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Altcoin Gems Hidden in the Market's Depths


發布: 2024/04/03 18:45 閱讀: 912



The crypto market has recently witnessed an unprecedented influx of fresh capital, with a staggering $110 billion entering the digital assets market in just the past 30 days. This massive injection of funds signals a growing confidence among investors and a potential turning point for the market. Analysts have observed significant whale activity during this period, particularly in meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE), which saw whales purchasing 1.40 billion DOGE, valued at approximately $280 million. Such movements underscore the vibrant and dynamic nature of the market, where substantial bets on certain cryptocurrencies can influence market trends and investor sentiment. Dogecoin's price appreciation by 6.74% in the last 24 hours is a testament to the impact of these large-scale purchases.

最近,加密貨幣市場迎來了前所未有的新資本湧入,光是過去 30 天就有 1,100 億美元的資金進入數位資產市場。此次巨額資金注入標誌著投資者信心的增強以及市場的潛在轉折點。分析師觀察到這段時期鯨魚的大量活動,尤其是狗狗幣 (DOGE) 等迷因幣,鯨魚購買了 14 億個 DOGE,價值約 2.8 億美元。這種趨勢凸顯了市場充滿活力和動態的本質,對某些加密貨幣的大量押注可能會影響市場趨勢和投資者情緒。狗狗幣的價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 6.74%,證明了這些大規模購買的影響。

Of course, there is always going to be an ongoing search for hidden gems within the crypto space, so the best place to look is not where the news is. We really dug deep to pick the top coins that could do very well right now, so it's up to you to DYOR and figure out which one packs the most punch.

當然,人們總是會在加密貨幣領域不斷尋找隱藏的寶石,因此最好的尋找地點不是新聞所在的地方。我們確實深入挖掘,挑選了目前表現最好的頂級代幣,所以由 DYOR 決定哪一款最有影響力。

ScapesMania: The Big Debut


After a jaw-dropping presale success, ScapesMania has finally hit the exchange scene. With a whopping $6.125 million in funding and 18,400 holders, it's time for $MANIA to move forward.

在取得令人瞠目結舌的預售成功之後,ScapesMania 終於登陸了交易所。擁有高達 612.5 萬美元的資金和 18,400 名持有者,$MANIA 是時候向前邁進了。

Now, it's featured on PancakeSwap, the leading DEX on the Binance Smart Chain, attracting over 1 million monthly users. Trading commenced with MANIA/WBNB and MANIA/USDT pairs, with USDT as the primary liquidity source, driven by community preference.

現在,它已在 Binance 智慧鏈上領先的 DEX PancakeSwap 上亮相,每月吸引超過 100 萬用戶。在社區偏好的推動下,MANIA/WBNB 和 MANIA/USDT 貨幣對開始交易,其中 USDT 是主要流動性來源。

Success Since Day 1


ScapesMania’s debut trading day was remarkable, indicating the token's strength and promising future. $MANIA stands out from short-lived ICO projects by showing dedication to long-term growth alongside its community of holders.

ScapesMania 的首個交易日表現出色,表明了該代幣的實力和光明的未來。 $MANIA 透過與其持有者社群一起展現對長期成長的奉獻精神,從短暫的 ICO 專案中脫穎而出。

The holder count stabilized at an impressive 18.48K within the first 24 hours post-listing with more and more recognizing the value and potential of the project.


With over 2,535 buys and 1,651 sells recorded almost right away, the trading activity soared to an astounding $2.25M. Remember the cliché? “Our project is making waves”? Well, ScapesMania is not making waves, it’s creating a real tidal wave of trading activity!

幾乎立即就有超過 2,535 筆買入和 1,651 筆賣出記錄,交易活動飆升至驚人的 225 萬美元。還記得那句陳腔濫調嗎? “我們的專案正在掀起波瀾”?好吧,ScapesMania 並不是在掀起波瀾,而是在創造真正的交易活動浪潮!

Beyond that, the coin quickly ascended to the top of DEXTools' Hot Pairs list within the first few hours.

除此之外,該代幣在最初的幾個小時內迅速登上了 DEXTools 熱門配對清單的榜首。

In just under three weeks post-listing, the token skyrocketed to its peak price of $0.01477, marking a whopping 147.77% increase.

上市後不到三週,該代幣價格飆升至 0.01477 美元的峰值,漲幅高達 147.77%。

Unlocking ScapesMania’s Appeal

釋放 ScapesMania 的吸引力

ScapesMania stands out in the crypto world by avoiding reliance on pyramid schemes and staying connected with its audience, making it a true game-changer in the industry. Here, players can enjoy gameplay without crypto complexities, while holders can influence development and shape the ecosystem’s future. ScapesMania bridges Web2 and Web3, and it's a win-win situation for everyone involved!

ScapesMania 透過避免對傳銷的依賴並與受眾保持聯繫而在加密貨幣世界中脫穎而出,使其成為該行業真正的遊戲規則改變者。在這裡,玩家可以在沒有加密複雜性的情況下享受遊戲,而持有者可以影響發展並塑造生態系統的未來。 ScapesMania 連結了 Web2 和 Web3,這對每個參與者來說都是雙贏的局面!

Operating within the massive casual gaming industry set to skyrocket to $19.12 billion by 2027 as per Statista, ScapesMania is poised to capitalize on this growth. The current bull run, fueled by Bitcoin's surge, suggests that the new altcoin season is right around the corner, with gaming tokens leading the way. 

根據 Statista 的數據,ScapesMania 所在的龐大休閒遊戲產業預計到 2027 年將飆升至 191.2 億美元,ScapesMania 準備充分利用這一成長。在比特幣飆升的推動下,當前的牛市表明新的山寨幣季節即將到來,而遊戲代幣將引領潮流。

The timing of ScapesMania’s listing is perfect, and there's no better moment to jump onboard and grab your $MANIA tokens.

ScapesMania 上市的時機非常完美,現在是加入並獲得 $MANIA 代幣的最佳時機。

What’s in for Holders?


As ScapesMania gathers momentum, here's what's in store for $MANIA adopters:

隨著 ScapesMania 的勢頭越來越大,以下是 $MANIA 採用者的未來:

  • Balanced Tokenomics with Cliff and Vesting: These mechanisms help ensure stability by maintaining supply-demand equilibrium.


  • DAO Governance: Holders can influence ecosystem development by voting on crucial decisions.

    DAO 治理:​​持有者可以透過對關鍵決策進行投票來影響生態系統的發展。

  • Staking Program: Members can stake tokens for additional rewards.


  • Token Utility Expansion: Unlike meme coins reliant on hype, $MANIA stands out with exceptional utility set to expand with new projects added to the ecosystem. The token will act as the in-game currency in the pilot gaming project, empower holders with voting rights in the developing DAO, and enable them to score staking and community rewards.

    代幣實用性擴展:與依賴炒作的 meme 幣不同,$MANIA 以其卓越的實用性脫穎而出,可以透過添加到生態系統的新項目來擴展。該代幣將作為試點遊戲項目中的遊戲內貨幣,賦予持有者在開發中的 DAO 中的投票權,並使他們能夠獲得質押和社群獎勵。

  • Verified Safety: ScapesMania's smart contract has been audited and given the green light by BlockSafu, ensuring its reliability and security.


The sooner you become a $MANIA holder, the better your conditions might be.

您越早成為 $MANIA 持有者,您的條件可能就越好。

Future Vision and Prospects


With fund generation goals successfully met, ScapesMania sets its sights on a promising future. Here's a glimpse of what lies ahead:

隨著資金籌集目標的成功實現,ScapesMania 著眼於充滿希望的未來。以下是未來的一瞥:

  • The team is now focused on product development, collaborating with seasoned game developers and cultivating an in-house talent pool. The project moves ahead with each milestone completed. Not joining in now could lead to regret as you witness the project’s growth firsthand.


  • Led by their visionary CEO, the team is constantly testing and refining ideas to ensure they resonate perfectly with the target audience.


  • With a solid post-listing marketing strategy, ScapesMania is expanding its outreach efforts and fine-tuning its tactics, reaching new heights with each move. A $6,000,000+ presale, over 18,400 holders, a community exceeding 60,000 members and counting, and an average monthly traffic of over 75,000 speak volumes about the team's marketing prowess.

    憑藉著紮實的上市後行銷策略,ScapesMania不斷加強外展力度,微調策略,步步邁向新高度。超過 6,000,000 美元的預售、超過 18,400 名持有者、超過 60,000 名會員且還在不斷增加的社區以及超過 75,000 人的平均月流量充分說明了該團隊的營銷實力。

Source: The Official ScapesMania Telegram Community

來源:ScapesMania 官方 Telegram 社區

Community Excitement


The crypto community is abuzz with talk about ScapesMania across popular platforms. People are eager to join because they resonate with its vision and want to play an active role. Even whales are paying attention, with deposits already exceeding $20,000.

加密社群在流行平台上熱議 ScapesMania。人們渴望加入,因為他們與其願景產生共鳴,並希望發揮積極作用。就連鯨魚也開始關注,存款已經超過 2 萬美元。

It's clear that none of this success would be achievable without such a devoted community. The ScapesMania team extends sincere gratitude to its supporters for this initial boost. And keep in mind, this is only the start — there's much more in store!

顯然,如果沒有這樣一個忠誠的社區,所有這些成功都是不可能實現的。 ScapesMania 團隊對支持者的最初推動表示衷心感謝。請記住,這只是一個開始——還有更多精彩等著您!

As ScapesMania is receiving endorsements from recognized thought leaders, every positive review serves as a painful reminder to those on the sidelines: they are missing out.

由於 ScapesMania 得到了公認的思想領袖的認可,每一次正面的評論都對那些旁觀者來說是一個痛苦的提醒:他們錯過了。

Check out to see what ScapesMania supporters have to say.

來看看 ScapesMania 支持者怎麼說。

Dive into ScapesMania

深入探索 ScapesMania

With its impressive PancakeSwap debut and innovative gaming concept, ScapesMania is in the spotlight. Don't miss your chance to be part of the excitement. 

憑藉其令人印象深刻的 PancakeSwap 首次亮相和創新的遊戲概念,ScapesMania 成為人們關注的焦點。不要錯過參與其中的機會。

After listing, the coin has maintained a steady price and received solid initial support. A wave of new holders indicates a strong belief in its long-term potential. 


The price direction will likely hinge on the community's strength, development progress, and effective marketing strategies. This project excels in each of these areas, offering exciting prospects for the future.


Don't wait anymore – get your $MANIA tokens on PancakeSwap today. Join ScapesMania now and ride the wave of casual gaming growth!

不要再等了——今天就在 PancakeSwap 上獲取您的 $MANIA 代幣。立刻加入 ScapesMania,順應休閒遊戲成長的浪潮!

>>> Join the Action – Grab $MANIA Today! <<<

>>> 加入行動 – 立即購買 $MANIA!

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Meme Coin with a Mission


Dogecoin (DOGE), often celebrated as the original meme coin, has carved its niche in the crypto world with its unique blend of humor and utility. Originating as a lighthearted alternative to Bitcoin, Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen widespread adoption and a passionate community backing. Its association with notable figures and events has significantly impacted its market presence, contributing to its volatile yet compelling trading journey.

狗狗幣(DOGE)經常被譽為原創迷因幣,以其獨特的幽默和實用性在加密世界中佔據了一席之地。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 最初是比特幣的輕鬆替代品,現已得到廣泛採用和社群的熱情支持。它與著名人物和事件的聯繫對其市場影響力產生了重大影響,促成了其動盪但引人注目的交易之旅。

The price trajectory of Dogecoin (DOGE) has been nothing short of a roller coaster. It has experienced monumental highs and notable dips, reflecting the broader crypto market's volatility. Despite the unpredictable market, Dogecoin (DOGE) has managed to maintain a resilient stance, with its price reflecting a blend of speculative interest and genuine utility.


Looking ahead, Dogecoin (DOGE) future seems to be at a crossroads of potential mainstream adoption and speculative trading. The coin's inherent appeal, combined with growing integrations and endorsements, could propel it to new heights. However, its meme coin status introduces an element of unpredictability, where market sentiment can significantly sway its value. Navigating regulatory landscapes and achieving broader utility beyond speculative trading remain challenges for Dogecoin (DOGE) long-term trajectory.


Shiba Inu (SHIB): More Than Just a Meme

柴犬 (SHIB):不只是一個迷因

Shiba Inu (SHIB) emerged as a direct competitor to Dogecoin, quickly establishing itself as a significant player in the meme coin arena. With a vast supply and a dedicated community, the "Shib Army," Shiba Inu (SHIB) has capitalized on the meme coin craze while gradually introducing elements that aim at providing real-world utility.

柴犬(SHIB)成為狗狗幣的直接競爭對手,並迅速成為迷因幣領域的重要參與者。憑藉龐大的供應和專注的社區,「Shib Army」Shiba Inu (SHIB) 利用迷因硬幣熱潮,同時逐漸引入旨在提供現實世界實用性的元素。

The price of Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been subject to the whims of the market, heavily influenced by community-driven initiatives and broader crypto market trends. Its low entry price has made it an attractive option for investors looking to diversify their meme coin holdings, leading to speculative surges in value.


Shiba Inu (SHIB) future is intricately tied to its ability to transcend its meme coin origins. Plans to enhance its ecosystem through developments such as decentralized finance (DeFi) integrations and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) could provide Shiba Inu (SHIB) with a more substantial value proposition. However, overcoming the speculative nature of its market and achieving lasting relevance remains a daunting challenge.


Toncoin (TON): The New Contender

Toncoin (TON):新的競爭者

Toncoin (TON) distinguishes itself with a promise of high transaction speeds and scalability. Born from the remnants of the Telegram Open Network project, Toncoin (TON) aims to establish a new standard in blockchain efficiency. Its connection with Telegram provides a unique leverage point in terms of user base and potential integrations.

Toncoin (TON) 以其高交易速度和可擴展性的承諾而脫穎而出。 Toncoin (TON) 誕生於 Telegram 開放網路專案的殘餘部分,旨在建立區塊鏈效率的新標準。它與 Telegram 的聯繫在用戶基礎和潛在整合方面提供了獨特的槓桿點。

Toncoin (TON) market entry has been met with optimism, buoyed by its technological promises and potential for widespread adoption through Telegram. Its price reflects the speculative interest in its capabilities and the broader anticipation of its role in decentralizing communication platforms.

由於其技術承諾和透過 Telegram 廣泛採用的潛力,Toncoin (TON) 的市場進入受到了樂觀的歡迎。其價格反映了對其功能的投機興趣以及對其在去中心化通訊平台中的作用的更廣泛預期。

Toncoin (TON) trajectory is closely tied to its technological execution and adoption. Success in delivering a blockchain that seamlessly integrates with Telegram and offers tangible benefits over existing networks could see Toncoin (TON) become a major force in crypto. However, regulatory scrutiny and the challenge of distinguishing itself in a crowded market pose significant hurdles to its widespread acceptance.

Toncoin (TON) 的發展軌跡與其技術執行和採用密切相關。如果成功提供與 Telegram 無縫整合的區塊鏈,並在現有網路上提供實際的好處,Toncoin (TON) 可能會成為加密貨幣領域的一股主要力量。然而,監管審查和在擁擠的市場中脫穎而出的挑戰對其廣泛接受構成了重大障礙。



In the dynamically evolving crypto market, a remarkable influx of $110 billion in fresh capital over the past 30 days has signaled a burgeoning investor confidence and a possible pivot towards a bullish phase, particularly notable in the activities surrounding meme coins. Amidst this financial fervor, altcoins such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Toncoin (TON), and ScapesMania have risen as the market's hidden gems, each offering unique propositions and amassing dedicated communities, thereby suggesting a shift towards a more diversified crypto ecosystem ripe for significant growth.

在動態發展的加密貨幣市場中,過去 30 天內大量湧入 1,100 億美元的新資本,顯示投資者信心不斷增強,並可能轉向看漲階段,尤其是圍繞 meme 幣的活動。在這種金融熱潮中,狗狗幣(DOGE)、柴犬(SHIB)、Toncoin (TON) 和ScapesMania 等山寨幣已成為市場的隱藏寶石,每一種都提供獨特的主張並聚集了專門的社區,從而顯示轉向更多元化的加密生態系統已經成熟,有望顯著成長。

Site: https://scapesmania.io/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScapesMania


Telegram: https://t.me/scapesmania


Announcement Group: https://t.me/scapesmaniaAnn


Source: https://thebittimes.com/altcoin-gems-hidden-in-the-market-s-depths-tbt84307.html



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