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Book of Meme sees gains as Pepe Unchained ICO raises $1 million

Pepe Unchained ICO 募得 100 萬美元,Book of Meme 獲利

發布: 2024/06/29 02:02 閱讀: 563



Pepe Unchained ICO 募得 100 萬美元,Book of Meme 獲利

Book of Meme and Pepe Unchained Surge Amid Bullish Crypto Market

在看漲的加密貨幣市場中,Meme 和 Pepe Unchained 之書飆升

In today's bullish crypto market, Book of Meme has surged over 14%, while the Pepe Unchained presale has generated excitement, surpassing $1 million in funds raised.

在當今看漲的加密貨幣市場中,Book of Meme 已飆升超過 14%,而 Pepe Unchained 預售也令人興奮,籌集的資金超過 100 萬美元。

Book of Meme's Impressive Rise


Book of Meme's surge aligns with the broader crypto market's gains of 1.8%, attributed to the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. With Trump's stance on Bitcoin, the debate has fueled optimism for cryptocurrencies.

Book of Meme 的飆升與更廣泛的加密貨幣市場 1.8% 的漲幅一致,這歸因於唐納德·特朗普和喬·拜登之間的總統辯論。隨著川普對比特幣的立場,這場辯論激發了人們對加密貨幣的樂觀情緒。

Elon Musk's acknowledgment of memes as the debate's "clear winner" has further bolstered the memecoin sector, leading to a 3.8% surge in total market cap.

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 承認模因是這場辯論的“明顯贏家”,這進一步提振了模因幣行業,導致總市值飆升 3.8%。

Driven by low trading volumes and analysts' bullish predictions, BOME has climbed 6% today, reaching a 12% premium over last week. Its current price of $0.01007 reflects a $713 million market cap and a significant 233% increase in trading volume.

在低交易量和分析師看漲預測的推動下,BOME 今天上漲了 6%,比上週溢價 12%。其當前價格為 0.01007 美元,反映了 7.13 億美元的市值和交易量大幅增長 233%。

Pepe Unchained's Promising Presale

Pepe Unchained 預售前景廣闊

The Pepe Unchained presale has garnered attention as a promising memecoin project. It offers a unique solution to the scalability challenges in cryptocurrency by leveraging Ethereum's layer 2 technology.

Pepe Unchained 預售作為一個有前景的模因幣項目而受到關注。它透過利用以太坊的第 2 層技術,為加密貨幣的可擴展性挑戰提供了獨特的解決方案。

Users can make transactions on Pepe Unchained at significantly higher speeds and lower fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet. The presale has already raised over $1.1 million, with investors able to purchase $PEPU for $0.0080964.

與以太坊主網相比,用戶可以在 Pepe Unchained 上以明顯更高的速度和更低的費用進行交易。預售已籌集超過 110 萬美元,投資者可以以 0.0080964 美元的價格購買 PEPU。

Analysts have expressed optimism about Pepe Unchained's potential, highlighting the integration of memecoin elements with practical blockchain features, which they believe could drive mass adoption.

分析師對 Pepe Unchained 的潛力表示樂觀,強調 memecoin 元素與實用區塊鏈功能的整合,他們認為這可以推動大規模採用。


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