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Sam Altman Reveals Ambitious Restructuring Plans For OpenAI

Sam Altman 透露了 OpenAI 雄心勃勃的重组计划

发布: 2023/12/06 18:01 阅读: 969



OpenAI’s reinstated CEO, Sam Altman, addressed the company’s ongoing structural reevaluation at a recent AI event in Vietnam. According to a Nikkei report, Sam Altman, back at the helm after a sudden ouster and reinstatement, hinted at significant changes to the organization’s hybrid profit-and-nonprofit model.

OpenAI 复职的首席执行官 Sam Altman 在最近于越南举行的一次人工智能活动中谈到了公司正在进行的结构重新评估。据《日经新闻》报道,萨姆·奥尔特曼在突然下台和复职后重新掌舵,暗示该组织的盈利和非营利混合模式将发生重大变化。

Meanwhile, his comment has sparked curiosity in the artificial intelligence (AI) space, with the market watchers closely watching for any new developments in the OpenAI’s structure.

与此同时,他的评论引发了人们对人工智能 (AI) 领域的好奇,市场观察人士密切关注 OpenAI 结构的任何新发展。

Sam Altman Unveils New Plans For OpenAI

Sam Altman 公布 OpenAI 新计划

OpenAI, the visionary force behind ChatGPT, is undergoing a metamorphosis in its corporate structure, with CEO Sam Altman shedding light on the challenges and adjustments. The OpenAI CEO acknowledged the unconventional journey of the firm, from nonprofit roots to a hybrid model, as the company grapples with unprecedented growth and ChatGPT’s skyrocketing popularity.

OpenAI 是 ChatGPT 背后的远见力量,其公司结构正在经历变革,首席执行官 Sam Altman 阐述了挑战和调整。 OpenAI 首席执行官承认公司经历了非常规的历程,从非营利根源到混合模式,公司正在努力应对前所未有的增长和 ChatGPT 的飙升人气。

Meanwhile, Sam Altman acknowledges structural challenges, stating, “The structure clearly has some bugs.” The organization, now under a new board, is actively reassessing its corporate framework to align with its mission effectively. Notably, Altman emphasizes a thoughtful approach to determine the best structure for OpenAI’s overarching goals.

与此同时,萨姆·奥尔特曼承认结构性挑战,并表示:“该结构显然存在一些错误。”该组织目前在新董事会的领导下,正在积极重新评估其企业框架,以有效地与其使命保持一致。值得注意的是,Altman 强调采用深思熟虑的方法来确定 OpenAI 总体目标的最佳结构。

In addition, Altman has called for patience from the market watchers, resonating with the challenges OpenAI faces, including the accessibility gap for countries like Vietnam. Responding to queries about ChatGPT’s delayed access in certain regions, Altman assured a commitment to narrowing the divide and announced plans to release more open-source models, especially for developing nations.

此外,Altman 呼吁市场观察人士保持耐心,对 OpenAI 面临的挑战产生共鸣,包括越南等国家的可访问性差距。在回答有关 ChatGPT 在某些地区延迟访问的问题时,Altman 承诺缩小分歧,并宣布计划发布更多开源模型,特别是针对发展中国家。

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Unveiling the Mystery AI Project Q*

揭开神秘 AI 项目 Q* 的神秘面纱

Sam Altman’s sudden removal and subsequent return to OpenAI has sparked speculation, fueled by reports of a mysterious project called Q*. While Altman remained tight-lipped on the project specifics, he addressed the internal turbulence, emphasizing the need for patience during this rapid growth phase. Notably, the board’s decision, reportedly influenced by concerns about a powerful AI discovery, remains shrouded in secrecy.

Sam Altman 的突然离职以及随后重返 OpenAI 引发了猜测,而有关一个名为 Q* 的神秘项目的报道更是火上浇油。虽然奥特曼对项目细节守口如瓶,但他谈到了内部动荡,强调在这个快速增长阶段需要耐心。值得注意的是,据报道,董事会的决定是受到对强大人工智能发现的担忧的影响,该决定仍然处于保密状态。

As OpenAI navigates its complex journey, marked by internal rifts and structural shifts, Altman remains optimistic about the company’s future. Notably, OpenAI’s ChatGPT gained immense popularity, becoming the most-read English Wikipedia article in 2023 with a remarkable 49.5 million page views.

随着 OpenAI 经历其复杂的旅程,其特点是内部分歧和结构转变,奥特曼仍然对公司的未来持乐观态度。值得注意的是,OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 获得了巨大的人气,成为 2023 年阅读量最大的英文维基百科文章,页面浏览量高达 4950 万次。

Meanwhile, the reassurance of transparency and a commitment to global accessibility signal a new chapter for OpenAI, one that aligns with its mission in the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

与此同时,透明度的保证和对全球可访问性的承诺标志着 OpenAI 的新篇章,这与其在不断发展的人工智能领域的使命相一致。

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The post Sam Altman Reveals Ambitious Restructuring Plans For OpenAI appeared first on CoinGape.

Sam Altman 透露了 OpenAI 雄心勃勃的重组计划,这篇文章首先出现在 CoinGape 上。


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