첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 라이벌 Galaxy Fox 보유자들은 낙관적입니다.

Holders of Dogecoin’s rival, Galaxy Fox, are bullish

Dogecoin 라이벌 Galaxy Fox 보유자들은 낙관적입니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/07 20:09 읽다: 766


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6571a5a990c64f03ced88048

Dogecoin 라이벌 Galaxy Fox 보유자들은 낙관적입니다.

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.

공개: 이 기사는 투자 조언을 나타내지 않습니다. 이 페이지에 소개된 콘텐츠와 자료는 교육 목적으로만 사용됩니다.

While Dogecoin is in the spotlight ahead of its moon mission, investors are monitoring Galaxy Fox, a project integrating gaming, decentralized finance (defi), staking, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

Exploring Galaxy Fox

갤럭시폭스 탐험하기

Galaxy Fox introduces a unique concept: earning crypto rewards while playing games. 

Galaxy Fox는 게임을 하면서 암호화폐 보상을 얻는 독특한 개념을 도입했습니다.

Its web3 runner game encourages friendly competition, and the top 20% of players each season receive a portion of the prize pool. 

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The platform also supports staking. The program uses 2% of all transaction fees to reward GFOX stakers. 

플랫폼은 스테이킹도 지원합니다. 이 프로그램은 GFOX 스테이커에게 보상하기 위해 모든 거래 수수료의 2%를 사용합니다.

Staking supports the ecosystem and generates attractive returns for long-term investors. 

This strategy aligns the interests of players and token holders, fostering a strong community and even propel the project to the forefront of the meme coin market.

The GFOX advantage

It is worth noting that the staking pool fee is set at 2% initially.

초기에 스테이킹 풀 수수료가 2%로 설정되어 있다는 점은 주목할 가치가 있습니다.

Additionally, with every GFOX trade, a further 4% is deducted to support the liquidity pool and treasury, ensuring a steady flow of capital for future growth. This strategic approach aims to secure the project’s future and discourage sudden sell-offs.

Galaxy Fox has reached $450K in presale, and over 70% of allocated tokens have been sold in stage 2. The project is approaching the $500K mark with ten stages in total. Early backers can benefit from higher prices and bonuses in each stage.

The Dogecoin debate

도지코인 논쟁

The DOGE-1 moon mission, supported by SpaceX and financed with Dogecoin, has brought renewed attention to the Shiba Inu-themed coin. The recent approval of the project’s X-Band frequency by NTIA has positively impacted DOGE.

You might also like: How Dogecoin defied odds: marking 10 years in the crypto world

당신도 좋아할 수도 있습니다: Dogecoin이 확률을 무시한 방법: 암호화폐 세계에서 10년을 기념하기

However, it’s crucial to approach Dogecoin with caution. While events like these may lead to short-term price spikes, the long-term growth of DOGE remains uncertain. The coin’s inflationary nature and the absence of significant in-house developments contribute to its volatility.

Is GFOX an alternative?

Crypto investors can consider exploring Galaxy Fox as a potential alternative. 

The platform offers a combination of gaming, staking, and sustainable tokenomics, more than what Dogecoin presents. 

이 플랫폼은 Dogecoin이 제공하는 것보다 더 많은 게임, 스테이킹 및 지속 가능한 토큰경제학의 조합을 제공합니다.

The presale is ongoing and currently in stage 2.

현재 프리세일 진행중이며 2단계 진행중입니다.

Learn more about GFOX here:

여기에서 GFOX에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join the Community

Read more: Institutions can consider these tokens; can they outpace GFOX

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

공개: 이 콘텐츠는 제3자에 의해 제공됩니다. crypto.news는 이 페이지에 언급된 어떤 제품도 보증하지 않습니다. 사용자는 회사와 관련된 조치를 취하기 전에 스스로 조사해야 합니다.

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