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Sam Altman Reveals Ambitious Restructuring Plans For OpenAI

Sam Altman, OpenAI의 야심찬 구조 조정 계획 공개

풀어 주다: 2023/12/06 18:01 읽다: 969


원본 소스:https://coingape.com/sam-altman-reveals-ambitious-restructuring-plans-for-openai/

OpenAI’s reinstated CEO, Sam Altman, addressed the company’s ongoing structural reevaluation at a recent AI event in Vietnam. According to a Nikkei report, Sam Altman, back at the helm after a sudden ouster and reinstatement, hinted at significant changes to the organization’s hybrid profit-and-nonprofit model.

Meanwhile, his comment has sparked curiosity in the artificial intelligence (AI) space, with the market watchers closely watching for any new developments in the OpenAI’s structure.

한편, 그의 발언은 인공지능(AI) 공간에 대한 호기심을 불러일으켰고, 시장 감시자들은 OpenAI 구조의 새로운 발전을 면밀히 관찰하고 있습니다.

Sam Altman Unveils New Plans For OpenAI

Sam Altman, OpenAI에 대한 새로운 계획 공개

OpenAI, the visionary force behind ChatGPT, is undergoing a metamorphosis in its corporate structure, with CEO Sam Altman shedding light on the challenges and adjustments. The OpenAI CEO acknowledged the unconventional journey of the firm, from nonprofit roots to a hybrid model, as the company grapples with unprecedented growth and ChatGPT’s skyrocketing popularity.

Meanwhile, Sam Altman acknowledges structural challenges, stating, “The structure clearly has some bugs.” The organization, now under a new board, is actively reassessing its corporate framework to align with its mission effectively. Notably, Altman emphasizes a thoughtful approach to determine the best structure for OpenAI’s overarching goals.

In addition, Altman has called for patience from the market watchers, resonating with the challenges OpenAI faces, including the accessibility gap for countries like Vietnam. Responding to queries about ChatGPT’s delayed access in certain regions, Altman assured a commitment to narrowing the divide and announced plans to release more open-source models, especially for developing nations.

또한 Altman은 베트남과 같은 국가의 접근성 격차를 포함하여 OpenAI가 직면한 과제에 공감하면서 시장 관찰자들에게 인내심을 촉구했습니다. 특정 지역에서 ChatGPT의 액세스 지연에 대한 질문에 대해 Altman은 격차를 좁히겠다는 약속을 약속하고 특히 개발도상국을 위해 더 많은 오픈 소스 모델을 출시할 계획을 발표했습니다.

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Unveiling the Mystery AI Project Q*

미스터리 AI 프로젝트 Q* 공개

Sam Altman’s sudden removal and subsequent return to OpenAI has sparked speculation, fueled by reports of a mysterious project called Q*. While Altman remained tight-lipped on the project specifics, he addressed the internal turbulence, emphasizing the need for patience during this rapid growth phase. Notably, the board’s decision, reportedly influenced by concerns about a powerful AI discovery, remains shrouded in secrecy.

Sam Altman의 갑작스런 사임과 이후 OpenAI로의 복귀는 Q*라는 신비한 프로젝트에 대한 보고로 인해 추측을 촉발시켰습니다. Altman은 프로젝트 세부 사항에 대해 입을 다물고 있는 동안 내부 혼란에 대해 언급하면서 이 급속한 성장 단계에서 인내심이 필요함을 강조했습니다. 특히 강력한 AI 발견에 대한 우려에 영향을 받은 것으로 알려진 이사회의 결정은 여전히 ​​비밀에 싸여 있다.

As OpenAI navigates its complex journey, marked by internal rifts and structural shifts, Altman remains optimistic about the company’s future. Notably, OpenAI’s ChatGPT gained immense popularity, becoming the most-read English Wikipedia article in 2023 with a remarkable 49.5 million page views.

Meanwhile, the reassurance of transparency and a commitment to global accessibility signal a new chapter for OpenAI, one that aligns with its mission in the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

한편, 투명성에 대한 확신과 글로벌 접근성에 대한 약속은 끊임없이 진화하는 인공 지능 환경에서 OpenAI의 사명에 부합하는 OpenAI의 새로운 장을 의미합니다.

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The post Sam Altman Reveals Ambitious Restructuring Plans For OpenAI appeared first on CoinGape.

Sam Altman이 OpenAI에 대한 야심찬 구조 조정 계획을 공개한 게시물이 CoinGape에 처음 등장했습니다.

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