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Holders of Dogecoin’s rival, Galaxy Fox, are bullish

狗狗币竞争对手 Galaxy Fox 的持有者持乐观态度

发布: 2023/12/07 20:09 阅读: 766



狗狗币竞争对手 Galaxy Fox 的持有者持乐观态度

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


While Dogecoin is in the spotlight ahead of its moon mission, investors are monitoring Galaxy Fox, a project integrating gaming, decentralized finance (defi), staking, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

虽然狗狗币在登月任务之前备受关注,但投资者正在关注 Galaxy Fox,这是一个集成游戏、去中心化金融 (defi)、质押和不可替代代币 (NFT) 的项目。

Exploring Galaxy Fox


Galaxy Fox introduces a unique concept: earning crypto rewards while playing games. 

Galaxy Fox 引入了一个独特的概念:在玩游戏时赚取加密货币奖励。

Its web3 runner game encourages friendly competition, and the top 20% of players each season receive a portion of the prize pool. 

它的 web3 跑酷游戏鼓励友好竞争,每个赛季排名前 20% 的玩家都会获得一部分奖池。

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您可能还喜欢:Galaxy Fox 与 Solana 上 3 个流行的 Meme 硬币

The platform also supports staking. The program uses 2% of all transaction fees to reward GFOX stakers. 

该平台还支持质押。该计划使用所有交易费用的 2% 来奖励 GFOX 质押者。

Staking supports the ecosystem and generates attractive returns for long-term investors. 


This strategy aligns the interests of players and token holders, fostering a strong community and even propel the project to the forefront of the meme coin market.


The GFOX advantage


It is worth noting that the staking pool fee is set at 2% initially.


Additionally, with every GFOX trade, a further 4% is deducted to support the liquidity pool and treasury, ensuring a steady flow of capital for future growth. This strategic approach aims to secure the project’s future and discourage sudden sell-offs.

此外,每进行一次 GFOX 交易,都会额外扣除 4%,用于支持流动性池和金库,确保未来增长所需的资金稳定流动。这种战略方法旨在确保项目的未来并阻止突然抛售。

Galaxy Fox has reached $450K in presale, and over 70% of allocated tokens have been sold in stage 2. The project is approaching the $500K mark with ten stages in total. Early backers can benefit from higher prices and bonuses in each stage.

Galaxy Fox 预售已达到 45 万美元,第二阶段已售出超过 70% 的分配代币。该项目共分十个阶段,接近 50 万美元大关。早期支持者可以从每个阶段更高的价格和奖金中受益。

The Dogecoin debate


The DOGE-1 moon mission, supported by SpaceX and financed with Dogecoin, has brought renewed attention to the Shiba Inu-themed coin. The recent approval of the project’s X-Band frequency by NTIA has positively impacted DOGE.

DOGE-1 月球任务由 SpaceX 支持并由狗狗币资助,重新引起了人们对柴犬主题硬币的关注。 NTIA 最近批准了该项目的 X 频段频率,这对 DOGE 产生了积极影响。

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您可能还喜欢:狗狗币如何克服困难:纪念加密世界 10 周年

However, it’s crucial to approach Dogecoin with caution. While events like these may lead to short-term price spikes, the long-term growth of DOGE remains uncertain. The coin’s inflationary nature and the absence of significant in-house developments contribute to its volatility.

然而,谨慎对待狗狗币至关重要。虽然此类事件可能会导致短期价格飙升,但 DOGE 的长期增长仍存在不确定性。该代币的通货膨胀性质和缺乏重大的内部开发导致了其波动性。

Is GFOX an alternative?

GFOX 是替代方案吗?

Crypto investors can consider exploring Galaxy Fox as a potential alternative. 

加密货币投资者可以考虑探索 Galaxy Fox 作为潜在的替代方案。

The platform offers a combination of gaming, staking, and sustainable tokenomics, more than what Dogecoin presents. 


The presale is ongoing and currently in stage 2.


Learn more about GFOX here:

在此处了解有关 GFOX 的更多信息:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join the Community

访问 Galaxy Fox 预售 |加入社区

Read more: Institutions can consider these tokens; can they outpace GFOX

了解更多:机构可以考虑这些代币;他们能超越 GFOX吗

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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