈金融服务。这位受欢迎的科技创始人在一次在线会议上与员工交谈时透露了这一点。

Elon Musk also added that X is in the process of obtaining the remaining licenses required to operate as a full financial body in the next few months.

埃隆·马斯克还补充说,X 正在获取未来几个月作为完整金融机构运营所需的剩余许可证。

During the meeting, Elon expressly said, “If it involves money, it will be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like sending $20 to my friend. I’m talking about you won’t need a bank account.

会议期间,埃隆明确表示,“如果涉及到钱,就会在我们的平台上。金钱或证券或其他任何东西。所以,这不仅仅是寄 20 美元给我的朋友那么简单。我是说你不需要银行账户。”

This isn’t Elon’s first rodeo in the finance sector. The eccentric Musk built and sold PayPal in the early 2000s, and investors are waiting to see what he’ll achieve with X.

这并不是埃隆第一次涉足金融领域。性格古怪的马斯克在 2000 年代初期创建并出售了 PayPal,投资者正在等待他将通过 X 实现什么目标。

$DOGE Investors Optimistic About New X Revelation

$DOGE 投资​​者对新的 X 启示持乐观态度

Shortly after the X news broke, Dogecoin investors renewed hope that Dogecoin ($DOGE) will become a means of payment on X. If X decided to incorporate crypto payments, Dogecoin ($DOGE) will likely be included due to the founder’s love for the meme coin. This move can potentially make Dogecoin ($DOGE) the best crypto investment in 2024.

X 消息传出后不久,狗狗币投资者再次希望狗狗币 ($DOGE) 将成为 X 上的一种支付方式。如果 X 决定纳入加密支付,由于创始人对加密货币的热爱,狗狗币 ($DOGE) 很可能会被纳入其中。模因币。此举可能使狗狗币 ($DOGE) 成为 2024 年最佳的加密货币投资。

While Dogecoin investors are waiting on Elon Musk, founders are staying frugal. Billy Markus, Dogecoin’s co-founder, recently decided not to buy a $2 million house in California, stating that the housing market may crash soon.

当狗狗币投资者等待埃隆·马斯克的时候,创始人却保持节俭。狗狗币联合创始人比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)最近决定不再购买加州价值 200 万美元的房屋,称房地产市场可能很快就会崩溃。

Meanwhile, $DOGE gained 13.97% in the crypto market in late October. $DOGE traded for $0.06108 on October 22. A week later, $DOGE surged and sold for $0.06959. If Elon Musk eventually decides to incorporate $DOGE into X, analysts say the token may surpass its all-time high and trade for $1 in 2024.

与此同时,10 月底,$DOGE 在加密货币市场上上涨了 13.97%。 10 月 22 日,$DOGE 的交易价格为 0.06108 美元。一周后,$DOGE 飙升并以 0.06959 美元的价格出售。分析师表示,如果埃隆·马斯克最终决定将 $DOGE 纳入 X,该代币可能会在 2024 年突破历史新高,交易价格为 1 美元。

Investors Anticipate Massive $ROE Surge in Early 2024

投资者预计 2024 年初 ROE 大幅飙升

New DeFi projects and web3 businesses often have difficulty meeting their short-term liquidity obligations, and BorroeFinance aims to solve this problem. BorroeFinance ($ROE) is an AI-powered fundraising platform that allows web3 participants to raise instant cash by selling future digital earnings.

新的 DeFi 项目和 web3 业务通常难以履行其短期流动性义务,BorroeFinance 旨在解决这个问题。 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 是一个人工智能驱动的筹款平台,允许 web3 参与者通过出售未来的数字收益来筹集即时现金。


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On BorroeFinance ($ROE), web3 participants can mint their future subscriptions, invoices, royalties, and other verifiable digital income into trending NFTs and sell them to supportive communities at discounted prices.

在 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 上,web3 参与者可以将他们未来的订阅、发票、特许权使用费和其他可验证的数字收入铸造成流行的 NFT,并以折扣价出售给支持社区。

BorroeFinance ($ROE) is now selling for $0.015, and that price will surge to $0.040 after all presale stages conclude. According to analysts, this price movement will deliver a 167% ROI to early BorroeFinance ($ROE) investors. In addition, experts say $ROE may trade for $0.100 by June 2024 if the token sees speedy market adoption.

BorroeFinance ($ROE) 目前售价为 0.015 美元,在所有预售阶段结束后,该价格将飙升至 0.040 美元。据分析师称,这一价格走势将为早期 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 投资者带来 167% 的投资回报率。此外,专家表示,如果该代币迅速被市场采用,到 2024 年 6 月,$ROE 的交易价格可能会达到 0.100 美元。

Learn more about BorroeFinance ($ROE) here:

在此了解有关 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 的更多信息:

Visit BorroeFinance Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow BorroeFinance on Twitter

访问 BorroeFinance 预售 |加入 Telegram 群组 |在 Twitter 上关注 BorroeFinance




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