Cardano's ADA, XRP, and Solana's SOL experienced price declines on Friday following a White House official's clarification regarding President Trump's announcement. Trump had previously stated he would sign an executive order establishing a strategic cryptocurrency reserve including ADA, XRP, SOL, Bitcoin, and Ether.
在白宮官員對特朗普總統宣布的宣布之後,Cardano的ADA,XRP和Solana的SOL週五經歷了價格下降。 特朗普此前曾表示,他將簽署一項行政命令,建立一個戰略性的加密貨幣儲備,包括ADA,XRP,SOL,BITCOIN和ETHER。
However, a senior White House official later stated, "I think the president just gave five examples of cryptocurrencies in his post. Those five have to be the largest by market cap." The official downplayed the significance of the specific coins mentioned, emphasizing consistency with the President's previous statements on the cryptocurrency space.
但是,白宮高級官員後來說:“我認為總統在他的職位中剛剛舉了五個加密貨幣的例子。這五個必須是市值最大的。” 該官員淡化了提到的特定硬幣的重要性,強調與總統先前關於加密貨幣空間的陳述保持一致。
CoinGecko data reveals this statement isn't entirely accurate. Excluding Tether (USDT), the top five cryptocurrencies by market capitalization are Bitcoin, Ether, XRP, Binance's BNB, and SOL. Dogecoin ranks sixth, with ADA following closely behind.
Coingecko數據揭示了此語句並非完全準確。除了繫帶(USDT)外,市值的前五名加密貨幣是比特幣,以太,XRP,Binance的BNB和SOL。 Dogecoin排名第六,ADA緊隨其後。
Trump's March 2nd social media post claimed a "U.S. crypto reserve will elevate this critical industry after years of corrupt attacks from the Biden Administration." The inclusion of SOL, ADA, and XRP in the proposed reserve drew criticism from some industry members, who voiced concerns about potential corruption and self-dealing.
特朗普3月2日的社交媒體帖子聲稱:“在拜登政府遭受了多年的腐敗襲擊之後,美國加密儲備將提升這個關鍵行業。” Sol,Ada和XRP納入擬議的預備役中,引起了一些行業成員的批評,他們對潛在的腐敗和自我交流表示擔憂。
Following Trump's comments, ADA dropped over 5% to $0.82, XRP fell 3.5% to $2.41, and SOL declined by 2%. All three tokens experienced further losses within the subsequent 24 hours, mirroring a broader cryptocurrency market downturn.
在特朗普的評論之後,ADA下跌了5%至0.82美元,XRP下降了3.5%,至2.41美元,Sol下降了2%。 這三個令牌在隨後的24小時內遭受了進一步的損失,反映了更廣泛的加密貨幣市場的低迷。
Senior executives from the cryptocurrency industry attended the White House's inaugural crypto summit in Washington, D.C.