首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 INJ 和 DOGE 股價下跌,Algotech 頂住市場勢頭,在第一階段預售中籌集了超過 25 萬美元

Algotech Defies Market Momentum to Raise Over $250K on Stage 1 Presale as INJ and DOGE Dip

隨著 INJ 和 DOGE 股價下跌,Algotech 頂住市場勢頭,在第一階段預售中籌集了超過 25 萬美元

發布: 2024/02/09 19:30 閱讀: 975

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Algotech Defies Market Momentum to Raise Over $250K on Stage 1 Presale as INJ and DOGE Dip appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

Algotech 逆勢而行,在第一階段預售中籌集了超過 25 萬美元,INJ 和 DOGE Dip 首先出現在 Coinpedia 上

In a landscape marked by market fluctuations, Algotech (ALGT) stands out as a beacon of resilience and success, defying the volatility plugging Injective (INJ) and Dogecoin (DOGE). Let’s dive into the full details of this trend! 

在市場波動的背景下,Algotech (ALGT) 脫穎而出,成為韌性和成功的燈塔,克服了 Injective (INJ) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的波動性。讓我們深入了解這一趨勢的全部細節!



  • Algotech (ALGT) raises $250K in presale with a potential 275% surge. 
  • Algotech (ALGT) 預售籌集了 25 萬美元,漲幅可能達到 275%。

  • Injective (INJ) eyes $38.52 post-staking. 
  • Injective (INJ) 在質押後預計 38.52 美元。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) faces stability with a predicted $0.067 dip.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 面臨穩定,預計下跌 0.067 美元。

DeFi Diamond: Algotech (ALGT) Shines With 275% Presale Growth Potential

DeFi 鑽石:Algotech (ALGT) 閃耀,預售成長潛力達 275%

Investors seeking profitable opportunities in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space have reason to rejoice as Algotech (ALGT) emerges as a top DeFi project with promising growth potential. Algotech (ALGT) stands out by introducing an advanced decentralized algorithmic trading platform poised to revolutionize crypto trading. 

隨著 Algotech (ALGT) 成為具有廣闊成長潛力的頂級 DeFi 項目,在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域尋求獲利機會的投資者有理由感到高興。 Algotech (ALGT) 憑藉推出先進的去中心化演算法交易平台而脫穎而出,該平台有望徹底改變加密貨幣交易。

Backed by a team of seasoned professionals specializing in algorithmic trading, Algotech (ALGT) is committed to developing cutting-edge technology aligned with intelligent trading strategies. By harnessing machine learning and artificial intelligence, Algotech (ALGT) aims to minimize the impact of human emotions and intuition in trading, ensuring users benefit from immutability, transparency, and security. 

Algotech (ALGT) 在演算法交易方面經驗豐富的專業團隊的支持下,致力於開發與智慧交易策略一致的尖端技術。透過利用機器學習和人工智慧,Algotech (ALGT) 旨在最大限度地減少人類情感和直覺對交易的影響,確保用戶受益於不變性、透明度和安全性。

As Algotech’s (ALGT) public presale progresses, the DeFi coin has raised over $250,000 so far, solidifying its position among the top DeFi projects. Looking ahead, ALGT investors anticipate a significant 275% price gain as the DeFi coin price is expected to surge from its current $0.04 to $0.15 upon launch. Algotech (ALGT) has also caught the attention of crypto analysts as one of the altcoins to watch closely alongside Injective (INJ) and Dogecoin (DOGE). 

隨著 Algotech (ALGT) 公開預售的進展,這款 DeFi 代幣迄今已籌集超過 25 萬美元,鞏固了其在頂級 DeFi 項目中的地位。展望未來,ALGT 投資者預計價格將大幅上漲 275%,因為 DeFi 代幣推出後價格預計將從目前的 0.04 美元飆升至 0.15 美元。 Algotech (ALGT) 也引起了加密貨幣分析師的關注,作為與 Injective (INJ) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 一起密切關注的山寨幣之一。

Moon App Takes Off: $APP Staking Fuels Injective’s (INJ) Price Recovery 

Moon 應用程式起飛:$APP 質押推動 Injective (INJ) 價格回升

On January 17, Moon App, a Layer0 + Launchpad of Injective (INJ), announced the date for its $APP staking. Schedule for February 9: APP staking is for participation in Injective (INJ) ecosystem Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs). 

1 月 17 日,Injective (INJ) 的 Layer0 + Launchpad Moon App 宣布了 $APP 質押日期。 2 月 9 日時間表:APP 質押用於參與 Injective (INJ) 生態系統初始 DEX 產品 (IDO)。

Moon App’s $APP staking for INJ ecosystem IDOs marks a significant step forward for Injective. By incentivizing user participation, ensuring fair allocation, and attracting high-quality projects, this initiative promises to boost Injective’s (INJ) growth, liquidity, and overall network effects. 

Moon App 對 INJ 生態系統 IDO 的 $APP 質押標誌著 Injective 向前邁出了重要一步。透過激勵用戶參與、確保公平分配和吸引優質項目,此舉措可望促進 Injective (INJ) 的成長、流動性和整體網路效應。

Moon App’s announcement drew a lot of attention to Injective (INJ) as it marks an incoming price rally for the altcoin. Between January 17 and February 6, Injective (INJ) saw a 20% price decline, from $39.18 to $31.13. However, with $APP staking scheduled for February 9, experts expect Injective’s (INJ) price will reach $38.52 by February 29.

Moon App 的公告引起了 Injective (INJ) 的廣泛關注,因為它標誌著山寨幣的價格即將上漲。 1 月 17 日至 2 月 6 日期間,Injective (INJ) 的價格下跌了 20%,從 39.18 美元跌至 31.13 美元。然而,由於計劃於 2 月 9 日進行 $APP 質押,專家預計 Injective (INJ) 的價格將在 2 月 29 日達到 38.52 美元。

DOGE Price Prediction: Despite Transaction Frenzy, Dogecoin’s Price Dips

DOGE 價格預測:儘管交易狂潮,狗狗幣的價格仍下跌

On February 2, Dogecoin (DOGE) surpassed 1.9 million transactions. However, a closer look reveals a potential double-edged sword. Dogecoin’s (DOGE) transaction surge is attributed to “images inscribed on the blockchain,” which are essentially non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While some consider these digital collectibles similar to NFTs, others view them as unnecessary “bloatware” clogging the network.

2 月 2 日,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 交易量突破 190 萬筆。然而,仔細觀察就會發現一把潛在的雙面刃。狗狗幣(DOGE)的交易激增歸因於“區塊鏈上刻有的圖像”,這些圖像本質上是不可替代的代幣(NFT)。雖然有些人認為這些數位收藏品類似於 NFT,但其他人則認為它們是阻塞網路的不必要的「臃腫軟體」。

The maximum file size transferable on the Dogecoin (DOGE) chain has rapidly increased to 110 gigabytes. @Tdogewhisperer, a prominent Dogecoin community member, warns that this trend “could eventually limit users from running their own nodes,” making the network less decentralized and potentially slower. This has prompted a halt for those looking to buy Dogecoin.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 鏈上可傳輸的最大檔案大小已迅速增加至 110 GB。著名的狗狗幣社群成員 @Tdogewhisperer 警告說,這種趨勢“最終可能會限制用戶運行自己的節點”,從而使網路的去中心化程度降低,並且速度可能會變慢。這促使那些想要購買狗狗幣的人停止購買。

Regarding DOGE price prediction, despite its growing transactions, the meme coin’s price has remained stable. Between February 1 and February 6, Dogecoin (DOGE) traded consistently around the $0.078 price level. However, due to emerging concerns from @Tdogewhisperer’s warning, DOGE price prediction indicates a potential drop to $0.067 by March 1.

關於DOGE的價格預測,儘管交易量不斷成長,meme幣的價格仍保持穩定。 2 月 1 日至 2 月 6 日期間,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的交易價格一直在 0.078 美元左右。然而,由於 @Tdogewisperer 的警告引起的擔憂,DOGE 價格預測表明到 3 月 1 日可能會跌至 0.067 美元。

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