首頁 > 資訊新聞 > TOADS、ETH 價格上漲,透過銷毀策略超越比特幣

TOADS, ETH prices set for rally, outpaces Bitcoin with burning strategy

TOADS、ETH 價格上漲,透過銷毀策略超越比特幣

發布: 2023/07/29 20:30 閱讀: 871



The crypto market consists of various tokens, including those with finite, deflationary, and infinite supplies. Deflationary tokens are often deemed valuable due to the consistent reduction of supply.


The token burning strategy has made DigiToads and Ethereum more popular, an effect that has supported prices. Considering their approach, their respective circulating supplies are decreasing at a faster rate than Bitcoin.

代幣銷毀策略使 DigiToads 和以太坊更受歡迎,從而支撐了價格。考慮到他們的方法,他們各自的流通供應量減少的速度比比特幣更快。

In this article, we will delve into the burning strategy adopted by DigiToads and Ethereum. 

在本文中,我們將深入研究 DigiToads 和以太坊採用的銷毀策略。

DigiToads: the deflationary P2E and NFT token

DigiToads:通貨緊縮的 P2E 和 NFT 代幣

Although DigiToads is a relatively new entrant in the crypto market, it blends different niches, attracting investor interest. This is evident in the over $6.4 million raised in the ongoing presale

儘管 DigiToads 是加密貨幣市場中相對較新的進入者,但它融合了不同的利基市場,吸引了投資者的興趣。正在進行的預售籌集了超過 640 萬美元,這一點就顯而易見

DigiToads is popular due to its fundamentals spanning a play-to-earn (P2E) game and non-fungible tokens (NFT). The project is also gaining traction because of its TOADS deflationary token, growth, community, and what investors say is long-term viability.

DigiToads 之所以受歡迎,是因為它的基本原理涵蓋了即玩即賺 (P2E) 遊戲和不可替代代幣 (NFT)。該項目也因其 TOADS 通貨緊縮代幣、成長、社區以及投資者所說的長期生存能力而受到關注。

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Its ecosystem will host a P2E game where players can connect and battle DigiToads for rewards. In addition, as an NFT ecosystem, members can hold rare and unique NFTs from its collection of 3,500 NFTs. 

其生態系統將舉辦 P2E 遊戲,玩家可以連接並與 DigiToads 戰鬥以獲得獎勵。此外,作為 NFT 生態系統,成員可以持有其 3,500 個 NFT 集合中稀有且獨特的 NFT。

TOADS, the utility token at the heart of the ecosystem, will be a play-to-earn and stake-to-earn token. Players can earn rewards by playing the exciting game and staking NFTs on the platform.

TOADS 是生態系統核心的實用代幣,將是一種透過玩來賺錢和透過權益來賺錢的代幣。玩家可以透過在平台上玩精彩的遊戲並質押 NFT 來獲得獎勵。

DigiToads has implemented a burning strategy that may interest early adopters who wish to increase their return on investment. 

DigiToads 實施了一項燃燒策略,可能會引起希望增加投資回報的早期採用者的興趣。

The strategy involves a deflationary token and a burning mechanism to create scarcity and potentially impact prices. Specifically, 2% of token sales and purchases will be removed from circulation, incentivizing members to hold onto their coins.

該策略涉及通縮代幣和燃燒機制,以創造稀缺性並可能影響價格。具體來說,2% 的代幣銷售和購買將被從流通中刪除,以激勵會員持有他們的代幣。

The presale is in its final stage, with each token priced at $0.05. Analysts predict TOADS prices will continue rising even after the project launches on Aug. 21.

預售已進入最後階段,每個代幣售價為 0.05 美元。分析師預測,即使在 8 月 21 日專案啟動後,TOADS 價格仍將繼續上漲。

Bitcoin is scarce without a built-in burning mechanism


Bitcoin is the pioneering cryptocurrency. 


 It has a circulating supply of 19,437,325 BTC, with a maximum supply of 21 million BTC. 

流通量為19,437,325 BTC,最大供應量為2,100萬枚。

This means that the circulating supply of Bitcoin may increase. However, the total supply will be capped at 21 million coins. 

這意味著比特幣的流通供應量可能會增加。不過,總供應量上限為 2,100 萬枚。

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BTC mining is commonplace as enthusiasts compete to receive BTC before supply dwindles.


Bitcoin differs from other deflationary tokens because it lacks a built-in burning mechanism.


Ethereum integrates a PoS consensus mechanism


Ethereum is the second-most popular platform after Bitcoin. 


After upgrading to proof-of-stake (PoS), a new consensus mechanism that replaced proof-of-work (PoF), Ethereum implemented a burning strategy.



With proof-of-stake, holders can lock up their tokens as validators, contributing to the network’s security and validation. The recent Shapella upgrade allowed the unstaking of Ethereum, which unexpectedly pumped prices. 

透過權益證明,持有者可以將其代幣鎖定為驗證者,從而為網路的安全性和驗證做出貢獻。最近的 Shapella 升級允許以太坊解除質押,這意外地推高了價格。

As Ethereum gets staked, the circulating supply decreases, providing a deflationary effect. This increases the scarcity of circulating coins, possibly supporting prices.


Final thoughts


DigiToads and Ethereum stand out from other cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, for their burning strategy, which constantly decreases circulating supply. 

DigiToads 和以太坊因其銷毀策略而從包括比特幣在內的其他加密貨幣中脫穎而出,該策略不斷減少流通供應。

DigiToads offers a gamified NFT ecosystem and TOADS is deflationary, a reason why it is attracting investors and supporters across the broader crypto sphere.

DigiToads 提供了一個遊戲化的 NFT 生態系統,而 TOADS 具有通縮性,這也是它在更廣泛的加密領域吸引投資者和支持者的原因。

Visit DigiToads presale

造訪 DigiToads 預售

Mint DigiToads NFTs here

在這裡薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上購買 DigiToads NFT

Join the community 


閱讀更多:Dogecoin 和 Floki 幻燈片,DigiToads 掀起 meme 硬幣狂潮

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