첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Ripple이 TaiFu™ 30 암호화폐 지수에서 승리를 거두었습니다.

Ripple triumphs with a return to TaiFu™ 30 Crypto Index

Ripple이 TaiFu™ 30 암호화폐 지수에서 승리를 거두었습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/07 10:44 읽다: 670


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651aa17c4e886845dc118521

Ripple이 TaiFu™ 30 암호화폐 지수에서 승리를 거두었습니다.

Ripple (XRP), the cryptocurrency linked to American blockchain firm Ripple Labs Inc., has marked its return to the TaiFu™ 30 Crypto Index, a notable benchmark that daily recalibrates to feature the 30 leading cryptocurrencies based on market capitalization. This index is renowned for its daily recalibrations, ensuring the most current representation of the top 30 cryptocurrencies.

XRP’s re-inclusion in the index is significant, reflecting its increased accessibility to Western traders. Tai Zen, the co-creator of the TaiFu 30 Crypto Index, shared this development in a post, emphasizing that the re-inclusion process was seamless, given the index’s routine reshuffling at each quarter’s commencement.

XRP가 지수에 다시 포함된 것은 서구 거래자에 대한 접근성이 높아졌음을 반영하여 중요합니다. TaiFu 30 암호화폐 지수의 공동 창시자인 Tai Zen은 게시물에서 이 개발 상황을 공유하면서 각 분기 시작 시 지수의 일상적인 재편성을 고려할 때 재편입 과정이 원활하다는 점을 강조했습니다.

Moreover, XRP now stands alongside prominent cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), USD, Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Solana (SOL). However, it holds a weighted share of just 2.756% on the index, starkly contrasting Bitcoin’s 49.353%, USD’s 20%, and Ethereum’s 19.413%.

또한 XRP는 이제 비트코인(BTC), USD, 이더리움(ETH), 도지코인(DOGE) 및 솔라나(SOL)와 같은 주요 암호화폐와 나란히 서 있습니다. 그러나 지수에서 가중 점유율은 2.756%에 불과해 비트코인의 49.353%, 미국 달러의 20%, 이더리움의 19.413%와 극명하게 대조됩니다.

The journey of XRP has seen its share of challenges. In December 2020, it faced a setback when the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) initiated a lawsuit against Ripple Labs. The SEC alleged that Ripple Labs engaged in the sales of XRP, which was deemed an unregistered security at that time. This development led to the delisting of the coin from many exchanges and analytics platforms, impacting its price and depriving traders and institutions of access to liquidity in major Western markets.

However, a shift in perception occurred in July when Judge Analisa Torres ruled that XRP could not be classified as security when traded on secondary marketplaces. This ruling revitalized the coin’s outlook, leading to its relisting on major exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken and a first-time listing on Gemini.

Although partially appealed by the SEC, this legal milestone has reinstated faith in the coin, enhancing its global accessibility and contributing to its return to the TaiFu™ 30 Crypto Index.

SEC가 부분적으로 항소했지만, 이 법적 이정표는 코인에 대한 신뢰를 회복하여 글로벌 접근성을 향상시키고 TaiFu™ 30 암호화폐 지수로 복귀하는 데 기여했습니다.

Additionally, the re-inclusion of XRP in the index was relatively stress-free due to the index’s regular reshuffling at the start of every quarter. This has allowed the coin to reintegrate with the index, joining other major cryptocurrencies smoothly.

The re-emergence of XRP in this index is a testament to its resilience and adaptability in the dynamic cryptocurrency market. The coin’s renewed designation and subsequent relisting on major platforms have played pivotal roles in restoring its image and market presence.

이 지수에서 XRP가 다시 등장한 것은 역동적인 암호화폐 시장에서 XRP의 탄력성과 적응성을 입증하는 것입니다. 코인의 새로운 명칭과 그에 따른 주요 플랫폼에서의 재상장은 코인의 이미지와 시장 입지를 회복하는 데 중추적인 역할을 했습니다.

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