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Ripple triumphs with a return to TaiFu™ 30 Crypto Index

Ripple 回归 TaiFu™ 30 加密指数,取得胜利

发布: 2023/10/07 10:44 阅读: 670



Ripple 回归 TaiFu™ 30 加密指数,取得胜利

Ripple (XRP), the cryptocurrency linked to American blockchain firm Ripple Labs Inc., has marked its return to the TaiFu™ 30 Crypto Index, a notable benchmark that daily recalibrates to feature the 30 leading cryptocurrencies based on market capitalization. This index is renowned for its daily recalibrations, ensuring the most current representation of the top 30 cryptocurrencies.

Ripple (XRP) 是与美国区块链公司 Ripple Labs Inc. 相关的加密货币,已回归 TaiFu™ 30 加密货币指数,该指数是一个著名的基准,每天根据市值重新调整以包含 30 种领先的加密货币。该指数以其每日重新校准而闻名,确保代表前 30 名加密货币的最新情况。

XRP’s re-inclusion in the index is significant, reflecting its increased accessibility to Western traders. Tai Zen, the co-creator of the TaiFu 30 Crypto Index, shared this development in a post, emphasizing that the re-inclusion process was seamless, given the index’s routine reshuffling at each quarter’s commencement.

XRP 重新纳入该指数意义重大,反映出其对西方交易者的吸引力有所增加。 TaiFu 30 加密货币指数的联合创始人 Tai Zen 在一篇文章中分享了这一进展,强调考虑到该指数在每个季度开始时都会进行例行重新调整,重新纳入的过程是无缝的。

Moreover, XRP now stands alongside prominent cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), USD, Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Solana (SOL). However, it holds a weighted share of just 2.756% on the index, starkly contrasting Bitcoin’s 49.353%, USD’s 20%, and Ethereum’s 19.413%.

此外,XRP 现在与比特币 (BTC)、美元、以太坊 (ETH)、狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Solana (SOL) 等著名加密货币并驾齐驱。然而,它在该指数中的权重份额仅为 2.756%,与比特币的 49.353%、美元的 20% 和以太坊的 19.413% 形成鲜明对比。

The journey of XRP has seen its share of challenges. In December 2020, it faced a setback when the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) initiated a lawsuit against Ripple Labs. The SEC alleged that Ripple Labs engaged in the sales of XRP, which was deemed an unregistered security at that time. This development led to the delisting of the coin from many exchanges and analytics platforms, impacting its price and depriving traders and institutions of access to liquidity in major Western markets.

XRP 的发展历程也充满了挑战。 2020年12月,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对Ripple Labs提起诉讼,该公司遭遇挫折。 SEC 指控 Ripple Labs 从事 XRP 的销售,当时 XRP 被视为未注册的证券。这一事态发展导致该代币从许多交易所和分析平台下架,影响了其价格,并剥夺了交易者和机构在主要西方市场获得流动性的机会。

However, a shift in perception occurred in July when Judge Analisa Torres ruled that XRP could not be classified as security when traded on secondary marketplaces. This ruling revitalized the coin’s outlook, leading to its relisting on major exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken and a first-time listing on Gemini.

然而,7 月份人们的看法发生了转变,当时法官 Analisa Torres 裁定 XRP 在二级市场上交易时不能被归类为证券。这一裁决重振了该代币的前景,导致其在 Coinbase、Binance 和 Kraken 等主要交易所重新上市,并首次在 Gemini 上市。

Although partially appealed by the SEC, this legal milestone has reinstated faith in the coin, enhancing its global accessibility and contributing to its return to the TaiFu™ 30 Crypto Index.

尽管受到 SEC 的部分上诉,但这一法律里程碑恢复了人们对代币的信心,增强了其在全球的可及性,并有助于其重返 TaiFu™ 30 加密货币指数。

Additionally, the re-inclusion of XRP in the index was relatively stress-free due to the index’s regular reshuffling at the start of every quarter. This has allowed the coin to reintegrate with the index, joining other major cryptocurrencies smoothly.

此外,由于该指数在每个季度初都会定期重新调整,因此 XRP 重新纳入该指数相对没有压力。这使得该代币能够重新融入指数,顺利加入其他主要加密货币。

The re-emergence of XRP in this index is a testament to its resilience and adaptability in the dynamic cryptocurrency market. The coin’s renewed designation and subsequent relisting on major platforms have played pivotal roles in restoring its image and market presence.

XRP 在该指数中的重新出现证明了其在动态加密货币市场中的弹性和适应性。该代币的重新命名以及随后在主要平台上的重新上市在恢复其形象和市场地位方面发挥了关键作用。


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