A crypto whale was recently spotted by a blockchain monitoring platform withdrawing a massive stack of Ethereum (ETH) from Binance over the weekend.
First seen by Lookonchain, a “smart whale” deposited 31.8 million Tether (USDT) into Binance, and then withdrew $15.94 million worth of ETH hours later.
Lookonchain 首先看到一头“聪明鲸鱼”将 3180 万美元的 Tether (USDT) 存入币安,几小时后又提取了价值 1594 万美元的 ETH。
Just hours later, the whale took out another $16 million worth of ETH from Binance. According to Lookonchain, the whale remains long on their ETH from the price of $1,836.
几个小时后,鲸鱼又从币安取出了价值 1600 万美元的 ETH。据 Lookonchain 称,鲸鱼仍以 1,836 美元的价格持有多头 ETH。
“This smart whale withdrew another 8,618 ETH ($16 million) from Binance…
“这只聪明的鲸鱼从币安又提取了 8,618 ETH(1600 万美元)......
The whale deposited 31.8 million USDT to Binance and withdrew 17,316 ETH, the buying price is ~$1,836.”
鲸鱼向币安存入了 3180 万 USDT,并提取了 17,316 ETH,购买价格约为 1,836 美元。”

At time of writing, Ethereum is trading at $1,902, putting the whale in profit by 3.6% so far.
截至撰写本文时,以太坊交易价格为 1,902 美元,迄今为止,该鲸鱼的利润已增长 3.6%。
Lookonchain also spotted another whale, so far with a losing record this year, trading $1.1 million in ETH for Dogecoin (DOGE) rival Pepe.
Lookonchain 还发现了另一只鲸鱼,今年迄今为止还创下了亏损记录,用 110 万美元的 ETH 换取了狗狗币 (DOGE) 的竞争对手 Pepe。
“A whale spent 617 ETH($1.11 million) in the past two days to buy 996 billion PEPE.
“过去两天,一头鲸鱼花费了 617 ETH(111 万美元)购买了 9960 亿个 PEPE。
This whale has also traded two tokens this year.
Lost 456 ETH ($1.3 million) on ARB (Arbitrium) and made 269 ETH ($423,000) on MKR (Maker)…
在 ARB (Arbitrium) 上损失了 456 ETH (130 万美元),在 MKR (Maker) 上赚了 269 ETH (423,000 美元)……
The whale spent 2,039 ETH ($3.75 million) to buy 3.26 million ARB at $1.15, and sold for 1,583 ETH ($2.45 million) at a price of $0.75, losing 456 ETH ($1.3 million).
鲸鱼花费 2,039 ETH(375 万美元)以 1.15 美元的价格买入 326 万个 ARB,并以 0.75 美元的价格卖出 1,583 ETH(245 万美元),损失了 456 ETH(130 万美元)。
Then spent 1,348 ETH ($2.19 million) to buy 1,884 MKR at $1,164, and sold for 1,617 ETH ($2.61 million) at a price of $1,389, making 269 ETH ($423,000).”
然后花费 1,348 ETH(219 万美元)以 1,164 美元的价格购买 1,884 MKR,并以 1,389 美元的价格出售 1,617 ETH(261 万美元),赚取 269 ETH(423,000 美元)。”