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Top 10 Cryptocurrencies To Buy in August 2023

2023 年 8 月最值得購買的 10 種加密貨幣

發布: 2023/07/30 00:00 閱讀: 872



In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of finance, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a revolutionary force, captivating the imagination of investors and tech enthusiasts alike. Among the multitude of digital assets, several cryptocurrencies have been making waves in the market, especially during challenging moments. 


Let’s dive into the captivating world of cryptocurrency to explore the top 10 cryptocurrencies that have the potential to ignite the global crypto market in August 2023 and unravel the trends propelling their growth. 

讓我們深入探索加密貨幣的迷人世界,探索 2023 年 8 月有潛力點燃全球加密貨幣市場的十大加密貨幣,並揭開推動其成長的趨勢。

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Bitcoin (BTC)

訂閱與我們一起展示加密貨幣革命,一次一份時事通訊。立即訂閱,將每日新聞和市場更新直接發送到您的收件匣,以及我們數百萬其他訂閱者(沒錯,數以百萬計的人愛我們!) - 您還在等什麼?比特幣(BTC)

Bitcoin (BTC), the oldest gem in the market which was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin’s price has skyrocketed as it’s become a household name. In Jan 2017, one Bitcoin was about $1014. As of July. 27, 2023, a single Bitcoin’s price was around $29,278. That’s a growth of more than 3000%.

比特幣(BTC)是市場上最古老的寶石,由中本聰於 2009 年創建。隨著比特幣成為家喻戶曉的名字,其價格也隨之飆升。 2017 年 1 月,一個比特幣約為 1014 美元。截至七月。 2023 年 12 月 27 日,單一比特幣價格約為 29,278 美元。增幅超過 3000%。

At the time of writing, Bitcoin traded at $29,274.74 with a market cap of $569 billion, which is 48.2% of the market share. 

截至本文撰寫時,比特幣交易價格為 29,274.74 美元,市值為 5,690 億美元,佔市場份額的 48.2%。

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)


The BTC daily price chart indicates that the current price action has dropped below the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), signaling an attempt to enter a bearish state. The moving average currently stands at $29,470.

BTC 每日價格圖表顯示,目前價格走勢已跌破短期 50 日指數移動平均線(50 EMA),顯示試圖進入看跌狀態。目前移動平均線為 29,470 美元。

Also, taking the daily RSI into account, it is evident that BTC has fallen below the neutral zone (at 43). If BTC crosses its resitance level of $29947 it may reach $30,374 soon.

此外,考慮到每日 RSI,很明顯 BTC 已跌破中性區域(43)。如果 BTC 突破 29947 美元的阻力位,它可能很快就會達到 30,374 美元。

Ethereum (ETH)


Ethereum (ETH), is a smart network and the second largest cryptocurrency. In Febrary 2027, one ETH was $10 now one ETH valued at $1,871.

以太坊(ETH)是一個智慧網絡,也是第二大加密貨幣。 2027 年 2 月,1 個 ETH 價格為 10 美元,現在 1 個 ETH 價值 1,871 美元。

Ethereum (ETH) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)


At the time of writing, Ethereum (ETH) traded at $1,871. The ETH daily price chart indicates that the current price action has nears the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), signaling an attempt of correlation. The moving average currently stands at $1,873.

截至撰寫本文時,以太坊 (ETH) 的交易價格為 1,871 美元。 ETH 每日價格圖表表明,當前價格走勢已接近短期 50 日指數移動平均線(50 EMA),這表明存在相關性。目前移動平均線為 1,873 美元。

Also, the daily RSI shows ETH nears to the buy zone (at 48). If ETH crosses its resistance level of $1,917 it may reach $2,018 soon.

此外,每日 RSI 顯示 ETH 接近買入區域(48)。如果 ETH 突破 1,917 美元的阻力位,它可能很快就會達到 2,018 美元。


瑞波幣 (XRP)

Ripple (XRP) showed its strong growth after a year following the Ripple partial victory against the SEC. 

Ripple (XRP) 在 Ripple 部分戰勝 SEC 一年後顯示出強勁增長。

XRP (XRP) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

XRP (XRP) 價格圖表(資料來源:Tradingview)

At the time of writing, XRP traded at $0.7087. The XRP daily price chart indicates that the current price action has nears the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), signaling an attempt of correlation. The moving average currently stands at $0.717. With a neutral RSI zone (57), crossing its resistance level of $0.9427 may propel it to reach $1.3663.

截至撰寫本文時,XRP 交易價格為 0.7087 美元。 XRP 每日價格圖表表明,當前價格走勢已接近短期 50 日指數移動平均線(50 EMA),這表明存在相關性。目前移動平均線為 0.717 美元。由於 RSI 處於中性區域 (57),突破 0.9427 美元的阻力位可能會推動其觸及 1.3663 美元。

Binance Coin (BNB)

幣安幣 (BNB)

The world’s largest crypto exchange Binance native cryptocurrency BNB has attracted investors with its multi chain capabilities. Also, It is one of the most traded tokens in the world. 


Binance Coin (BNB) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

幣安幣 (BNB) 價格圖表(來源:Tradingview)

At the time of writing, BNB traded at $241.97, displaying a bullish attempt above the 50 EMA, and could potentially reach $364 if it surpasses the resistance level of $299.

截至撰寫本文時,BNB 交易價格為 241.97 美元,顯示看漲嘗試高於 50 EMA,如果突破 299 美元的阻力位,則可能達到 364 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Originally created as a joke, Dogecoin has become a significant player with a market cap of over $10 billion. It currently trades at $0.07811, signaling a potential bullish state as it surpasses the 50 EMA, with a neutral RSI zone (62.83). Crossing its resistance level of $0.09667 may lead to $0.13152.

狗狗幣最初是作為一個笑話而創建的,但現在已經成為市值超過 100 億美元的重要參與者。目前其交易價格為 0.07811 美元,表明其突破 50 EMA 以及中性 RSI 區域(62.83)後可能處於看漲狀態。突破 0.09667 美元的阻力位可能會導致 0.13152 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)


Cardano (ADA)


Somewhat later to the crypto scene, Cardano is notable for its early embrace of proof-of-stake validation. By eliminating the competitive, problem-solving part of transaction verification found in platforms such as Bitcoin, this solution minimizes transaction time, energy usage, and environmental effect.


Cardano (ADA) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)


At the time of writing, Cardano traded at $0.3103. The ADA daily price chart indicates that the current price action has soared above the short-term 50 EMA, signaling an attempt to enter a bullish state. The moving average currently stands at $0.3095.

截至撰寫本文時,卡爾達諾的交易價格為 0.3103 美元。 ADA 每日價格圖表顯示,當前價格走勢已飆升至短期 50 EMA 上方,顯示試圖進入看漲狀態。目前移動平均線為 0.3095 美元。

Also, the daily RSI shows that Cardano stands in the neutral zone (at 52.41). If ADA crosses its resistance level of $0.3029 it may reach $0.4140 soon.

此外,每日 RSI 顯示卡爾達諾處於中立區域(52.41)。如果 ADA 突破 0.3029 美元的阻力位,可能很快就會達到 0.4140 美元。

Solana (SOL)

索拉納 (太陽)

Solana, which was created to support decentralized financial (DeFi) applications, decentralized apps (DApps), and smart contracts, is based on a unique hybrid proof-of-stake and proof-of-history method that allows it to process transactions rapidly and safely. The platform is powered by SOL, Solana’s native cryptocurrency.

Solana 的創建是為了支持去中心化金融 (DeFi) 應用程式、去中心化應用程式 (DApps) 和智慧合約,它基於獨特的混合股權證明和歷史證明方法,使其能夠快速處理交易,並且安全。該平台由 Solana 的原生加密貨幣 SOL 提供支援。

Solana (SOL) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

Solana (SOL) 價格圖表(來源:Tradingview)

SOL trades at $25.12, showcasing potential bullishness above the 50 EMA, with a neutral RSI zone (58.78). Breaking its resistance level of $48.92 may lead to $81.96.

SOL 交易價格為 25.12 美元,顯示高於 50 EMA 的潛在看漲趨勢,RSI 處於中性區域(58.78)。突破 48.92 美元的阻力位可能會上漲至 81.96 美元。

Litecoin (LTC)

萊特幣 (LTC)

Litecoin (LTC) is a cryptocurrency known for its emphasis on fast, secure, and low-cost transactions, utilizing the potential of blockchain technology. As the Litecoin halving approaches, there is anticipation for a potential price rally.


Litecoin (LTC) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

萊特幣 (LTC) 價格圖表(來源:Tradingview)

At present, Litecoin is trading at $91.13. The daily price chart indicates a decline below the short-term 50 EMA, suggesting a possible bearish phase. The moving average currently stands at $91.40.

目前,萊特幣的交易價格為 91.13 美元。每日價格圖表顯示跌破短期 50 EMA,表示可能進入看跌階段。目前移動平均線為 91.40 美元。

The daily RSI is approaching the neutral zone at 46.91. Should Litecoin cross its resistance level of $97.54, it may potentially reach $134.

每日 RSI 正在接近中性區域 46.91。如果萊特幣突破 97.54 美元的阻力位,則可能達到 134 美元。

Polygon (MATIC)

多邊形 (MATIC)

Polygon (MATIC) stands out as the first user-friendly platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. The upcoming launch of Polygon 2.0 with the native currency transfer of POL adds to its appeal.

Polygon (MATIC) 是第一個用於以太坊擴展和基礎設施開發的使用者友好平台。即將推出的 Polygon 2.0 以及 POL 的本機貨幣轉帳將增加其吸引力。

Polygon (MATIC) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

Polygon (MATIC) 價格圖表(來源:Tradingview)

As of now, Polygon is trading at $0.7114. The daily price chart shows a nearness to the short-term 50 EMA, indicating a possible correlation. The moving average currently stands at $0.7257.

截至目前,Polygon 的交易價格為 0.7114 美元。每日價格圖表顯示接近短期 50 EMA,顯示可能存在相關性。目前移動平均線為 0.7257 美元。

The daily RSI hovers around the neutral zone at 46.91. In case MATIC crosses its resistance level of $0.9800, it may potentially reach $1.2782.

日線 RSI 徘徊在中立區 46.91 附近。如果 MATIC 突破 0.9800 美元的阻力位,則可能達到 1.2782 美元。

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

柴犬 (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB) stands as the second-largest meme coin in the market, transitioning into a utility token. The SHIB Army eagerly awaits the launch of its layer 2 blockchain, Shibarium.

柴犬(SHIB)是市場上第二大迷因幣,正在轉變為實用代幣。 SHIB Army 熱切等待其第 2 層區塊鏈 Shibarium 的推出。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Chart (Source: Tradingview)

柴犬 (SHIB) 價格圖表(來源:Tradingview)

As of the latest data, Shiba Inu is trading at $0.000008317. The daily price chart reveals that the current price action has surged above the short-term 50-day exponential moving average (50 EMA), suggesting a potential bullish trend. The moving average currently sits at $0.00000797.

截至最新數據,柴犬的交易價格為 0.000008317 美元。每日價格圖表顯示,當前價格走勢已飆升至短期 50 日指數移動平均線(50 EMA)上方,顯示潛在的看漲趨勢。移動平均線目前位於 0.00000797 美元。

With a daily RSI indicating a neutral zone at 63.04, Shiba Inu’s price may see further growth if it crosses its resistance level of $0.00000804, potentially reaching $0.00000968 soon.

每日 RSI 顯示處於 63.04 的中性區域,如果柴犬的價格突破 0.00000804 美元的阻力位,則可能會進一步上漲,可能很快就會達到 0.00000968 美元。


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