首页 > 资讯新闻 > 日本汽车巨头本田现在接受比特币和以太坊作为支付方式

Japanese automobile giant Honda now accepts Bitcoin and Ethereum as payment methods


发布: 2023/10/02 20:08 阅读: 553

原文作者:Todayq News


In the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape, Honda, the renowned Japanese automobile giant, has entered into a significant partnership with the blockchain payment system FCF Pay. This partnership is set to revolutionize the way customers purchase Honda’s products by allowing them to use digital currencies in place of traditional fiat currencies.

在快速发展的加密货币领域,日本著名汽车巨头本田已与区块链支付系统FCF Pay建立了重要合作伙伴关系。此次合作将彻底改变客户购买本田产品的方式,允许他们使用数字货币代替传统的法定货币。

FCF Pay, a leading blockchain payment system, has embraced major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple and meme coins including Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, PepeCoin, and more. This visionary step taken by Honda is not only reshaping the consumer experience but is also pushing Japan to the forefront of the Web3 industry.

FCF Pay 是领先的区块链支付系统,已支持比特币、以太坊、Ripple 等主要加密货币以及 Shiba Inu、Dogecoin、PepeCoin 等 Meme 币。本田采取的这一富有远见的举措不仅重塑了消费者体验,还将日本推向 Web3 行业的前沿。

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Japan’s commitment to Web3 innovation has been further highlighted by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s Web3 project team, which recently released a white paper featuring proposals aimed at expanding the country’s Web3 industry. This move underscores Japan’s determination to remain at the cutting edge of technological advancements.

执政的自民党 Web3 项目团队进一步强调了日本对 Web3 创新的承诺,该团队最近发布了一份白皮书,其中包含旨在扩大该国 Web3 产业的提案。此举凸显了日本保持技术进步前沿的决心。

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This isn’t the first instance of a Japanese automobile company embracing cryptocurrencies. SBI Motor, another prominent player in the industry, had previously opened its doors to Bitcoin as a means of payment. Additionally, the electric vehicle titan Tesla made waves when it announced its acceptance of Bitcoin and Dogecoin for vehicle purchases.

这并不是日本汽车公司首次采用加密货币。 SBI Motor 是该行业的另一家知名企业,此前也曾向比特币作为支付手段敞开过大门。此外,电动汽车巨头特斯拉宣布接受比特币和狗狗币购买汽车时也引起了轰动。

Although, Nissan, the Japanese automaker, entered the Web3 realm by filing four US trademarks and also embraced Web3 with four new trademarks filed in the US, while its Japanese unit experimented with metaverse auto sales for brands like Infiniti, Nismo, and Nissan, as reported by Todayq News on March 13, 2023.

尽管日本汽车制造商日产通过在美国申请了四个商标进入了 Web3 领域,并在美国申请了四个新商标来拥抱 Web3,而其日本子公司则尝试为英菲尼迪、Nismo 和 Nissan 等品牌进行元宇宙汽车销售,今日新闻 2023 年 3 月 13 日报道。

However, the British banking giant HSBC has

joined forces with FCF Pay to enable cryptocurrency users to pay their mortgage bills and loans using a range of digital assets, including XRP, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin. This partnership underscores the widespread acceptance and adoption of cryptocurrencies across diverse sectors.

然而,英国银行业巨头汇丰银行已与 FCF Pay 联手,使加密货币用户能够使用 XRP、Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 等一系列数字资产支付抵押贷款和贷款。这种伙伴关系强调了加密货币在不同领域的广泛接受和采用。

The collaboration between Honda and FCF Pay, along with these other notable partnerships, represents a significant stride towards the adoption of cryptocurrencies and the integration of blockchain technology. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, such pioneering initiatives are set to reshape the financial and commercial landscape, offering new opportunities and possibilities for consumers worldwide.

本田和 FCF Pay 之间的合作以及其他著名的合作伙伴关系,代表着加密货币的采用和区块链技术的集成迈出了一大步。随着加密货币格局的不断发展,此类开创性举措将重塑金融和商业格局,为全球消费者提供新的机会和可能性。

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