첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 다가오는 Meme 코인: Memeinator 및 Baby Doge 코인 가격 예측

Upcoming Meme Coins: Memeinator & Baby Doge Coin Price Predictions

다가오는 Meme 코인: Memeinator 및 Baby Doge 코인 가격 예측

풀어 주다: 2023/12/07 20:09 읽다: 300

원저자:Coinpedia Fintech News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6571a47e9700d13ba5ed19e8

다가오는 Meme 코인: Memeinator 및 Baby Doge 코인 가격 예측

The post Upcoming Meme Coins: Memeinator & Baby Doge Coin Price Predictions appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

다가오는 Meme 코인: Memeinator & Baby Doge 코인 가격 예측 게시물이 Coinpedia Fintech News에 처음 등장했습니다.

With the hype around Bitcoin’s halving in April 2024 and the potential for a huge bull market growing, savvy investors are scrambling to find up-and-coming meme coins while prices remain low. 

But not all are cut from the same cloth in the wild world of meme coins. Some, like Memeinator, bring a unique, utility-driven approach. In contrast, others ride the coattails of their better-known counterparts, like Baby Doge Coin, and offer little beyond speculation. 

With Memeinator raising an impressive $1.6m just 9 weeks after its launch, the burning question is: will it outperform Baby DogeCoin in 2024? Dive in to find out.

Memeinator가 출시 9주 만에 인상적인 160만 달러를 모금하면서 가장 궁금한 점은 2024년에 Baby DogeCoin을 능가할 것인가 하는 것입니다. 자세히 알아보세요.

What is Memeinator, and how does it work?

As low-value, generic meme coins flood the market, Memeinator has returned from the year 2077, where worthless meme coins have overrun the crypto market. Aiming to create a powerful resistance movement in the present day, Memeinator is rallying investors fed up with the Dogecoin rip-offs and pump-and-dump meme coins. The goal? Achieve a $1 billion market cap and send these meme coins to their proverbial graves.

가치가 낮은 일반 밈 코인이 시장에 범람함에 따라, 가치 없는 밈 코인이 암호화폐 시장을 압도했던 2077년부터 Memeinator가 돌아왔습니다. 현재 강력한 저항 운동을 창출하기 위해 Memeinator는 Dogecoin 표절 및 펌프 앤 덤프 밈 코인에 지친 투자자들을 모으고 있습니다. 목표? 10억 달러의 시가총액을 달성하고 이 밈 코인을 그들의 무덤으로 보내세요.

It’s building a legion of loyal followers with a carefully designed strategy. Rather than clumsily fighting for attention, Memeinator is laser-focused, deploying multiple utility-based features designed to generate and sustain long-term value. 

A crucial part of this strategy is the Meme Warfare game. Players become the Memeinator, hunting down and exterminating rival meme coins. What makes it even more interesting is the AI-based Memescanner, which keeps the game relevant by scouring the Web to find the latest weak, useless meme coins to feed into gameplay as characters for players to destroy. 

But Memeinator isn’t just about gaming. It also offers impressive staking rewards, has an upcoming NFT project, and dedicates 15% of its 1 billion token supply to marketing and exchange listings—all engineered to boost visibility and make Memeinator the hottest meme coin around. 

하지만 Memeinator는 단지 게임만을 위한 것이 아닙니다. 또한 인상적인 스테이킹 보상을 제공하고 다가오는 NFT 프로젝트가 있으며 10억 개의 토큰 공급량 중 15%를 마케팅 및 거래소 목록에 할당합니다. 이 모든 것은 가시성을 높이고 Memeinator를 가장 인기 있는 밈 코인으로 만들기 위해 설계되었습니다.

The presale is only in week 9, but Memeinator certainly knows how to draw a crowd. A clever referral scheme and merchandise store have already been well-received by its thousands of backers, and the community is buzzing with 7.5% of the token supply marked for a competition pool, with the headline prize being a trip into space with Virgin Galactic

Memeinator price prediction in 2024

Regarding upcoming meme coins, Memeinator’s MMTR token is a standout. It’s currently valued at $0.014 in stage 7. With 250% of its journey left before reaching its final 29th stage price of $0.049, MMTR’s trajectory, with regular 6% increases at each stage, is worth keeping your eye on. Its unique vision of reshaping the crypto market for the better has already caught significant attention from CoinJournal, and its momentum is showing no signs of waning.

Intending to hit a $1 billion market cap, Memeinator seems poised for significant success in 2024. This ambition doesn’t seem far-fetched, especially considering how PEPE surpassed this mark earlier in the year despite its bear market timing and lack of utility. As things stand now, MMTR could easily reach a $1 per token price in 2024—representing a massive 250% increase from today’s price.

What is Baby Doge Coin, and how does it work?

Launched in 2021, Baby Doge Coin jumped on the Dogecoin bandwagon, aiming to offer faster transactions and a model that becomes scarcer over time. However, it doesn’t bring much else to the table. It boasts a staggering 420 quadrillion token supply, and each transaction carries a 10% tax — half goes to token holders, rewarding them for holding, and the other half is funnelled into a liquidity pool.

This setup encourages long-term holding and gradually limits supply, supposedly. But in reality, it leads to low trading volumes, often limiting demand. For instance, DogeElonMars, its closest competitor, frequently saw trading volumes of $10 million+ over the past six months. In contrast, Baby Doge Coin struggled to surpass $3 million.

Offering nothing different from the vast swathes of similar meme coins, Baby Doge Coin is a textbook example of the kind of token Memeinator aims to eliminate from the market. Given these dynamics, Baby Doge Coin’s price prospects appear subdued. 

Baby Doge Coin price prediction in 2024

Currently, Baby Doge Coin is valued around an almost microscopic $0.000000001182—yes, that’s nine zeroes. While a bull market might nudge BABYDOGE, its fate is tethered mainly to Dogecoin’s performance.

It’s unlikely that Baby DogeCoin will leap beyond $0.000000004 in 2024. While this potential increase isn’t insignificant, it pales compared to the prospects of other upcoming meme coins like Memeinator.

Up and coming meme coins: Memeinator or Baby Doge Coin?

Memeinator is billed as one of the most promising upcoming meme coins, with a bold vision to shake up the market thanks to its utility-focused, community-centric approach. This stands in stark contrast to Baby Doge Coin.

Memeinator는 유틸리티 중심, 커뮤니티 중심 접근 방식 덕분에 시장을 뒤흔들려는 대담한 비전을 가지고 가장 유망한 다가오는 밈 코인 중 하나로 평가됩니다. 이는 Baby Doge 코인과 극명한 대조를 이룹니다.

Meanwhile, time is running out to grab MMTR tokens at these ground-floor prices, and anticipation is growing, especially as Memeinator prepares for listings on centralized exchanges post-presale, where demand is expected to surge.

The window of opportunity is rapidly closing. Seize the chance and join the movement reshaping the meme coin space before it’s too late.

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

Memeinator(MMTR)를 구매하려면 공식 Memeinator 웹사이트를 방문하세요.

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