첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > '스마트웨일', 암호화폐 거래소 바이낸스에서 약 3200만 달러 상당의 이더리움(ETH) 인출: Lookonchain

‘Smart Whale’ Withdraws About $32,000,000 Worth of Ethereum (ETH) From Crypto Exchange Binance: Lookonchain

'스마트웨일', 암호화폐 거래소 바이낸스에서 약 3200만 달러 상당의 이더리움(ETH) 인출: Lookonchain

풀어 주다: 2023/11/07 00:15 읽다: 862


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65490ea8a2a3a224a5880318

A crypto whale was recently spotted by a blockchain monitoring platform withdrawing a massive stack of Ethereum (ETH) from Binance over the weekend.

암호화폐 고래가 최근 주말 동안 바이낸스에서 대량의 이더리움(ETH)을 인출하는 블록체인 모니터링 플랫폼에 의해 발견되었습니다.

First seen by Lookonchain, a “smart whale” deposited 31.8 million Tether (USDT) into Binance, and then withdrew $15.94 million worth of ETH hours later.




Just hours later, the whale took out another $16 million worth of ETH from Binance. According to Lookonchain, the whale remains long on their ETH from the price of $1,836.

“This smart whale withdrew another 8,618 ETH ($16 million) from Binance…

“이 똑똑한 고래는 바이낸스에서 8,618 ETH(1,600만 달러)를 추가로 인출했습니다…

The whale deposited 31.8 million USDT to Binance and withdrew 17,316 ETH, the buying price is ~$1,836.”

At time of writing, Ethereum is trading at $1,902, putting the whale in profit by 3.6% so far.

이 글을 쓰는 시점에서 이더리움은 1,902달러에 거래되고 있어 지금까지 고래의 이익이 3.6% 증가했습니다.

Lookonchain also spotted another whale, so far with a losing record this year, trading $1.1 million in ETH for Dogecoin (DOGE) rival Pepe.

“A whale spent 617 ETH($1.11 million) in the past two days to buy 996 billion PEPE.

“고래 한 마리가 지난 이틀 동안 9,960억 개의 PEPE를 구매하기 위해 617ETH(111만 달러)를 소비했습니다.

This whale has also traded two tokens this year.

Lost 456 ETH ($1.3 million) on ARB (Arbitrium) and made 269 ETH ($423,000) on MKR (Maker)… 

ARB(Arbitrium)에서 456 ETH($130만)를 잃었고 MKR(Maker)에서 269 ETH($423,000)를 벌었습니다…

The whale spent 2,039 ETH ($3.75 million) to buy 3.26 million ARB at $1.15, and sold for 1,583 ETH ($2.45 million) at a price of $0.75, losing 456 ETH ($1.3 million).

Then spent 1,348 ETH ($2.19 million) to buy 1,884 MKR at $1,164, and sold for 1,617 ETH ($2.61 million) at a price of $1,389, making 269 ETH ($423,000).” 

그런 다음 1,348 ETH(219만 달러)를 사용하여 1,884 MKR을 $1,164에 구매하고 1,617 ETH(261만 달러)에 $1,389에 판매하여 269 ETH($423,000)를 얻었습니다.”

Source: https://thebittimes.com/smart-whale-withdraws-about-32-000-000-worth-of-ethereum-eth-from-crypto-exchange-binance-lookonchain-tbt69231.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/smart-whale-withdraws-about-32-000-000-worth-of-ethereum-eth-from-crypto-exchange-binance-lookonchain-tbt69231.html

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