首頁 > 資訊新聞 > ADA 空頭部位飆升;專家加倍押注狗狗幣、憤怒的佩佩叉

ADA short positions spike; experts double down on Dogecoin, Angry Pepe Fork

ADA 空頭部位飆升;專家加倍押注狗狗幣、憤怒的佩佩叉

發布: 2024/06/29 02:04 閱讀: 997



ADA 空頭部位飆升;專家加倍押注狗狗幣、憤怒的佩佩叉

Rising Cardano Shorts Signal Bullish Outlook


Santiment's analysis suggests that the increase in short positions against Cardano (ADA) could be indicative of a bullish trend. The firm sees this as a sign of potential liquidation of short positions, which could drive an increase in ADA's price.

Santiment 的分析表明,卡爾達諾(ADA)空頭部位的增加可能表明看漲趨勢。該公司認為這是空頭部位潛在清算的跡象,這可能會推動 ADA 價格上漲。

Experts Support Dogecoin and Angry Pepe Fork


BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes remains optimistic about Dogecoin (DOGE), predicting further price gains in the coming weeks. Other experts, such as TATrader_Alan and TheCryptoBull77, have also expressed bullish views on DOGE, citing technical indicators that point to potential upswings.

BitMEX 聯合創始人 Arthur Hayes 對狗狗幣 (DOGE) 仍持樂觀態度,預計未來幾週價格將進一步上漲。 TATrader_Alan 和 TheCryptoBull77 等其他專家也表達了對 DOGE 的看漲觀點,理由是技術指標表明其可能會上漲。

Angry Pepe Fork Emerges with Unique "Conquer To Earn" Feature


Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) has garnered significant interest as a novel memecoin that introduces real utility through its "Conquer To Earn" system. This feature rewards users for promoting the coin and contributing to its success in the meme coin market.

Angry Pepe Fork(APORK)作為一種新穎的模因幣,透過其「征服以賺取」系統引入了真正的實用性,引起了極大的興趣。此功能獎勵用戶推廣該硬幣並為其在模因硬幣市場的成功做出貢獻。

Industry Experts Predict 100x Returns on APORK

產業專家預測 APORK 的回報率為 100 倍

APORK's innovative approach and strong fundamentals have attracted the attention of industry experts, who have labeled it as one of the top altcoins with the potential for 100x returns.

APORK 的創新方法和強大的基本面吸引了行業專家的關注,他們將其標記為具有 100 倍回報潛力的頂級山寨幣之一。



Despite the bearish market conditions, Cardano and Dogecoin continue to show bullish signals. Angry Pepe Fork, with its unique utility and promising presale performance, presents investors with a compelling investment opportunity.

儘管市場狀況看跌,卡爾達諾和狗狗幣仍然顯示出看漲訊號。 Angry Pepe Fork以其獨特的實用性和可觀的預售表現,為投資者提供了令人信服的投資機會。

For More Information:


Visit Angry Pepe Fork's Presale Website:

造訪 Angry Pepe Fork 的預售網站:


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