첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 2023년 8월에 구매해야 할 최고의 암호화폐 10개

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies To Buy in August 2023

2023년 8월에 구매해야 할 최고의 암호화폐 10개

풀어 주다: 2023/07/30 00:00 읽다: 872


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64c53522aad5cc6ac3b5ef8a

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of finance, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a revolutionary force, captivating the imagination of investors and tech enthusiasts alike. Among the multitude of digital assets, several cryptocurrencies have been making waves in the market, especially during challenging moments. 

빠르게 변화하고 끊임없이 진화하는 금융 세계에서 암호화폐는 투자자와 기술 애호가 모두의 상상력을 사로잡는 혁명적인 힘으로 등장했습니다. 수많은 디지털 자산 중에서 특히 어려운 순간에 여러 암호화폐가 시장에 큰 파장을 일으키고 있습니다.

Let’s dive into the captivating world of cryptocurrency to explore the top 10 cryptocurrencies that have the potential to ignite the global crypto market in August 2023 and unravel the trends propelling their growth. 

2023년 8월 글로벌 암호화폐 시장에 불을 붙일 잠재력이 있는 상위 10개 암호화폐를 탐색하고 성장을 촉진하는 추세를 밝히기 위해 매력적인 암호화폐의 세계로 뛰어들어 보겠습니다.

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Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin (BTC), the oldest gem in the market which was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin’s price has skyrocketed as it’s become a household name. In Jan 2017, one Bitcoin was about $1014. As of July. 27, 2023, a single Bitcoin’s price was around $29,278. That’s a growth of more than 3000%.

비트코인(BTC)은 2009년 나카모토 사토시가 만든 시장에서 가장 오래된 보석입니다. 비트코인의 가격은 유명해지면서 급등했습니다. 2017년 1월 1비트코인 가격은 약 1014달러였습니다. 7월 현재. 2023년 2월 27일 단일 비트코인 ​​가격은 약 29,278달러였습니다. 3000%가 넘는 성장률이다.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin traded at $29,274.74 with a market cap of $569 billion, which is 48.2% of the market share. 

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

비트코인(BTC) 가격 차트(출처: Tradingview)

The BTC daily price chart indicates that the current price action has dropped below the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), signaling an attempt to enter a bearish state. The moving average currently stands at $29,470.

BTC 일일 가격 차트는 현재 가격 조치가 단기 50일 지수 이동 평균(50EMA) 아래로 떨어졌음을 나타내며 약세 상태에 진입하려는 시도를 나타냅니다. 현재 이동 평균은 $29,470입니다.

Also, taking the daily RSI into account, it is evident that BTC has fallen below the neutral zone (at 43). If BTC crosses its resitance level of $29947 it may reach $30,374 soon.

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum (ETH), is a smart network and the second largest cryptocurrency. In Febrary 2027, one ETH was $10 now one ETH valued at $1,871.

이더리움(ETH)은 스마트 네트워크이자 두 번째로 큰 암호화폐입니다. 2027년 2월에 1ETH는 10달러였으며 이제 1ETH의 가치는 1,871달러가 되었습니다.

Ethereum (ETH) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

At the time of writing, Ethereum (ETH) traded at $1,871. The ETH daily price chart indicates that the current price action has nears the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), signaling an attempt of correlation. The moving average currently stands at $1,873.

Also, the daily RSI shows ETH nears to the buy zone (at 48). If ETH crosses its resistance level of $1,917 it may reach $2,018 soon.

또한 일일 RSI는 ETH가 매수 영역(48)에 가까워졌음을 보여줍니다. ETH가 저항선인 $1,917를 넘으면 곧 $2,018에 도달할 수 있습니다.


Ripple (XRP) showed its strong growth after a year following the Ripple partial victory against the SEC. 

XRP (XRP) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

XRP(XRP) 가격 차트(출처: Tradingview)

At the time of writing, XRP traded at $0.7087. The XRP daily price chart indicates that the current price action has nears the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), signaling an attempt of correlation. The moving average currently stands at $0.717. With a neutral RSI zone (57), crossing its resistance level of $0.9427 may propel it to reach $1.3663.

Binance Coin (BNB)

The world’s largest crypto exchange Binance native cryptocurrency BNB has attracted investors with its multi chain capabilities. Also, It is one of the most traded tokens in the world. 

세계 최대 암호화폐 거래소 바이낸스 네이티브 암호화폐 BNB는 멀티체인 기능으로 투자자들을 끌어 모았습니다. 또한, 세계에서 가장 많이 거래되는 토큰 중 하나입니다.

Binance Coin (BNB) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

At the time of writing, BNB traded at $241.97, displaying a bullish attempt above the 50 EMA, and could potentially reach $364 if it surpasses the resistance level of $299.

이 글을 쓰는 시점에서 BNB는 $241.97에 거래되어 50 EMA를 넘어서는 강세를 보였으며, 저항 수준인 $299를 넘어설 경우 잠재적으로 $364에 도달할 수 있습니다.

Dogecoin (DOGE)


Originally created as a joke, Dogecoin has become a significant player with a market cap of over $10 billion. It currently trades at $0.07811, signaling a potential bullish state as it surpasses the 50 EMA, with a neutral RSI zone (62.83). Crossing its resistance level of $0.09667 may lead to $0.13152.

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

도지코인(DOGE) 가격 차트(출처: Tradingview)

Cardano (ADA)


Somewhat later to the crypto scene, Cardano is notable for its early embrace of proof-of-stake validation. By eliminating the competitive, problem-solving part of transaction verification found in platforms such as Bitcoin, this solution minimizes transaction time, energy usage, and environmental effect.

Cardano (ADA) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

At the time of writing, Cardano traded at $0.3103. The ADA daily price chart indicates that the current price action has soared above the short-term 50 EMA, signaling an attempt to enter a bullish state. The moving average currently stands at $0.3095.

이 글을 쓰는 시점에 Cardano는 $0.3103에 거래되었습니다. ADA 일일 가격 차트는 현재 가격 조치가 단기 50 EMA 위로 급등했음을 나타내며 강세 상태에 진입하려는 시도를 나타냅니다. 현재 이동 평균은 $0.3095입니다.

Also, the daily RSI shows that Cardano stands in the neutral zone (at 52.41). If ADA crosses its resistance level of $0.3029 it may reach $0.4140 soon.

Solana (SOL)

솔라나 (SUN)

Solana, which was created to support decentralized financial (DeFi) applications, decentralized apps (DApps), and smart contracts, is based on a unique hybrid proof-of-stake and proof-of-history method that allows it to process transactions rapidly and safely. The platform is powered by SOL, Solana’s native cryptocurrency.

Solana (SOL) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

SOL trades at $25.12, showcasing potential bullishness above the 50 EMA, with a neutral RSI zone (58.78). Breaking its resistance level of $48.92 may lead to $81.96.

SOL은 25.12달러에 거래되며 중립 RSI 영역(58.78)과 함께 50 EMA를 넘는 잠재적 강세를 보여줍니다. $48.92의 저항 수준을 돌파하면 $81.96으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

Litecoin (LTC)


Litecoin (LTC) is a cryptocurrency known for its emphasis on fast, secure, and low-cost transactions, utilizing the potential of blockchain technology. As the Litecoin halving approaches, there is anticipation for a potential price rally.

Litecoin (LTC) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

라이트코인(LTC) 가격 차트(출처: Tradingview)

At present, Litecoin is trading at $91.13. The daily price chart indicates a decline below the short-term 50 EMA, suggesting a possible bearish phase. The moving average currently stands at $91.40.

The daily RSI is approaching the neutral zone at 46.91. Should Litecoin cross its resistance level of $97.54, it may potentially reach $134.

Polygon (MATIC)

Polygon (MATIC) stands out as the first user-friendly platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. The upcoming launch of Polygon 2.0 with the native currency transfer of POL adds to its appeal.

Polygon(MATIC)은 Ethereum 확장 및 인프라 개발을 위한 최초의 사용자 친화적인 플랫폼으로 돋보입니다. POL의 기본 통화 전송 기능을 갖춘 Polygon 2.0의 출시가 예정되어 있어 매력이 더해집니다.

Polygon (MATIC) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

As of now, Polygon is trading at $0.7114. The daily price chart shows a nearness to the short-term 50 EMA, indicating a possible correlation. The moving average currently stands at $0.7257.

현재 Polygon은 $0.7114에 거래되고 있습니다. 일일 가격 차트는 단기 50 EMA에 근접한 것을 보여주며 상관관계가 있음을 나타냅니다. 현재 이동 평균은 $0.7257입니다.

The daily RSI hovers around the neutral zone at 46.91. In case MATIC crosses its resistance level of $0.9800, it may potentially reach $1.2782.

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB) stands as the second-largest meme coin in the market, transitioning into a utility token. The SHIB Army eagerly awaits the launch of its layer 2 blockchain, Shibarium.

시바견(SHIB)은 시장에서 두 번째로 큰 밈 코인으로 유틸리티 토큰으로 전환되고 있습니다. SHIB Army는 레이어 2 블록체인인 Shibarium의 출시를 간절히 기다리고 있습니다.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

As of the latest data, Shiba Inu is trading at $0.000008317. The daily price chart reveals that the current price action has surged above the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), suggesting a potential bullish trend. The moving average currently sits at $0.00000797.

최신 데이터 현재 시바견은 $0.000008317에 거래되고 있습니다. 일일 가격 차트를 보면 현재 가격 조치가 단기 50일 지수 이동 평균(50EMA) 위로 급등하여 잠재적인 강세 추세를 시사하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 현재 이동 평균은 $0.00000797입니다.

With a daily RSI indicating a neutral zone at 63.04, Shiba Inu’s price may see further growth if it crosses its resistance level of $0.00000804, potentially reaching $0.00000968 soon.

일일 RSI가 63.04의 중립 지대를 나타내는 상황에서 Shiba Inu의 가격은 저항선인 $0.00000804를 넘어설 경우 추가 상승을 볼 수 있으며 잠재적으로 곧 $0.00000968에 도달할 수 있습니다.

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