首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師預測 Cardano ($ADA) 將在蓬勃發展的 DeFi 生態系統中經歷爆炸性成長

Analyst Predicts Cardano ($ADA) to Experience Explosive Growth Amidst Booming DeFi Ecosystem

分析師預測 Cardano ($ADA) 將在蓬勃發展的 DeFi 生態系統中經歷爆炸性成長

發布: 2023/07/29 18:30 閱讀: 366



Prominent cryptocurrency analyst Dan Gambardello has recently made a bold prediction, anticipating a remarkable surge in the price of the smart contract platform Cardano ($ADA) as it enters the next bull market. Gambardello cites the rapid growth of Cardano’s decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem as the driving force behind this anticipated explosion.

著名加密貨幣分析師 Dan Gambardello 最近做出了大膽預測,預計智能合約平台 Cardano($ADA)進入下一輪牛市時價格將大幅飆升。 Gambardello 指出,卡爾達諾去中心化金融(DeFi)生態系統的快速成長是這項預期爆炸背後的驅動力。

Sharing his insights with his substantial following of over 240,000 on the microblogging platform X, Gambardello compared Cardano to Ethereum ($ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. He noted that before Ethereum’s market cap skyrocketed to over $100 billion during the previous bull market, its DeFi ecosystem had around $400 million in total value locked. In contrast, Cardano currently boasts nearly $180 million in total value locked, signaling its potential for explosive growth in the upcoming bull run. As of the time of writing, Cardano’s market capitalization stands at approximately $10.9 billion.

Gambardello 在微博平台 X 上與超過 24 萬粉絲分享了他的見解,將卡爾達諾與市值第二大加密貨幣以太坊 ($ETH) 進行了比較。他指出,在上一次牛市期間以太坊市值飆升至超過 1,000 億美元之前,其 DeFi 生態系統已鎖定了約 4 億美元的總價值。相比之下,卡爾達諾目前擁有近 1.8 億美元的鎖定總價值,這表明其在即將到來的牛市中具有爆炸性增長的潛力。截至本文撰寫時,卡爾達諾的市值約為 109 億美元。

Despite recent fluctuations that caused Cardano to lose its position as the seventh-largest cryptocurrency to Dogecoin ($DOGE), its DeFi sector continues to expand. A prominent Cardano influencer, known as ADA Whale, pointed out that the network now hosts over 20 decentralized applications, with more in development. This substantial progress has not yet been fully reflected in the project’s valuation, hinting at the untapped potential.

儘管最近的波動導致卡爾達諾失去了第七大加密貨幣的地位,讓給了狗狗幣($DOGE),但其 DeFi 領域仍在繼續擴張。卡爾達諾的一位著名影響者 ADA Whale 指出,該網絡現在託管著 20 多個去中心化應用程序,還有更多應用程式正在開發中。這項實質進展尚未完全反映在該項目的估值中,暗示著尚未開發的潛力。

It is worth noting that Cardano faced scrutiny earlier this year when it was mentioned as security in lawsuits filed by the US SEC against major cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Coinbase, leading to a few delistings. However, despite these challenges, Cardano received praise in CCData’s ESG Benchmark report, which evaluates cryptocurrencies based on their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores.

值得注意的是,今年早些時候,卡爾達諾面臨審查,當時美國證券交易委員會在針對主要加密貨幣交易所幣安和Coinbase 提起的訴訟中提到卡爾達諾作為證券,導致一些交易所下架。然而,儘管面臨這些挑戰,卡爾達諾在 CCData 的 ESG 基準報告中獲得了好評,該報告根據加密貨幣的環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 分數來評估加密貨幣。

The report highlighted that ESG mandates are gaining traction among institutional investors, with global ESG-related assets under management projected to reach $33.9 trillion by 2026. Ethereum received the highest AA grade in the ESG Benchmark, followed by Solana, Cardano, Binance Coin ($BNB), Aptos ($APT), Polkadot ($DOT), $DAI, $XRP, and Tezos’ $XTZ, all achieving an A rating.

報告強調,ESG 指令正在受到機構投資者的關注,預計到2026 年,全球ESG 相關資產管理規模將達到33.9 兆美元。以太坊在ESG 基準中獲得最高AA 級,其次是Solana、Cardano、Binance Coin($ BNB)、Aptos ($APT)、Polkadot ($DOT)、$DAI、$XRP 和 Tezos 的 $XTZ,均獲得 A 評級。

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, Cardano’s growth in the DeFi space and its recognition in ESG evaluations reinforce its potential to gain prominence in the market. With increasing interest from both retail and institutional investors, the path ahead seems promising for Cardano as it seeks to leverage its expanding ecosystem to soar to new heights in the next bull market.

隨著加密貨幣格局的不斷發展,Cardano 在 DeFi 領域的成長及其在 ESG 評估中的認可增強了其在市場上佔據主導地位的潛力。隨著散戶和機構投資者的興趣日益濃厚,卡爾達諾的未來之路似乎充滿希望,因為它尋求利用其不斷擴大的生態系統在下一個牛市中飆升至新的高度。



分析師預測 Cardano ($ADA) 將在蓬勃發展的 DeFi 生態系統中經歷爆炸性增長的貼文首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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